After ScienceNow, by Jared Diamond
"The Lesser Sunda-Banda arc is an immature island arc system and has marginal seas of oceanic crust such as the Flores Sea and Banda Basin behind it. A subducted plate consists of the Australian continent, so that the buoyant lithosphere is subducted beneath less buoyant lithosphere, resulting in the colliding subduction tectonics. Hamilton (1979) and Bowin et al. (1980) suggested that the leading edge of the Australian continental crust started to enter the Timor trough at 3 Ma. Silver et al. (1983) have described a significance of back arc thrust of the Lesser Sunda arc and a series of the NNE trending left-lateral faults from Flores to Wetar Islands. McCaffrey (1988) has shown that the rate of north-south shortening of the entire upper plate between the Seram and Timor troughs calculated from the seismic moments over the 22-year period is roughly 20 % of the predicted convergence rate between Australia and Southeast Asia. GPS observation by Wilson et al. (1998) has brought us important results as follows: (1) There exists a relatively rigid Sunda block in consistent with the Greater Sunda arc including the Bali Island. (2) On the contrary, the motions of Timor, eastern Flores, the adjacent islands to the east and Irian Jaya are currently accreting to the Australian Plate. This requires that there is a relatively sharp gap in the motions between the Sunda block and Lesser Sunda-Banda accretional block at somewhere from Sumbawa to western Flores. Based on this work, we can also calculate relative convergence rates among tectonic blocks. For example, the northwestern Australia is moving north with 75 mm/y with respect to Bali, while Flores (Ende) is moving north with 50 mm/y. As a result, a relative convergence rate along the Timor trough is calculated to be 25 mm/y. Likewise, a shortening rate between Flores and Seram is calculated to be 10 mm/y. Whatever this is due to the back-arc thrusting (Silver et al. 1983) or entire upper plate contraction (McCaffrey, 1988), it is clear that Flores Island is subject to north-south contraction tectonics.
There are numerous hot springs in the study area, but major geothermal manifestations are the four areas, Mataloko, Nage, Wolo Bobo and Mengeruda (Figure 1). The Mataloko manifestation is situated at the southern foot of a small cone volcano called Wolo Belu. The area of the steaming ground is about 150 m in diameter, but the acid alteration zone is to an extent to 300 m by 1000 m elongated along rivers named Wae Belli and Wae Luja. One of candidates for heat source volcanoes is Wolo Belu volcano, but a northwest-southeast trending Mataloko crater chain including Wolo Lele, Wolo Nawa, Wolo Sage, Wolo Bina and Wolo Bela may be more promising in terms of the volume of a magma chamber. The Nage manifestation lies at the bottom of a small basin with 2 km in diameter. The steaming ground is to an extent of 200 m by 700 m elongated along a river named Wae Bana. The alteration zone is to an extent of 2 km in diameter, up to high walls of the basin to the Nio and Bea villages, 650 m and 900 m above the sea level, respectively. There is various possibility on the heat source volcano such as Wolo Bobo volcano and Bajawa caldera. The Wolo Bobo manifestation is situated at a western rim of one of cinder cones of Wolo Bobo composite volcano. The steaming ground seems a volcanic fumarole with 100 m in diameter. The alteration zone is 300 m in diameter and forms a landslide open to the west flank. The steaming ground is situated at 1400 m in altitude and may not be adequate for geothermal development. The heat source is, however, quite clear here, and must be Wolo Bobo volcano. The Mengeruda manifestation is a hot spring with a remarkably high discharge rate of hot water but has no steaming ground. The alteration zone is to an extent of 800 m in diameter. The silicified alteration zones are also sporadically found to the east along WNW-ESE trending faults. The heat source may be Inerika composite volcano. A fault that may control the Mengeruda hot spring discharge is actually found on the field".
M 6.2 Flores Sea Earthquake (South Pacific): January 15, 2006
Magnitude 6.2 FLORES SEA
Sunday, January 15, 2006 at 11:58:27 UTC
Preliminary Earthquake Report
U.S. Geological Survey, National Earthquake Information Center
World Data Center for Seismology, Denver
Sunday, January 15, 2006 at 11:58:27 (UTC) - Coordinated Universal Time
Sunday, January 15, 2006 at 07:58:27 PM local time at epicenter
7.79S 122.66E
250.2 kilometers
160 km (100 miles) NE of Ende, Flores, Indonesia
255 km (155 miles) S of Baubau, Sulawesi, Indonesia
1035 km (640 miles) WNW of DARWIN, Northern Territory, Australia
1770 km (1100 miles) E of JAKARTA, Java, Indonesia
Location Quality
Error estimate: horizontal +/- 11.3 km; depth fixed by location program
Nst=280, Nph=280, Dmin=1509.0 km, Rmss=1.72 sec, Erho=11.3 km, Erzz=0 km, Gp=40.4 degrees
Felt (IV) at Waingapu, Sumba.
Using RIYAL 2.30
Astrological Setting (Tropical - Placidus)
RIYAL Sun January 15 2006 UT 11h58m27s Lat7s47 Lon122e28 SORT ALL
TC302 = 0Ta27 5n23 16n39 Psc 47.5 408 35.1 [39..71]
Elatus = 0Le47 r 3n08 23n02 Cnc 11.7 40 5.3 [7..16]
PN34 = 0Pi51 8n58 2s46 Aqr 14.4 172 16.6 [13..49]
Apogee = 0Vi54 2n58 13n56 Leo
CR46 = 0Vi57 r 1n00 12n04 Leo 17.5 236 2.4 [18..59]
HE46 = 1Ca11 r 15s20 8n06 Ori 14.6 114 158.5 [2..45]
KX14 = 1Sa46 0s17 20s48 Sco 39.6 243 0.4 [37..41]
DA62 = 1Cp54 40s32 63s57 Pav 5.7 21 52.2 [4..11]
GO9 = 1Sa55 10n33 10s12 Sco 14.4 86 12.8 [14..25]
Asbolus = 2Ar13 0n32 1n22 Psc 9.3 76 17.6 [7..29]
DH5 = 2Li19 r 9n01 7n20 Vir 15.8 104 22.5 [14..30]
RG33 = 2Ca34 r 35n36 59n00 Cam 13.9 29 34.9 [2..17]
GV9 = 2Sc47 14s19 25s50 Hya 39.0 275 22.0 [39..46]
Okyrhoe = 2Ca50 r 17s45 5n40 Ori 6.5 24 15.6 [6..11]
Nessus = 2Aq59 14s55 33s58 Mic 20.0 122 15.6 [12..37]
BU48 = 3Vi05 r 4n52 14n55 Leo 29.8 193 14.2 [21..46]
Chiron = 3Aq07 6n28 13s10 Cap 13.9 51 6.9 [8..19]
QB243 = 3Pi07 0n31 9s53 Aqr 21.7 206 6.8 [15..55]
Pholus = 3Sa09 20n50 0s19 Ser 20.1 92 24.7 [9..32]
WU24 = 3Sc30 41n12 26n03 Boo 16.8 59 42.5 [1..29]
Talos = 3Aq47 5n48 13s40 Cap 1.0 1 23.2 [0..2]
BL41 = 3Li56 r 12s38 13s08 Crt 10.7 31 12.5 [7..13]
Deucalion= 4Sc00 0n07 12s45 Vir 43.5 296 0.4 [42..47]
Huya = 4Sc15 10n37 2s55 Vir 29.1 251 15.5 [29..51]
Icarus = 4Aq22 10s07 28s58 Mic 1.8 1 22.9 [0..2]
YH32 = 5Ta08 r 17n39 29n46 Tri 3.7 23 79.1 [4..13]
Chaos = 5Ge12 r 3n27 24n34 Tau 42.0 308 12.1 [41..50]
WL7 = 5Ta22 6n26 19n22 Ari 15.6 87 11.3 [15..24]
DG8 = 5Cp31 5n59 17s21 Sgr 11.7 35 129.3 [2..19]
PA44 = 5Ar49 0n58 3n12 Psc 6.0 53 3.3 [3..25]
RZ215 = 6Pi07 2s04 11s11 Aqr 31.7 1021 25.5 [31..172]
XZ255 = 6Le09 r 2n03 20n43 Cnc 16.2 64 2.6 [15..16]
XS35 = 6Li29 r 14n36 10n50 Vir 16.0 75 19.4 [1..35]
TO66 = 6Ar39 6n22 8n29 Psc 46.5 284 27.5 [38..48]
Node = 7Ar04 r 0n00 2n48 Psc
Moon = 7Le16 4n20 22n39 Cnc 1.0 0 5.0
RN109 = 7Vi25 r 27s48 17s01 Hya 9.8 16332 58.0 [3..1285]
MD10 = 7Le56 r 37s20 17s52 Pup 19.3 136 59.2 [2..51]
Uranus = 8Pi19 0s45 9s08 Aqr 20.1 84 0.8
FY128 = 8Li52 r 5s11 8s16 Vir 38.2 352 11.8 [37..63]
Saturn = 8Le52 r 0n40 18n41 Cnc 9.1 30 2.5
XX143 = 8Le55 r 2n56 20n51 Cnc 25.8 76 6.8 [10..26]
Pylenor = 8Ge56 r 5s09 16n42 Tau 19.7 68 5.4 [12..22]
GB10 = 9Sc02 12s58 26s45 Hya 15.5 127 13.3 [15..35]
SQ73 = 9Ta18 r 8n03 22n12 Ari 16.6 73 17.5 [14..20]
HL3 = 9Cp25 17n48 5s21 Sct 3.3 39 35.6 [2..21]
QD112 = 10Ar10 3n23 7n08 Psc 14.0 83 14.5 [8..30]
VR130 = 10Ta26 2s25 12n39 Ari 15.0 112 3.5 [15..32]
FZ173 = 11Li14 r 1s36 5s55 Vir 32.7 812 12.7 [32..142]
FP185 = 11Li20 r 6n07 1n09 Vir 34.3 3423 30.8 [34..420]
GQ21 = 11Sc35 5n54 9s42 Lib 40.3 926 13.3 [38..152]
Ixion = 11Sa41 0n07 22s04 Oph 42.3 249 19.6 [30..49]
WN188 = 12Cp51 9n39 13s13 Sct 6.1 55 26.9 [2..27]
TX300 = 13Ar26 20n20 23n56 And 41.1 283 25.9 [38..48]
EL61 = 13Li29 r 26n53 19n24 Com 51.2 285 28.2 [35..52]
PJ30 = 13Aq32 1n58 14s52 Cap 43.1 1384 5.7 [29..220]
CO1 = 13Li35 19n04 12n13 Vir 11.0 96 19.7 [11..31]
Radamantu= 13Li41 r 0s30 5s52 Vir 39.3 246 12.7 [33..45]
OM67 = 13Pi54 7n23 0n30 Aqr 41.3 969 23.4 [39..157]
CF119 = 14Le36 r 3s51 12n46 Cnc 38.8 849 19.7 [39..141]
Pelion = 14Pi46 5s51 11s23 Aqr 18.6 89 9.4 [17..23]
SB60 = 15Pi00 21n45 14n09 Peg 43.7 271 23.9 [37..46]
VU2 = 15Sc04 6s40 22s43 Lib 9.1 18 13.8 [3..11]
Damocles = 15Aq21 3n42 12s42 Aqr 21.1 41 61.9 [2..22]
Jupiter = 15Sc27 1n08 15s23 Lib 5.4 12 1.3
Mars = 15Ta28 1n42 18n06 Ari 1.5 2 1.8
Quaoar = 15Sa42 7n10 15s32 Oph 43.3 287 8.0 [42..45]
Varuna = 15Ca51 r 2n44 25n12 Gem 43.3 282 17.2 [41..45]
Cyllarus = 16Ge07 r 5n46 28n27 Tau 21.7 133 12.7 [16..36]
XA255 = 16Le17 r 6n29 22n08 Leo 11.8 166 12.7 [9..51]
Neptune = 16Aq28 0s10 16s03 Cap 30.1 165 1.8
GB32 = 16Li29 4n26 2s23 Vir 36.2 3229 14.2 [35..402]
VQ94 = 17Vi12 r 74n51 65n19 Dra 6.8 2897 70.5 [7..400]
AW197 = 17Le25 r 8s43 7n18 Cnc 46.9 326 24.4 [41..54]
QB1 = 17Ar32 0n44 7n33 Psc 41.0 289 2.2 [41..47]
CC22 = 17Sa51 4n29 18s26 Oph 6.0 20 6.4 [4..11]
Mercury = 18Cp01 1s35 23s48 Sgr 0.5 0 7.0
Heracles = 18Pi07 6n15 1n04 Psc 3.2 2 9.1 [0..3]
RZ214 = 18Ar17 5n30 12n15 Psc 42.1 771 20.5 [37..131]
CE10 = 18Sa22 30s39 53s24 Ara 7.6 31 145.5 [2..18]
Sedna = 18Ta38 r 11s56 5n53 Cet 88.9 10886 11.9 [76..906]
OX3 = 18Aq58 2n12 13s03 Aqr 24.4 182 2.6 [18..47]
TL66 = 19Ta47 r 5s57 11n57 Ari 35.2 754 24.0 [35..131]
Hephaisto= 19Ta56 r 7n54 25n19 Ari 3.8 3 11.8 [0..4]
UB313 = 20Ar00 14s26 5s34 Cet 96.9 557 44.2 [38..98]
AZ84 = 20Ca14 r 8s40 13n20 Gem 45.7 249 13.6 [32..47]
GZ32 = 20Li14 15n06 6n06 Vir 20.1 112 15.0 [18..28]
LE31 = 20Ca30 r 0s43 21n10 Gem 10.6 23 151.8 [4..12]
TY364 = 20Ar32 22s06 12s28 Cet 39.8 241 24.9 [36..41]
EC98 = 20Li43 1n43 6s30 Vir 13.0 35 4.3 [6..16]
Hidalgo = 20Li43 15n43 6n30 Vir 3.7 14 42.6 [2..10]
GM137 = 20Cp45 4s59 26s46 Sgr 7.6 22 15.8 [7..9]
Thereus = 20Ar55 0s22 7n49 Psc 10.4 35 20.4 [9..13]
RD215 = 21Ar04 3n50 11n46 Psc 40.3 1334 26.0 [38..205]
Bienor = 21Pi05 5n42 1n42 Psc 18.5 67 20.8 [13..20]
Dioretsa = 21Ta27 r 18s04 0n38 Tau 15.2 117 160.4 [2..45]
AB229 = 21Cp29 42s33 63s16 Pav 16.1 390 68.7 [2..104]
Vertex = 21Pi33
96PW = 21Ca42 r 18s00 3n54 CMi 22.6 4027 29.8 [3..504]
CR105 = 21Le46 r 5n27 19n24 Leo 55.5 3311 22.7 [44..400]
FZ53 = 22Sc18 17n17 1s36 Ser 20.1 117 34.8 [12..35]
RP120 = 22Sa28 45n04 21n47 Her 10.2 411 119.1 [2..108]
CO104 = 22Vi28 r 0n10 3n09 Leo 21.2 119 3.1 [21..28]
Ascend = 22Le34 0n00 13n59 Leo
FY9 = 22Vi35 r 29n16 29n34 Com 51.9 309 29.0 [39..53]
Venus = 22Cp45 r 5n48 15s48 Sgr 0.7 1 3.4
OP32 = 22Aq57 17n41 2n54 Equ 41.1 284 27.2 [39..48]
Chariklo = 23Li01 23s02 30s08 Hya 13.2 63 23.4 [13..19]
TD10 = 23Ta20 r 4s50 13n56 Tau 15.9 926 6.0 [12..178]
QJ1 = 23Ca26 r 8n19 29n35 Gem 14.9 38 23.5 [2..20]
UR163 = 23Ar49 0n45 9n56 Psc 49.8 368 0.8 [37..66]
KF77 = 23Sc51 2s34 21s13 Lib 21.2 134 4.4 [20..32]
QF6 = 24Vi40 r 11n22 12n32 Vir 8.9 19 24.2 [2..12]
OO67 = 24Pi40 11s28 12s38 Cet 20.8 11962 20.1 [21..1025
CZ118 = 24Vi44 r 4s24 1s57 Leo 43.1 1276 27.7 [38..198]
Sun = 25Cp12 0n00 21s06 Sgr 1.0 1 0.0
Pluto = 25Sa24 7n28 15s54 Ser 31.1 250 17.1 [30..50]
UX25 = 26Ar33 1s07 9n12 Psc 42.2 277 19.5 [36..49]
Hylonome = 26Sc37 3n21 16s08 Lib 20.3 126 4.1 [19..32]
NN8 = 27Vi22 r 0s40 0n26 Vir 5.1 957 165.3 [2..192]
Orcus = 27Le33 r 18s00 4s37 Hya 47.7 247 20.6 [31..48]
VS2 = 27Ta46 r 13n31 32n48 Per 36.4 246 14.8 [36..42]
MS4 = 28Sa08 13n45 9s41 Oph 47.4 271 17.7 [36..48]
CY118 = 28Vi55 r 6n48 6n40 Vir 34.6 882 25.5 [35..149]
Phaethon = 29Ar04 13n29 23n42 Psc 2.3 1 22.2 [0..2]
Midheav = 29Ta06 0n00 19n57 Tau
FX128 = 29Li11 13n13 1n12 Vir 27.5 1048 22.3 [18..188]
Cuvier 23 Ar 21 Milankovitch 9 Aq 35 Richter 9 Ca 01
Darwin 14 Ge 51 Mohorovicic 6 Pi 07 Tazieff 2 Sc 33
Flammario 25 Li 25 Nephele 27 Sc 40 Vulcano 7 Li 33
Flammeus 29 Sa 05 Pele 23 Sc 27 Wegener 14 Ta 25
Humboldt 3 Sa 24 Plinius 6 Le 45 Werner 26 Ta 16
Focused Minor Planets
AW197 = 17 Le 25 r
Neptune = 16 Aq 28
OX3 = 18 Aq 58
Jupiter = 15 Sc 27 Square
Mars = 15 Ta 28
Wegener = 14 Ta 25
Mercury = 18 Cp 01 Quincunx
RZ214 = 18 Ar 17 Trine
QB1 = 17 Ar 32
TL66 = 19 Ta 47 r
Hephaistos = 19 Ta 56 r
Sedna = 18 Ta 38 r
Mercury = 18 Cp 01 Trine
AZ84 = 20 Ca 14 r Sextile
OX3 = 18 Aq 58 Square
TY364 = 20 Ar 32 Semisextile
OO67 = 24 Pi 40
FY9 = 22Vi35 r
Sun = 25 Cp 12 Sextile
Venus = 22 Cp 45 r
TD10 = 23 Ta 20 r
Werner = 26 Ta 16
Pluto = 25 Sa 24 Square
Hylonome = 26 Sc 37 Trine
Flammario = 25 Li 25 Quincunx
Orcus = 27 Le 33 r
Pluto = 25 Sa 24 Trine
UX25 = 26 Ar 33
Hylonome = 26 Sc 37 Square
Nephele = 27 Sc 40
Werner = 26 Ta 16
FY128 = 8 Li 52 r
Vulcano = 7 Li 33
Node = 7 Ar 04 r
Uranus = 8 Pi 19 Quincunx
Moon = 7 Le 16 Sextile
Saturn = 8 Le 52 r
Richter = 9 Ca 01 Square
Pylenor = 8 Ge 56 r Trine
Astrological Setting (Sidereal - Fagan/Bradley)
RIYAL Sun January 15 2006 UT 11h58m27s Lat7s47 Lon122e28 SORT ALL
Sun = 0Cp22 0n00 21s06 Sgr 1.0 1 0.0
Pluto = 0Sa34 7n28 15s54 Ser 31.1 250 17.1 [30..50]
UX25 = 1Ar44 1s07 9n12 Psc 42.2 277 19.5 [36..49]
Hylonome = 1Sc48 3n21 16s08 Lib 20.3 126 4.1 [19..32]
NN8 = 2Vi32 r 0s40 0n26 Vir 5.1 957 165.3 [2..192]
Orcus = 2Le44 r 18s00 4s37 Hya 47.7 247 20.6 [31..48]
VS2 = 2Ta57 r 13n31 32n48 Per 36.4 246 14.8 [36..42]
MS4 = 3Sa18 13n45 9s41 Oph 47.4 271 17.7 [36..48]
CY118 = 4Vi05 r 6n48 6n40 Vir 34.6 882 25.5 [35..149]
Phaethon = 4Ar15 13n29 23n42 Psc 2.3 1 22.2 [0..2]
Midheav = 4Ta16 0n00 19n57 Tau
FX128 = 4Li21 13n13 1n12 Vir 27.5 1048 22.3 [18..188]
TC302 = 5Ar37 5n23 16n39 Psc 47.5 408 35.1 [39..71]
Elatus = 5Ca57 r 3n08 23n02 Cnc 11.7 40 5.3 [7..16]
PN34 = 6Aq02 8n58 2s46 Aqr 14.4 172 16.6 [13..49]
Apogee = 6Le05 2n58 13n56 Leo
CR46 = 6Le08 r 1n00 12n04 Leo 17.5 236 2.4 [18..59]
HE46 = 6Ge21 r 15s20 8n06 Ori 14.6 114 158.5 [2..45]
KX14 = 6Sc57 0s17 20s48 Sco 39.6 243 0.4 [37..41]
DA62 = 7Sa05 40s32 63s57 Pav 5.7 21 52.2 [4..11]
GO9 = 7Sc05 10n33 10s11 Sco 14.4 86 12.8 [14..25]
Asbolus = 7Pi23 0n32 1n22 Psc 9.3 76 17.6 [7..29]
DH5 = 7Vi30 r 9n01 7n20 Vir 15.8 104 22.5 [14..30]
RG33 = 7Ge44 r 35n36 59n00 Cam 13.9 29 34.9 [2..17]
GV9 = 7Li58 14s19 25s50 Hya 39.0 275 22.0 [39..46]
Okyrhoe = 8Ge00 r 17s45 5n40 Ori 6.5 24 15.6 [6..11]
Nessus = 8Cp10 14s55 33s58 Mic 20.0 122 15.6 [12..37]
BU48 = 8Le15 r 4n52 14n54 Leo 29.8 193 14.2 [21..46]
Chiron = 8Cp17 6n28 13s10 Cap 13.9 51 6.9 [8..19]
QB243 = 8Aq18 0n31 9s53 Aqr 21.7 206 6.8 [15..55]
Pholus = 8Sc19 20n50 0s19 Ser 20.1 92 24.7 [9..32]
WU24 = 8Li40 41n12 26n04 Boo 16.8 59 42.5 [1..29]
Talos = 8Cp57 5n48 13s40 Cap 1.0 1 23.2 [0..2]
BL41 = 9Vi06 r 12s38 13s08 Crt 10.7 31 12.5 [7..13]
Deucalion= 9Li11 0n07 12s45 Vir 43.5 296 0.4 [42..47]
Huya = 9Li25 10n37 2s55 Vir 29.1 251 15.5 [29..51]
Icarus = 9Cp33 10s07 28s58 Mic 1.8 1 22.9 [0..2]
YH32 = 10Ar19 r 17n39 29n45 Tri 3.7 23 79.1 [4..13]
Chaos = 10Ta22 r 3n27 24n33 Tau 42.0 308 12.1 [41..50]
WL7 = 10Ar32 6n26 19n22 Ari 15.6 87 11.3 [15..24]
DG8 = 10Sa42 5n59 17s21 Sgr 11.7 35 129.3 [2..19]
PA44 = 11Pi00 0n58 3n12 Psc 6.0 53 3.3 [3..25]
RZ215 = 11Aq18 2s04 11s11 Aqr 31.7 1021 25.5 [31..172]
XZ255 = 11Ca20 r 2n03 20n43 Cnc 16.2 64 2.6 [15..16]
XS35 = 11Vi40 r 14n36 10n50 Vir 16.0 75 19.4 [1..35]
TO66 = 11Pi50 6n22 8n29 Psc 46.5 284 27.5 [38..48]
Node = 12Pi14 r 0n00 2n48 Psc
Moon = 12Ca26 4n20 22n39 Cnc 1.0 0 5.0
RN109 = 12Le36 r 27s48 17s02 Hya 9.8 16332 58.0 [3..1285]
MD10 = 13Ca07 r 37s20 17s53 Pup 19.3 136 59.2 [2..51]
Uranus = 13Aq30 0s45 9s08 Aqr 20.1 84 0.8
FY128 = 14Vi02 r 5s11 8s16 Vir 38.2 352 11.8 [37..63]
Saturn = 14Ca03 r 0n40 18n41 Cnc 9.1 30 2.5
XX143 = 14Ca06 r 2n56 20n51 Cnc 25.8 76 6.8 [10..26]
Pylenor = 14Ta07 r 5s09 16n42 Tau 19.7 68 5.4 [12..22]
GB10 = 14Li13 12s58 26s44 Hya 15.5 127 13.3 [15..35]
SQ73 = 14Ar28 r 8n03 22n12 Ari 16.6 73 17.5 [14..20]
HL3 = 14Sa36 17n48 5s21 Sct 3.3 39 35.6 [2..21]
QD112 = 15Pi21 3n23 7n08 Psc 14.0 83 14.5 [8..30]
VR130 = 15Ar37 2s25 12n39 Ari 15.0 112 3.5 [15..32]
FZ173 = 16Vi25 r 1s36 5s55 Vir 32.7 812 12.7 [32..142]
FP185 = 16Vi31 r 6n07 1n09 Vir 34.3 3423 30.8 [34..420]
GQ21 = 16Li45 5n54 9s42 Lib 40.3 926 13.3 [38..152]
Ixion = 16Sc52 0n07 22s04 Oph 42.3 249 19.6 [30..49]
WN188 = 18Sa02 9n39 13s12 Sct 6.1 55 26.9 [2..27]
TX300 = 18Pi37 20n20 23n56 And 41.1 283 25.9 [38..48]
EL61 = 18Vi40 r 26n53 19n24 Com 51.2 285 28.2 [35..52]
PJ30 = 18Cp43 1n58 14s52 Cap 43.1 1384 5.7 [29..220]
CO1 = 18Vi45 19n04 12n13 Vir 11.0 96 19.7 [11..31]
Radamantu= 18Vi52 r 0s30 5s51 Vir 39.3 246 12.7 [33..45]
OM67 = 19Aq05 7n23 0n30 Aqr 41.3 969 23.4 [39..157]
CF119 = 19Ca46 r 3s51 12n46 Cnc 38.8 849 19.7 [39..141]
Pelion = 19Aq57 5s51 11s23 Aqr 18.6 89 9.4 [17..23]
SB60 = 20Aq10 21n45 14n09 Peg 43.7 271 23.9 [37..46]
VU2 = 20Li14 6s40 22s43 Lib 9.1 18 13.8 [3..11]
Damocles = 20Cp32 3n42 12s42 Aqr 21.1 41 61.9 [2..22]
Jupiter = 20Li37 1n08 15s23 Lib 5.4 12 1.3
Mars = 20Ar39 1n42 18n06 Ari 1.5 2 1.8
Quaoar = 20Sc53 7n10 15s32 Oph 43.3 287 8.0 [42..45]
Varuna = 21Ge01 r 2n44 25n12 Gem 43.3 282 17.2 [41..45]
Cyllarus = 21Ta18 r 5n46 28n27 Tau 21.7 133 12.7 [16..36]
XA255 = 21Ca27 r 6n29 22n08 Leo 11.8 166 12.7 [9..51]
Neptune = 21Cp39 0s10 16s03 Cap 30.1 165 1.8
GB32 = 21Vi39 4n26 2s23 Vir 36.2 3229 14.2 [35..402]
VQ94 = 22Le22 r 74n51 65n19 Dra 6.8 2897 70.5 [7..400]
AW197 = 22Ca36 r 8s43 7n17 Cnc 46.9 326 24.4 [41..54]
QB1 = 22Pi42 0n44 7n33 Psc 41.0 289 2.2 [41..47]
CC22 = 23Sc01 4n29 18s25 Oph 6.0 20 6.4 [4..11]
Mercury = 23Sa11 1s35 23s48 Sgr 0.5 0 7.0
Heracles = 23Aq17 6n15 1n04 Psc 3.2 2 9.1 [0..3]
RZ214 = 23Pi28 5n30 12n15 Psc 42.1 771 20.5 [37..131]
CE10 = 23Sc33 30s39 53s24 Ara 7.6 31 145.5 [2..18]
Sedna = 23Ar49 r 11s56 5n53 Cet 88.9 10886 11.9 [76..906]
OX3 = 24Cp08 2n12 13s03 Aqr 24.4 182 2.6 [18..47]
TL66 = 24Ar57 r 5s57 11n57 Ari 35.2 754 24.0 [35..131]
Hephaisto= 25Ar06 r 7n54 25n19 Ari 3.8 3 11.8 [0..4]
UB313 = 25Pi10 14s26 5s34 Cet 96.9 557 44.2 [38..98]
AZ84 = 25Ge24 r 8s40 13n20 Gem 45.7 249 13.6 [32..47]
GZ32 = 25Vi24 15n06 6n06 Vir 20.1 112 15.0 [18..28]
LE31 = 25Ge41 r 0s43 21n10 Gem 10.6 23 151.8 [4..12]
TY364 = 25Pi43 22s06 12s28 Cet 39.8 241 24.9 [36..41]
EC98 = 25Vi54 1n43 6s30 Vir 13.0 35 4.3 [6..16]
Hidalgo = 25Vi54 15n43 6n30 Vir 3.7 14 42.6 [2..10]
GM137 = 25Sa55 4s59 26s46 Sgr 7.6 22 15.8 [7..9]
Thereus = 26Pi06 0s22 7n49 Psc 10.4 35 20.4 [9..13]
RD215 = 26Pi15 3n50 11n46 Psc 40.3 1334 26.0 [38..205]
Bienor = 26Aq15 5n42 1n42 Psc 18.5 67 20.8 [13..20]
Dioretsa = 26Ar38 r 18s04 0n38 Tau 15.2 117 160.4 [2..45]
AB229 = 26Sa40 42s33 63s16 Pav 16.1 390 68.7 [2..104]
Vertex = 26Aq44
96PW = 26Ge52 r 18s00 3n54 CMi 22.6 4027 29.8 [3..504]
CR105 = 26Ca57 r 5n27 19n24 Leo 55.5 3311 22.7 [44..400]
FZ53 = 27Li29 17n17 1s36 Ser 20.1 117 34.8 [12..35]
RP120 = 27Sc38 45n04 21n47 Her 10.2 411 119.1 [2..108]
CO104 = 27Le39 r 0n10 3n09 Leo 21.2 119 3.1 [21..28]
Ascend = 27Ca45 0n00 13n59 Leo
FY9 = 27Le45 r 29n16 29n34 Com 51.9 309 29.0 [39..53]
Venus = 27Sa55 r 5n48 15s48 Sgr 0.7 1 3.4
OP32 = 28Cp07 17n41 2n54 Equ 41.1 284 27.2 [39..48]
Chariklo = 28Vi11 23s02 30s08 Hya 13.2 63 23.4 [13..19]
TD10 = 28Ar31 r 4s50 13n55 Tau 15.9 926 6.0 [12..178]
QJ1 = 28Ge37 r 8n19 29n35 Gem 14.9 38 23.5 [2..20]
UR163 = 29Pi00 0n45 9n56 Psc 49.8 368 0.8 [37..66]
KF77 = 29Li02 2s34 21s13 Lib 21.2 134 4.4 [20..32]
QF6 = 29Le51 r 11n22 12n32 Vir 8.9 19 24.2 [2..12]
OO67 = 29Aq51 11s28 12s38 Cet 20.8 11962 20.1 [21..1025
CZ118 = 29Le54 r 4s24 1s57 Leo 43.1 1276 27.7 [38..198]
Cuvier 28 Pi 32 Milankovitch 14 Cp 45 Richter 14 Ge 11
Darwin 20 Ta 01 Mohorovicic 11 Aq 18 Tazieff 7 Li 43
Flammario 0 Li 36 Nephele 2 Sc 50 Vulcano 12 Vi 43
Flammeus 4 Sa 15 Pele 28 Li 38 Wegener 19 Ar 35
Humboldt 8 Sc 35 Plinius 11 Ca 56 Werner 1 Ta 26
Focused Minor Planets
AW197 = 22 Ca 36 r
Neptune = 21 Cp 39
OX3 = 24 Cp 08
Jupiter = 20 Li 37 Square
Mars = 20 Ar 39
Mercury = 23 Sa 11 Quincunx
RZ214 = 23 Pi 28 Trine
QB1 = 22 Pi 42
TL66 = 24 Ar 57 r
Hephaistos = 25 Ar 06 r
Sedna = 23 Ar 49 r
Mercury = 23 Sa 11 Trine
OX3 = 24 Cp 08 Square
AZ84 = 25 Ge 24 r Sextile
TY364 = 25 Pi 43 Semisextile
OO67 = 29 Aq 51
FY9 = 27 Le 45 r
Sun = 0 Cp 22 Sextile
Venus = 27 Sa 55 r
TD10 = 28 Ar 31 r
Werner = 1 Ta 26
Pluto = 0 Sa 34 Square
Hylonome = 1 Sc 48 Trine
Flammario = 0 Li 36 Quincunx
Orcus = 2 Le 44 r
Pluto = 0 Sa 34 Trine
UX25 = 1 Ar 44
Hylonome = 1 Sc 48 Square
Nephele = 2 Sc 50
Werner = 1 Ta 26
FY128 = 14 Vi 02 r
Vulcano = 12 Vi 43
Node = 12 Pi 14 r
Uranus = 13 Aq 30 Quincunx
Moon = 12 Ca 26 Sextile
Saturn = 14 Ca 03 r
Richter = 14 Ge 11 Square
Pylenor = 14 Ta 07 r Trine
Sure damages on coral reefs ("structure - architecture") and on whole sea bottom.
Well developed coral reef