- METHODOLOGY about 2002 AW197 and other objects
For geological events only, some variations in the range of orb are tried:
2° < orb < 3° for conj., opp., trine and square
2° orb for sextile and semisquare
1° 30' orb for quincunx
1° orb for semisextile and all other aspects
An extension to very slow/long time-range environmental processes is proposed here, because of their connection with geological stages.
However, there is no doubt that many accelerations in these (and many other)
natural processes are due to bad human behaviour/approach.
For individual charts:
orb < 2° for conjunctions/oppositions to the Sun
To illustrate the methodology which I am following, some updated posts on Centaurs List are reported.
Centaurs' Message # 21789 (updated)
AW197/Neptune Opp - Soufrière Hills Volcanic Eruption (Montserrat): July 12, 2003
Soufriere Hills Volcano (Montserrat)
16.72 N, 62.18 W, summit elevation 915 m, stratovolcano
Sunday 13th July 2003
"Montserrat Volcano Observatory reports an eruption on 12th July at 1955 hr UT producing pyroclastic flows and ash. Volcanic explosions occurred late on Saturday and early on Sunday after high seismic activity. The latest explosion sent ash up to 40,000 feet (12,200 metres). Part of the volcano's dome facing the Tar River Valley collapsed on Saturday night, hurling rocks and mud down unto houses. No injuries were reported as residents near the valley were evacuated last October after warnings of a change in the volcano dome's growth. Roads on the British Caribbean island were covered with two inches of mud and many roofs collapsed. Tree branches also snapped under the weight of ash and rock. Ash from this weekend's volcanic explosions caused large volcanic clouds to drift to neighboring islands. Large airlines canceled flights into nearby St. Maarten, a popular Caribbean tourist destination. After nearly four centuries of dormancy, the Soufriere Hills volcano rumbled back to life in 1995, killing 19 people and burying the south end of the 39-square-mile (100-sq-km) island in ash and burning rock. Many residents fled to Britain, the United States or neighboring islands, reducing the population from 11,000 to about 5,000. In the past few years the volcano has calmed, but the dome continues to grow and collapse, sending rivers of superheated rock, ash and gases down its flanks". (
SOUFRIÈRE HILLS Montserrat, West Indies 16.72°N, 62.18°W; summit elev. 1,052 m; All times are local (= UTC - 4 hours)
"High levels of pyroclastic-flow activity began at Soufriere Hills on 12 July. A hybrid earthquake swarm that began on 9 July merged at 0700 on 12 July into a continuous tremor signal. Prolonged and heavy rainfall occurred on the 12th during 0600-0900, causing mudflows into the Belham Valley. Pyroclastic flows began to travel into the Tar River Valley, with a moderate-sized flow occurring at 0653. A series of similar-sized pyroclastic flows traveled in the Tar River Valley throughout the morning. The first pyroclastic flow reached the sea at 1045. Pyroclastic-flow activity increased slowly through the afternoon until it became almost continuous. Flows also occurred into Tuitt's and White's ghauts. The activity picked up markedly at 1827, with more energetic pyroclastic flows. The level of activity fluctuated thereafter, with several smaller pyroclastic flows into the Tar River Valley, before escalating again at 2005 with another phase of near-continuous pyroclastic flows. The flows increased in size and several surges traveled 2 km over the sea at the mouth of the Tar River Valley. Pyroclastic flows also reached the sea in White's Ghaut and the Spanish Point area. These flows resulted in heavy ashfall and accretionary lapilli, particularly between Salem and Woodlands. A number of explosive events took place during this collapse, with the largest occurring between 2300 and 2400. The Washington VAAC reported that ash clouds rose to a maximum height of ~15 km a.s.l.
Heavy falls of ash and rock fragments occurred over all of the inhabited parts of Montserrat. The ashfall deposit was 115 mm thick at Lime Kiln Bay. The ash burden resulted in the collapse of several wooden buildings in the Salem area. Vegetation damage was extensive with downed trees and branches broken from many others. Many birds were killed by the ash or trapped alive in it. Ashfall from this event was reported on the islands of Nevis, St Kitts, Anguilla, and St Maarten, and resulted in the closure of several airports. At 0910 on 13 July an explosive eruption occurred, following 2 hours of very low seismic activity. The Washington VAAC estimated a cloud height of ~12 km a.s.l.
During a helicopter reconnaissance flight on the morning of 14 July, a large collapse scar was seen in the lava dome directed down the Tar River Valley. The Tar River Valley was extensively modified and eroded with a deep canyon gouged by the pyroclastic flows. The fan had been extended eastwards into the sea and northwards along the coast. The area north of the Tar River Valley extending to Killyhawk Ghaut was devastated".
Soufrière Hills
United Kingdom
Subregion Name:
West Indies
Volcano Number:
Volcano Type:
Volcano Status:
Last Known Eruption:
2003 (continuing)
Summit Elevation:
915 m
3,002 feet
"The complex andesitic Soufrière Hills volcano occupies the southern half of the island of Montserrat. The summit area consists primarily of a series of lava domes emplaced along an ESE-trending zone. Prior to 1995, the youngest dome was Castle Peak, which was located in English's Crater, a 1-km-wide crater breached widely to the east. Block-and-ash flow and surge deposits associated with dome growth predominate in flank deposits. Non-eruptive seismic swarms occurred at 30-year intervals in the 20th century, but with the exception of a 17th-century eruption, no historical eruptions were recorded on Montserrat until 1995. Long-term small-to-moderate ash eruptions beginning in that year were accompanied by lava dome growth and pyroclastic flows that forced evacuation of the southern half of the island and ultimately destroyed the capital city of Plymouth, causing major social and economic disruption to the island".
and the Orbital Paradigms as suggested by Juan Revilla
In Revilla's message # 21666:
we read:
>"1-) slow and long-range processes on Earth (such as geological processes) "correspond" or are correlated to slow and long-range movement of celestial
objects. I described this correlation as <<a 1:1 correspondence in time based on a metaphorical, non-physical relationship>>
2-) in practice, "Earth" is used as model or "matrix of metaphors", where the 1:1 correspondence is transposed based on analogy rather than on quantity, i.e., it is established at different scales. For example:
- slow and long-range on planet Earth = "deep", geologic, evolution, millions (or hundredths of thousands) of years
- slow and long-range in a human life = "deep", emotional, spiritual, philosophical, social, historical, perhaps re-incarnational, but in scale
of centuries at the most.
This type of associations stem from an aspect of orbital symbolism that I call "orbital domain", i.e., the area or range within which the planet
moves delimits its sphere of action in human life or on Earth, since "place" for planets in the solar system, dynamically speaking, is the equivalent of time-range or frequency (Kepler's 3rd law). Place, sphere or "domain" within the solar system always incorporates a very specific time dimension or range.
This is what differentiates dynamically, for example, Mercury or Venus from Saturn".<
Again, according to Juan Revilla's message # 21639:
"geological events are used as a model or metaphor for the meaning of AW197. In other words: one chooses one type of event among the many that a "prominent" (whatever that means in his case) AW197 can signify, establishes keywords for those events, and assumes that they will also be keywords for AW197.
Geology is used as a model that optimizes the metaphor-building process of giving a general meaning to AW197 that can be applied pragmatically in all cases (political, individual...), where geology as such is not necessarily involved. Geologic events constitute the metaphor".
Consequently, the research is focused on orbital features that are peculiar in KBO's, Plutinos and SDO's.
Minor aspects are used to detect transitional stages of the hypothesized activity of the above mentioned bodies: e.g. the activity in the long time-range between a trine and an opposition.
Some Main Belt Asteroids are involved, according to some symbolic relations with Geology, that are suggested by their names.
Plate Tectonics
"Montserrat is a member of an island arc, the Lesser Antilles, that is formed where the North American and South American plates grind against, and dive under, the Caribbean plate. (see the world map) The movements of the plates carrying the continents ("plate tectonics") cause the Earth's map to gradually change over geological ages. The material from the plate that dives under another is melted by the hot interior of the planet and the material rises, forming volcanos in long lines - called "island arcs" when they occur at sea, mountain ranges on land "
"Montserrat emerged from the sea fairly recently, geologically speaking, only 25 million years before the present (25My BP)". "The map of the Earth looked then pretty much as it does now, give a take a mountain or island here and there".
"The submarine volcanos that arose from the sea to form Montserrat have long been erased and covered over by more recent eruptions. The geological record seems to indicate the presence of seven different volcanos on the island in the last couple of million years. (See the Montserrat map) The first volcano to erupt, that can be discerned from the geological record, is the Silver Hill volcano, something like 1.55My BP. Over the succeeding ages six other volcanic vents spewed ash and rocks to gradually enlarge the island. About 40Ky BP (Ky = thousand years) the South Soufriere Hill volcano blew".
Magmatic Features
According to Bowen's "Crystal Fractionation":
a "Magmatic Differentiation" is the source of different volcanic activities.
The magma of Soufriere Hills is an Andesitic Magma.
Andesitic Magmas are formed with a transformation/restructuration of the ancestral, deep, subcrustal Basaltic Magma.
"The andesite series includes lavas with composition ranging from basalt through basaltic andesite to dacite and rhyolite. Virtually all andesites are associated with a subduction zone where oceanic crust underthrusts a continent, the andesites becoming more potassic as well as richer in Cs, Rb, Ba, U & Th inland from the subduction zone. A marked negative Nb, Ta anomaly is always present but is never seen in rocks derived from sub-oceanic mantle. The underthrusting takes place along the line of an associated oceanic trench, usually of great depth, up to 32,000ft (10,000m).
The subduction plane is assumed to coincide with the Benioff zone, a plane of high earthquake intensity, which dips inward at an angle of up to 40 degrees under Peru or as low as 20 under southern Chile. The volcanoes tend to lie 50-100 miles on the continental side of the trench".
Also, Andesitic Magmas are the result of melting processes with a deep fusion of ancient sedimentary/continental/marine materials.
etc. At convergent boundaries rising molten bodies, may overtake one another and mix to form average compositions (Magma Mixing).
Astrological Setting (Tropical - Placidus)
Assuming Soufrière Hills (62w11-16n43) at 10:53 UT
Using RIYAL 2.11
RIYAL Sat July 12 2003 UT 10h53m00s Lat16n43 Lon62w11 SORT ALL
Talos = 0Ge21 11s01 9n26 Tau 1.2 1 23.2 [0..2]
TC302 = 0Ta28 3n45 15n08 Ari 48.1 412 35.1 [39..72]
Moon = 1Cp32 2s48 26s14 Sgr 1.0 0 5.1
FY128 = 1Li43 4s19 4s38 Vir 37.9 351 11.8 [37..63]
FZ173 = 1Li54 0s15 0s59 Vir 33.0 805 12.7 [32..141]
MD10 = 2Le13 29s36 9s14 Mon 15.2 137 59.1 [2..52]
Uranus = 2Pi21 r 0s47 11s22 Aqr 20.0 84 0.8
RZ215 = 2Pi32 r 5s04 15s17 Aqr 31.3 1006 25.5 [31..170]
SQ73 = 2Ta34 3n54 16n01 Ari 15.9 73 17.4 [14..20]
XX143 = 2Le40 2n10 21n40 Cnc 25.4 76 6.8 [10..26]
FP185 = 2Li46 2n57 1n36 Vir 34.3 3372 30.8 [34..415]
Midheav = 3Ta13 0n00 12n35 Ari
WN188 = 3Ca39 12s42 10n42 Ori 3.5 56 27.0 [2..27]
Pylenor = 3Ge42 5s03 15n55 Tau 18.9 69 5.4 [12..22]
Chaos = 3Ge48 2n39 23n31 Tau 42.1 311 12.0 [41..51]
CO1 = 3Vi59 18n19 27n00 LMi 11.7 96 19.7 [11..31]
GZ32 = 4Li00 14n36 11n48 Vir 20.8 111 15.0 [18..28]
Thereus = 4Ar20 9n55 10n49 Peg 9.4 35 20.4 [9..13]
GQ21 = 4Sc26 r 5n02 8s15 Vir 39.7 913 13.3 [38..150]
Ascend = 4Le37 0n00 19n06 Cnc
Saturn = 4Ca57 0s47 22n34 Gem 9.0 30 2.5
GO9 = 5Sc15 12n47 1s12 Vir 14.1 86 12.8 [14..25]
Hidalgo = 5Pi56 r 43s45 48s44 Phe 4.9 14 42.6 [2..10]
TO66 = 6Ar33 r 5n12 7n22 Psc 46.3 284 27.5 [38..48]
Elatus = 6Ca43 0n40 23n56 Gem 9.8 41 5.3 [7..17]
Ixion = 6Sa57 r 1n10 20s20 Sco 42.9 247 19.7 [30..49]
Radamantu= 7Li13 0n18 2s35 Vir 38.9 245 12.7 [33..45]
FZ53 = 7Sc17 r 12n20 2s16 Vir 18.3 116 34.8 [12..35]
CE10 = 7Ta31 r 23n01 35n34 Tri 2.1 30 145.5 [2..17]
Apogee = 7Ge38 r 0n50 22n24 Tau
Pelion = 7Pi41 r 4s37 12s58 Aqr 18.2 89 9.4 [17..23]
GB32 = 8Li01 3n07 0s19 Vir 36.8 3124 14.2 [35..392]
CO104 = 8Vi10 0n40 9n08 Leo 20.9 120 3.1 [21..28]
Mars = 8Pi18 5s01 13s06 Aqr 1.4 2 1.8
EL61 = 8Li32 26n19 20n43 Com 51.3 284 28.2 [35..51]
CF119 = 9Le10 2s09 15n53 Cnc 39.1 862 19.7 [39..142]
KF77 = 9Sc17 r 2s02 16s31 Lib 21.8 133 4.4 [20..32]
Venus = 9Ca27 0n12 23n19 Gem 0.7 1 3.4
QF6 = 9Le28 4s02 13n59 Cnc 4.8 19 24.3 [2..12]
NN8 = 9Ar55 r 3n45 7n23 Psc 5.2 966 165.4 [2..193]
Cyllarus = 10Ge04 3n27 25n23 Tau 20.5 134 12.6 [16..36]
DH5 = 10Vi10 2n27 10n01 Leo 14.9 105 22.4 [14..30]
AB229 = 10Cp18 r 58s20 80s31 Oct 10.9 385 68.7 [2..104]
LE31 = 10Le22 9n39 26n54 Cnc 8.6 23 151.9 [4..12]
TD10 = 10Ta25 3s04 12n02 Ari 13.7 950 6.0 [12..181]
Hylonome = 10Sc28 r 2n59 12s07 Lib 19.7 126 4.1 [19..31]
Dioretsa = 10Ge36 14s19 7n52 Ori 10.6 116 160.4 [2..45]
Quaoar = 10Sa48 r 7n15 14s54 Oph 43.4 285 8.0 [42..45]
PJ30 = 10Aq51 r 1n43 15s52 Cap 41.5 1337 5.7 [29..214]
OM67 = 12Pi05 r 5n58 1s30 Aqr 40.8 960 23.4 [39..155]
Neptune = 12Aq24 r 0n00 17s05 Cap 30.1 164 1.8
CR46 = 12Le37 1n26 18n23 Cnc 17.8 238 2.4 [18..59]
TX300 = 12Ar46 19n28 22n52 And 40.8 284 25.9 [38..48]
Varuna = 13Ca07 1n42 24n29 Gem 43.2 284 17.1 [41..45]
RP120 = 13Ar09 r 60n29 57n27 Cep 3.8 414 119.1 [2..109]
GB10 = 13Li18 11s44 16s01 Crv 15.2 126 13.3 [15..35]
OX3 = 13Aq30 r 2n11 14s41 Cap 25.8 182 2.6 [18..47]
AW197 = 13Le49 7s19 9n40 Cnc 47.2 328 24.3 [41..54]
SB60 = 13Pi57 r 21n48 13n49 Peg 43.5 271 24.0 [37..46]
PN34 = 14Aq02 r 4n07 12s40 Aqr 13.5 170 16.7 [13..48]
WU24 = 14Li03 42n13 33n01 CVn 13.1 59 42.6 [1..29]
PA44 = 14Sc14 1n36 14s35 Lib 4.0 53 3.3 [3..25]
HL3 = 14Ge34 6s34 16n01 Tau 6.2 38 35.6 [2..21]
QJ1 = 14Ca36 10n30 33n05 Gem 11.8 38 23.5 [2..20]
Chiron = 14Cp56 r 7n20 15s19 Sgr 12.2 50 6.9 [8..19]
Vertex = 15Sc10
Damocles = 15Aq49 r 0n39 15s29 Cap 19.9 41 62.1 [2..22]
HE46 = 15Ca57 9s27 13n06 Gem 9.9 115 158.4 [2..45]
DG8 = 16Cp11 r 10s25 32s48 Sgr 7.5 36 129.4 [2..19]
OO67 = 16Pi28 r 7s55 12s38 Aqr 20.9 12038 20.1 [21..1030
Bienor = 16Pi33 r 2n22 3s07 Psc 19.0 67 20.8 [13..20]
QB1 = 16Ar43 0n36 7n07 Psc 40.9 290 2.2 [41..47]
96PW = 17Ca11 18s14 4n14 Mon 18.1 4446 29.8 [3..538]
RZ214 = 17Ar16 6n51 13n06 Psc 41.2 772 20.5 [37..132]
FX128 = 17Li32 10n51 3n09 Vir 25.3 1051 22.3 [18..189]
TL66 = 17Ta39 3s39 13n35 Ari 35.1 768 24.0 [35..133]
AZ84 = 17Ca40 7s49 14n31 Gem 45.9 250 13.5 [33..47]
Pluto = 17Sa48 r 9n26 13s29 Oph 30.7 248 17.2 [30..49]
FY9 = 17Vi49 28n43 30n58 UMa 51.8 310 29.0 [39..53]
Pholus = 17Sc51 r 23n48 5n46 Ser 18.0 92 24.7 [9..32]
CR105 = 18Le16 4n17 19n25 Leo 54.3 3477 22.7 [44..415]
Sedna = 18Ta24 11s47 5n57 Cet 89.7 12085 11.9 [76..977]
CZ118 = 19Vi03 2s35 1n57 Leo 44.1 1262 27.7 [38..196]
DA62 = 19Vi11 29n09 30n48 Com 4.2 21 52.2 [4..11]
Sun = 19Ca42 0n00 22n00 Gem 1.0 1 0.0
RD215 = 19Ar49 5n47 13n06 Psc 39.6 1342 25.9 [38..206]
TY364 = 19Ar52 21s23 12s02 Cet 39.9 242 24.9 [36..41]
Heracles = 19Ar59 7n30 14n45 Psc 3.2 2 9.1 [0..3]
Jupiter = 20Le12 0n48 15n31 Leo 5.4 12 1.3
UB313 = 20Ar38 14s55 5s47 Cet 97.0 558 44.0 [38..98]
CY118 = 20Vi46 4n16 7n34 Leo 34.7 881 25.5 [35..149]
OP32 = 20Aq53 r 19n41 4n10 Equ 40.9 282 27.2 [39..47]
XZ255 = 21Ca30 1n22 23n04 Gem 16.1 64 2.6 [15..17]
XS35 = 21Vi44 15n09 17n09 Leo 11.6 76 19.5 [1..35]
Chariklo = 22Vi10 19s04 14s23 Crt 13.1 63 23.4 [13..19]
Nessus = 22Cp32 r 16s22 37s40 Sgr 18.1 121 15.6 [12..37]
Okyrhoe = 23Ta18 11s59 6n58 Tau 8.2 24 15.6 [6..11]
XA255 = 23Ca28 1n28 22n51 Gem 14.4 166 12.7 [9..51]
UR163 = 23Ar33 0n44 9n50 Psc 49.2 369 0.8 [37..66]
Orcus = 23Le37 16s56 2s22 Hya 47.6 248 20.5 [31..48]
RN109 = 23Ge51 46s41 23s20 Lep 3.3 50151 58.0 [3..2717]
Huya = 23Li54 9n23 0s32 Vir 29.4 249 15.5 [29..51]
RG33 = 24Ge16 28n26 51n43 Aur 11.3 29 34.9 [2..17]
MS4 = 24Sa25 r 13n46 9s34 Oph 47.5 269 17.7 [36..48]
BU48 = 25Le11 3n19 16n15 Leo 28.7 194 14.2 [21..46]
CC22 = 25Le13 2n39 15n36 Leo 4.2 20 6.4 [4..11]
YH32 = 25Sc15 r 76s50 75s25 Cha 5.9 23 79.1 [4..13]
KX14 = 25Sc50 r 0s19 19s31 Lib 39.7 241 0.4 [37..40]
GV9 = 25Li54 15s30 24s22 Hya 38.9 273 22.0 [39..46]
VS2 = 26Ta02 13n33 32n23 Per 36.4 249 14.8 [36..43]
UX25 = 26Ar09 0s02 10n04 Psc 42.6 279 19.4 [37..49]
QB243 = 26Aq20 r 0s42 13s24 Cap 20.0 204 6.8 [15..54]
Phaethon = 26Ge22 3n44 27n07 Tau 1.5 1 22.2 [0..2]
Asbolus = 26Aq48 r 14s13 25s52 PsA 7.1 76 17.6 [7..29]
VQ94 = 27Ta07 35n09 53n16 Per 9.0 3213 70.5 [7..429]
WL7 = 27Ar16 3n38 13n53 Psc 16.2 87 11.3 [15..24]
GM137 = 27Sc19 r 7n48 11s58 Lib 7.0 22 15.9 [7..9]
VU2 = 27Vi29 11s41 9s42 Crt 6.4 18 13.7 [3..11]
BL41 = 27Le42 8s54 3n54 Sex 9.3 31 12.5 [7..13]
Mercury = 27Ca52 1n49 22n22 Cnc 0.3 0 7.0
Deucalion= 28Li12 0n08 10s42 Vir 43.6 294 0.4 [42..47]
Node = 28Ta24 r 0n00 19n48 Tau
EC98 = 28Vi37 0n40 1n10 Vir 14.4 35 4.3 [6..16]
Hephaisto= 29Ge16 7n02 30n28 Aur 2.7 3 11.8 [0..4]
QD112 = 29Pi17 r 1s39 1s48 Psc 11.4 82 14.5 [8..30]
Icarus = 29Cp21 r 21s22 41s05 Mic 2.0 1 22.9 [0..2]
VR130 = 29Ar37 1s25 10n01 Psc 14.9 113 3.5 [15..32]
Cuvier 10 Le 49 Milankovitch 23 Le 05 Richter 24 Le 28
Darwin 21 Le 39 Mohorovicic 29 Le 38 Tazieff 8 Aq 30
Flammario 25 Cp 17 Nephele 10 Ca 04 Vulcano 11 Vi 20
Flammeus 4 Ta 01 Pele 23 Sa 18 Wegener 16 Vi 06
Humboldt 20 Ar 49 Plinius 6 Cp 04 Werner 2 Vi 23
Focused Minor Planets
AW197 = 13 Le 49
Neptune = 12 Aq 24 r
OX3 = 13 Aq 30 r
TX300 = 12 Ar 46 Trine
Hephaistos = 29 Ge16 Semisquare
SB60 = 13 Pi 57 r Quincunx
TL66 = 17 Ta 39
Sedna = 18 Ta 24
Pluto = 17 Sa 48 r Quincunx
FX128 = 17 Li 32
TL66 is at the point of a yod, with Pluto and FX128 sextile
OO67 = 16 Pi 28 r Sextile
AZ84 = 17Ca40
RZ214 = 17 Ar 16 Semisextile
QB1 = 16 Ar 43
FY9 = 17 Vi 49 Trine
Wegener = 16 Vi 06
CR105 = 18 Le 16 Square
Orcus = 23 Le 37
Richter = 24 Le 28
Milankovitch = 23 Le 05
Venus = 9 Ca 27 Semisquare
EL61 = 8 Li 32
UR163 = 23 Ar 33 Trine
Pele = 23 Sa 18
Huya = 23 Li 54 Sextile
OO67 = 16 Pi 28 r
FY9 = 17 Vi 49
Wegener = 16 Vi 06
Pluto = 17 Sa 48 r Square
TL66 = 17 Ta 39 Sextile
FX128 = 17 Li 32 Quincunx
RZ214 = 17 Ar 16 Semisextile
QB1 = 16 Ar 43
Chaos = 3 Ge 48
Pylenor = 3 Ge 42
Uranus = 2 Pi 21 r Square
RZ215 = 2 Pi 32 r
Sun = 19 Ca 42 Semisquare
Flammeus = 4 Ta 01 Semisextile
Midheav = 3 Ta 13
Ascend = 4 Le 37 Sextile
Werner = 2 Vi 23 Square
FP185 = 2 Li 46 Trine
RD215 = 19 Ar 49
TY364 = 19Ar52
UB313 = 20 Ar 38
Humboldt = 20 Ar 49
Sun = 19 Ca 42 Square
Jupiter = 20 Le 12 Trine
CR105 = 18 Le 16
Chaos = 3 Ge 48 Semisquare
RZ215 = 2 Pi 32 r
Uranus = 2 Pi 21 r
Werner = 2 Vi 23
Moon = 1 Cp 32 Sextile
Chaos = 3 Ge 48 Square
Pylenor = 3 Ge 42
RZ214 = 17 Ar 16 Semisquare
FP185 = 2 Li 46
FY128 = 1 Li 43 Quincunx
FZ173 = 1 Li 54
EL61 = 8 Li 32
Mars = 8 Pi 18 Quincunx
Venus = 9 Ca 27 Square
Orcus = 23 Le 37 Semisquare
Apogee = 7 Ge 38 r Trine
Tazieff = 8 Aq 30
Astrological Setting (Sidereal - Fagan/Bradley)
Using RIYAL 2.11
RIYAL Sat July 12 2003 UT 10h53m00s Lat16n43 Lon62w11 SORT ALL
BU48 = 0Le24 3n19 16n15 Leo 28.7 194 14.2 [21..46]
CC22 = 0Le26 2n39 15n36 Leo 4.2 20 6.4 [4..11]
YH32 = 0Sc28 r 76s50 75s25 Cha 5.9 23 79.1 [4..13]
KX14 = 1Sc02 r 0s19 19s31 Lib 39.7 241 0.4 [37..40]
GV9 = 1Li07 15s30 24s22 Hya 38.9 273 22.0 [39..46]
VS2 = 1Ta14 13n33 32n23 Per 36.4 249 14.8 [36..43]
UX25 = 1Ar22 0s02 10n04 Psc 42.6 279 19.4 [37..49]
QB243 = 1Aq32 r 0s42 13s24 Cap 20.0 204 6.8 [15..54]
Phaethon = 1Ge35 3n44 27n07 Tau 1.5 1 22.2 [0..2]
Asbolus = 2Aq01 r 14s13 25s52 PsA 7.1 76 17.6 [7..29]
VQ94 = 2Ta20 35n09 53n16 Per 9.0 3213 70.5 [7..429]
WL7 = 2Ar28 3n38 13n53 Psc 16.2 87 11.3 [15..24]
GM137 = 2Sc32 r 7n48 11s58 Lib 7.0 22 15.9 [7..9]
VU2 = 2Vi42 11s41 9s43 Crt 6.4 18 13.7 [3..11]
BL41 = 2Le55 8s54 3n54 Sex 9.3 31 12.5 [7..13]
Mercury = 3Ca05 1n49 22n22 Cnc 0.3 0 7.0
Deucalion= 3Li24 0n08 10s42 Vir 43.6 294 0.4 [42..47]
Node = 3Ta37 r 0n00 19n48 Tau
EC98 = 3Vi50 0n40 1n10 Vir 14.4 35 4.3 [6..16]
Hephaisto= 4Ge29 7n02 30n28 Aur 2.7 3 11.8 [0..4]
QD112 = 4Pi29 r 1s39 1s48 Psc 11.4 82 14.5 [8..30]
Icarus = 4Cp34 r 21s22 41s05 Mic 2.0 1 22.9 [0..2]
VR130 = 4Ar50 1s25 10n01 Psc 14.9 113 3.5 [15..32]
Talos = 5Ta33 11s01 9n26 Tau 1.2 1 23.2 [0..2]
TC302 = 5Ar41 3n45 15n08 Ari 48.1 412 35.1 [39..72]
Moon = 6Sa45 2s48 26s14 Sgr 1.0 0 5.1
FY128 = 6Vi56 4s19 4s38 Vir 37.9 351 11.8 [37..63]
FZ173 = 7Vi07 0s15 0s59 Vir 33.0 805 12.7 [32..141]
MD10 = 7Ca25 29s36 9s14 Mon 15.2 137 59.1 [2..52]
Uranus = 7Aq34 r 0s47 11s22 Aqr 20.0 84 0.8
RZ215 = 7Aq45 r 5s04 15s17 Aqr 31.3 1006 25.5 [31..170]
SQ73 = 7Ar46 3n54 16n01 Ari 15.9 73 17.4 [14..20]
XX143 = 7Ca53 2n10 21n40 Cnc 25.4 76 6.8 [10..26]
FP185 = 7Vi58 2n57 1n36 Vir 34.3 3372 30.8 [34..415]
Midheav = 8Ar26 0n00 12n35 Ari
WN188 = 8Ge52 12s42 10n41 Ori 3.5 56 27.0 [2..27]
Pylenor = 8Ta55 5s03 15n55 Tau 18.9 69 5.4 [12..22]
Chaos = 9Ta01 2n39 23n31 Tau 42.1 311 12.0 [41..51]
CO1 = 9Le12 18n19 27n00 LMi 11.7 96 19.7 [11..31]
GZ32 = 9Vi13 14n36 11n48 Vir 20.8 111 15.0 [18..28]
Thereus = 9Pi33 9n55 10n49 Peg 9.4 35 20.4 [9..13]
GQ21 = 9Li38 r 5n02 8s15 Vir 39.7 913 13.3 [38..150]
Ascend = 9Ca50 0n00 19n06 Cnc
Saturn = 10Ge10 0s47 22n34 Gem 9.0 30 2.5
GO9 = 10Li28 12n47 1s12 Vir 14.1 86 12.8 [14..25]
Hidalgo = 11Aq09 r 43s45 48s44 Phe 4.9 14 42.6 [2..10]
TO66 = 11Pi46 r 5n12 7n22 Psc 46.3 284 27.5 [38..48]
Elatus = 11Ge56 0n40 23n56 Gem 9.8 41 5.3 [7..17]
Ixion = 12Sc10 r 1n10 20s20 Sco 42.9 247 19.7 [30..49]
Radamantu= 12Vi26 0n18 2s35 Vir 38.9 245 12.7 [33..45]
FZ53 = 12Li30 r 12n20 2s16 Vir 18.3 116 34.8 [12..35]
CE10 = 12Ar44 r 23n01 35n34 Tri 2.1 30 145.5 [2..17]
Apogee = 12Ta51 r 0n50 22n24 Tau
Pelion = 12Aq54 r 4s37 12s58 Aqr 18.2 89 9.4 [17..23]
GB32 = 13Vi14 3n07 0s19 Vir 36.8 3124 14.2 [35..392]
CO104 = 13Le23 0n40 9n08 Leo 20.9 120 3.1 [21..28]
Mars = 13Aq31 5s01 13s06 Aqr 1.4 2 1.8
EL61 = 13Vi45 26n19 20n43 Com 51.3 284 28.2 [35..51]
CF119 = 14Ca23 2s09 15n53 Cnc 39.1 862 19.7 [39..142]
KF77 = 14Li30 r 2s02 16s31 Lib 21.8 133 4.4 [20..32]
Venus = 14Ge40 0n12 23n18 Gem 0.7 1 3.4
QF6 = 14Ca41 4s02 13n59 Cnc 4.8 19 24.3 [2..12]
NN8 = 15Pi08 r 3n45 7n23 Psc 5.2 966 165.4 [2..193]
Cyllarus = 15Ta17 3n27 25n23 Tau 20.5 134 12.6 [16..36]
DH5 = 15Le23 2n27 10n01 Leo 14.9 105 22.4 [14..30]
AB229 = 15Sa30 r 58s20 80s31 Oct 10.9 385 68.7 [2..104]
LE31 = 15Ca35 9n39 26n54 Cnc 8.6 23 151.9 [4..12]
TD10 = 15Ar38 3s04 12n02 Ari 13.7 950 6.0 [12..181]
Hylonome = 15Li41 r 2n59 12s07 Lib 19.7 126 4.1 [19..31]
Dioretsa = 15Ta49 14s19 7n52 Ori 10.6 116 160.4 [2..45]
Quaoar = 16Sc01 r 7n15 14s53 Oph 43.4 285 8.0 [42..45]
PJ30 = 16Cp04 r 1n43 15s52 Cap 41.5 1337 5.7 [29..214]
OM67 = 17Aq18 r 5n58 1s30 Aqr 40.8 960 23.4 [39..155]
Neptune = 17Cp37 r 0n00 17s05 Cap 30.1 164 1.8
CR46 = 17Ca50 1n26 18n23 Cnc 17.8 238 2.4 [18..59]
TX300 = 17Pi58 19n28 22n52 And 40.8 284 25.9 [38..48]
Varuna = 18Ge20 1n42 24n29 Gem 43.2 284 17.1 [41..45]
RP120 = 18Pi22 r 60n29 57n27 Cep 3.8 414 119.1 [2..109]
GB10 = 18Vi30 11s44 16s01 Crv 15.2 126 13.3 [15..35]
OX3 = 18Cp43 r 2n11 14s41 Cap 25.8 182 2.6 [18..47]
AW197 = 19Ca01 7s19 9n40 Cnc 47.2 328 24.3 [41..54]
SB60 = 19Aq10 r 21n48 13n49 Peg 43.5 271 24.0 [37..46]
PN34 = 19Cp14 r 4n07 12s40 Aqr 13.5 170 16.7 [13..48]
WU24 = 19Vi16 42n13 33n01 CVn 13.1 59 42.6 [1..29]
PA44 = 19Li27 1n36 14s35 Lib 4.0 53 3.3 [3..25]
HL3 = 19Ta47 6s34 16n01 Tau 6.2 38 35.6 [2..21]
QJ1 = 19Ge49 10n30 33n04 Gem 11.8 38 23.5 [2..20]
Chiron = 20Sa09 r 7n20 15s18 Sgr 12.2 50 6.9 [8..19]
Vertex = 20Li23
Damocles = 21Cp02 r 0n39 15s29 Cap 19.9 41 62.1 [2..22]
HE46 = 21Ge10 9s27 13n06 Gem 9.9 115 158.4 [2..45]
DG8 = 21Sa24 r 10s25 32s48 Sgr 7.5 36 129.4 [2..19]
OO67 = 21Aq41 r 7s55 12s38 Aqr 20.9 12038 20.1 [21..1030
Bienor = 21Aq46 r 2n22 3s07 Psc 19.0 67 20.8 [13..20]
QB1 = 21Pi56 0n36 7n07 Psc 40.9 290 2.2 [41..47]
96PW = 22Ge24 18s14 4n14 Mon 18.1 4446 29.8 [3..538]
RZ214 = 22Pi29 6n51 13n06 Psc 41.2 772 20.5 [37..132]
FX128 = 22Vi45 10n51 3n09 Vir 25.3 1051 22.3 [18..189]
TL66 = 22Ar52 3s39 13n35 Ari 35.1 768 24.0 [35..133]
AZ84 = 22Ge53 7s49 14n31 Gem 45.9 250 13.5 [33..47]
Pluto = 23Sc00 r 9n26 13s29 Oph 30.7 248 17.2 [30..49]
FY9 = 23Le02 28n43 30n58 UMa 51.8 310 29.0 [39..53]
Pholus = 23Li03 r 23n48 5n46 Ser 18.0 92 24.7 [9..32]
CR105 = 23Ca28 4n17 19n25 Leo 54.3 3477 22.7 [44..415]
Sedna = 23Ar37 11s47 5n57 Cet 89.7 12085 11.9 [76..977]
CZ118 = 24Le16 2s35 1n57 Leo 44.1 1262 27.7 [38..196]
DA62 = 24Le24 29n09 30n48 Com 4.2 21 52.2 [4..11]
Sun = 24Ge55 0n00 22n00 Gem 1.0 1 0.0
RD215 = 25Pi01 5n47 13n06 Psc 39.6 1342 25.9 [38..206]
TY364 = 25Pi05 21s23 12s02 Cet 39.9 242 24.9 [36..41]
Heracles = 25Pi11 7n30 14n45 Psc 3.2 2 9.1 [0..3]
Jupiter = 25Ca25 0n48 15n30 Leo 5.4 12 1.3
UB313 = 25Pi51 14s55 5s47 Cet 97.0 558 44.0 [38..98]
CY118 = 25Le59 4n16 7n34 Leo 34.7 881 25.5 [35..149]
OP32 = 26Cp06 r 19n41 4n10 Equ 40.9 282 27.2 [39..47]
XZ255 = 26Ge42 1n22 23n04 Gem 16.1 64 2.6 [15..17]
XS35 = 26Le57 15n09 17n09 Leo 11.6 76 19.5 [1..35]
Chariklo = 27Le23 19s04 14s23 Crt 13.1 63 23.4 [13..19]
Nessus = 27Sa45 r 16s22 37s40 Sgr 18.1 121 15.6 [12..37]
Okyrhoe = 28Ar31 11s59 6n58 Tau 8.2 24 15.6 [6..11]
XA255 = 28Ge41 1n28 22n51 Gem 14.4 166 12.7 [9..51]
UR163 = 28Pi46 0n44 9n50 Psc 49.2 369 0.8 [37..66]
Orcus = 28Ca50 16s56 2s22 Hya 47.6 248 20.5 [31..48]
RN109 = 29Ta04 46s41 23s20 Lep 3.3 50151 58.0 [3..2717]
Huya = 29Vi06 9n23 0s32 Vir 29.4 249 15.5 [29..51]
RG33 = 29Ta29 28n26 51n43 Aur 11.3 29 34.9 [2..17]
MS4 = 29Sc38 r 13n46 9s34 Oph 47.5 269 17.7 [36..48]
Cuvier 16 Ca 02 Milankovitch 28 Ca 17 Richter 29 Ca 41
Darwin 26 Ca 52 Mohorovicic 4 Le 50 Tazieff 13 Cp 43
Flammario 0 Cp 30 Nephele 15 Ge 17 Vulcano 16 Le 32
Flammeus 9 Ar 14 Pele 28 Sc 31 Wegener 21 Le 19
Humboldt 26 Pi 02 Plinius 11 Sa 17 Werner 7 Le 36
Focused Minor Planets
AW197 = 19 Ca 01
Neptune = 17 Cp 37 r
OX3 = 18 Cp 43 r
TX300 = 17 Pi 58 Trine
Hephaistos = 4 Ge 29 Semisquare
SB60 = 19Aq10 r Quincunx
TL66 = 22 Ar 52
Sedna = 23 Ar 37
OO67 = 21 Aq 41 r Sextile
AZ84 = 22 Ge 53
QB1 = 21 Pi 56 Semisextile
RZ214 = 22 Pi 29
Pluto = 23 Sc 00 r Quincunx
FX128 = 22 Vi 45
TL66 is at the point of a yod, with Pluto and FX128 sextile
CR105 = 23 Ca 28 Square
FY9 = 23 Le 02 Trine
Wegener = 21 Le 19
Orcus = 28 Ca 50
Richter = 29 Ca 41
Milankovitch = 28 Ca 17
Venus = 14 Ge 40 Semisquare
UR163 = 28 Pi 46 Trine
Pele = 28 Sc 31
OO67 = 21 Aq 41 r
FY9 = 23 Le 02
Wegener = 21 Le 19
Pluto = 23 Sc 00 r Square
TL66 = 22 Ar 52 Sextile
AZ84 = 22Ge53 Trine
FX128 = 22 Vi 45 Quincunx
RZ214 = 22 Pi 29 Semisextile
QB1 = 21 Pi 56
Chaos = 9 Ta 01
Pylenor = 8 Ta 55
Uranus = 7 Aq 34 r Square
Werner = 7 Le 36
Sun = 24 Ge 55 Semisquare
Flammeus = 9 Ar 14 Semisextile
Midheav = 8 Ar 26
FP185 = 7Vi58 Trine
Ascend = 9 Ca 50 Sextile
RD215 = 25 Pi 01
UB313 = 25 Pi 51
TY364 = 25 Pi 05
Humboldt = 26 Pi 02
Sun = 24 Ge 55 Square
Jupiter = 25 Ca 25 Trine
CR105 = 23 Ca 28
Chaos = 9 Ta 01 Semisquare
RZ215 = 7 Aq 45 r
Uranus = 7 Aq 34 r
Werner = 7 Le 36
Moon = 6 Sa 45 Sextile
Chaos = 9 Ta 01 Square
Pylenor = 8 Ta 55
RZ214 = 22 Pi 29 Semisquare
FP185 = 7Vi58
FY128 = 6Vi56 Quincunx
FZ173 = 7Vi07
EL61 = 13 Vi 45
Mars = 13 Aq 31 Quincunx
Venus = 14 Ge 40 Square
Orcus = 28 Ca 50 Semisquare
Apogee = 12 Ta 51 r Trine
Tazieff = 13 Cp 43
Tentative Astrology/Geology Correlations
According to the above mentioned geological features, the AW197/Neptune Opp, TL66/Pluto Quincunx, OO67/Pluto Square seem to have a prominence in the chart for this event.
Plate Tectonics's "Subduction" processes in a "Oceanic Area" seem to be related to Neptunian symbolisms.
The rising up of the deep ancestral, subcrustal magma - after being transformed/metamorphosed, seems to be related to Plutonic symbolisms.
Again, in Revilla's message # 21666:
>" an excellent symbol of sedimentary
rocks, as an epitome of Uniformitarianism: eons of slow accumulation/deposition, strongly related to the layering, circling and.or rounding action of water or the wind (i.e. flowing...). Neptune has an
affinity with large water masses, with rivers and oceans with the layered "formations" used in geological nomenclature".<
Perhaps, the whole Soufrière Hills event is inserted in this Neptunian symbology.
>"Probably, ancient rock formations themselves are not Neptune, but the slow "rounding" or "reducing" action of the agents of meteorization, where even the hardest rock proves to be malleable given enough time, may be represented by it".<
This relation seems to be fitting well with a sort of metaphoric extension: the above mentioned Bowen's "Crystal Fractionation" is a "layered" process, with a "layered", "stratified" action on the ancestral magma.
>"Neptune is the big gravitational frontier of the solar system, so it also represents the "breaking point" beyond which the individual defenses are no longer effective, and the process of socialization wins over... that is the meteorization".<
Perhaps, the "Crystal Fractionation" also: the individual crystals are without a defense facing their inner structural transformation.
>"... so that the big rock formations are probably represented by the "classical" cubewanos with very round orbits, farther away than Neptune.
Metamorphic and plutonic (igneous) processes are related to the Pluto and the plutinos, geologic upheavals to the SDO's.<
So, Soufrière Hills Volcano and his surrounding marine, oceanic environment seem to be fitting well with the orbital symbolism related to AW197.
Perhaps, the 24° inclination of the orbit may be related to the transitional features that are frequent in Geology. In fact, many big metamorphic (geologically) rock formations , such as "Schists", have "layered" or rounded structures (Orbicular structures and Eclogites) that are similar to those structures that are common in sedimentary rocks (some structures in the tectonic plates that are involved in Soufrière Hills, also).
A schist:
At a microscopic level:
Orbicular structures:
Left: Orbicular Structures.
Garnet (Grt) and clinopyroxene (Onf) are the two major minerals in eclogite. Eclogite is basalt which has been metamorphosed at very high pressures in subduction zones.
Soufrière Hills is a "stratovolcano", that is a "layered volcano" with a depositional structure that it is very similar to a sedimentary process.
Perhaps, the explosive rising up of the more properly igneous material and the rising up of a "Lava dome" may be related to the TL66/Pluto quincunx.
Perhaps, the OO67/Pluto square may be related to a significant activity of OO67 as a marker for important steps in the geologic history.
Perhaps, AW197 seems to be active as a "catalyst" and as an "assembler" for the activities of other significant bodies: this is evidenced, up to now, by the very long time-range aspects with the slow moving main planets and bodies such as TL66.
About some relations between the AW197 orbital symbolism and some suggested keywords, Soufrière Hills Volcano has a stable, continue "social impact". The following report seems to be interesting:
Soufriere Hills Volcano (Montserrat)
16.72 N, 62.18 W, summit elevation 915 m, stratovolcano
Wednesday 16th July 2003
"Montserrat's governor declared the Caribbean island a disaster zone Tuesday, days after a volcanic eruption spewed clouds of rock and ash. Workers used bulldozers Tuesday to clear roads caked with ash that had hardened to a cement-like state following rains. Residents used shovels and pickaxes to clear their stairs and roofs. Volcanic flows of superheated debris and rock rolled about 3 miles down the side of the Soufriere Hills volcano. Heavy ash collapsed several buildings in the area of northwestern Salem. The ash was so heavy it broke off tree branches and smothered birds. Minor explosions continued to rumble from the depths of the volcano through Monday, but not enough to cause major ash fallout. There were no reports of serious injury. But Montserrat medical officials have asked international donors for 50,000 dust masks in an effort to prevent respiratory problems among islanders and workers clearing ash". (
This is a global impact: e.g., Etna Volcano is similar. Vesuvius, potentially and very probably, is more dangerous.
Obviously, this is only my rough, preliminar approach to an explanation for collected data about an hypotesized "geologic" delineation of AW197. Looking at further inprovements.
Centaurs' Message # 21871 (Updated)
M 6.0 Earthquake in Celebes Sea: July 01, 2003
Magnitude 6.0 CELEBES SEA
2003 July 01 05:52:24 UTC
Preliminary Earthquake Report
U.S. Geological Survey, National Earthquake Information Center
World Data Center for Seismology, Denver
Tuesday, July 01, 2003 at 05:52:24 (UTC) - Coordinated Universal Time
Tuesday, July 01, 2003 at 01:52:24 PM local time at epicenter
4.57N 122.55E
636.9 kilometers
235 km (145 miles) SE of Jolo, Sulu Archipelago, Philippines
265 km (165 miles) SSE of Zamboanga, Mindanao, Philippines
1125 km (700 miles) S of MANILA, Philippines
2115 km (1310 miles) ENE of JAKARTA, Java, Indonesia
Location Quality
Error estimate: horizontal +/- 9.6 km; depth fixed by location program
Location Quality
Nst=112, Nph=115, Dmin=2256.8 km, Rmss=0.89 sec, Erho=9.6 km, Erzz=0 km, Gp=49.4 degrees
An hypothesized astrology/geology correlation is carried out on the basis of the assumed Wegener's Geological Paradigm (Plate Tectonics)
and the Orbital Paradigms as suggested by Juan Revilla
In Revilla's message # 21666:
we read:
"1-) slow and long-range processes on Earth (such as geological processes) "correspond" or are correlated to slow and long-range movement of celestial
objects. I described this correlation as <<a 1:1 correspondence in time based on a metaphorical, non-physical relationship>>
2-) in practice, "Earth" is used as model or "matrix of metaphors", where the 1:1 correspondence is transposed based on analogy rather than on quantity, i.e., it is established at different scales. For example:
- slow and long-range on planet Earth = "deep", geologic, evolution, millions (or hundredths of thousands) of years
- slow and long-range in a human life = "deep", emotional, spiritual, philosophical, social, historical, perhaps re-incarnational, but in scale
of centuries at the most.
This type of associations stem from an aspect of orbital symbolism that I call "orbital domain", i.e., the area or range within which the planet
moves delimits its sphere of action in human life or on Earth, since "place" for planets in the solar system, dynamically speaking, is the equivalent of time-range or frequency (Kepler's 3rd law). Place, sphere or "domain" within the solar system always incorporates a very specific time dimension or range.
This is what differentiates dynamically, for example, Mercury or Venus from Saturn".
Also, according to Juan Revilla's message # 21639:
"geological events are used as a model or metaphor for the meaning of AW197. In other words: one chooses one type of event among the many that a "prominent" (whatever that means in his case) AW197 can signify, establishes keywords for those events, and assumes that they will also be keywords for AW197.
Geology is used as a model that optimizes the metaphor-building process of giving a general meaning to AW197 that can be applied pragmatically in all cases (political, individual...), where geology as such is not necessarily involved. Geologic events constitute the metaphor".
Consequently, the research is focused on orbital features that are peculiar in KBO's, Plutinos and SDO's.
Minor aspects are used to detect transitional stages of the hypothesized activity of the above mentioned bodies: e.g. the activity in the long time-range between a trine and a opposition.
Some Main Belt Asteroids are involved, according to some symbolic relations with Geology, that are suggested by their names.
A very deep earthquake, that is typical on a "Subduction Zone".
Plate Tectonics
"From a tectonic point of view Southeast Asia (SEA) is a very complex area. It accommodates the convergence of three major plates (the Eurasian (EAP), Indo-Australian (IAP) and Pacific (PaP) plates, of which the latter drives the Caroline (CP) and Philippine Sea (PP) plates) and reveals a variety of tectonic processes.
Along the western and central boundary between the IAP and the EAP oceanic material subducts under Sundaland (the stable interior of SEA). At Sumatra (WSS and ESS) the oblique component of convergence is partly taken up by a large strike-slip fault that cuts Sumatra parallel to the trench. Java (JS) exhibits subduction in its most classic form.
Continental material of Australia has reached the trench at the eastern side of this boundary (TBS) resulting in almost completed accretion of the IAP and Timor. Here, convergence has been transferred from the fore-arc trench to back-arc thrusts.
At Irian Jaya the largly oblique component of convergence between the IAP and the CP is taken up by crustal shortening and elevation and by the left-lateral Sorong-Yapen-Ransiki fault. This fault runs from eastern New Guinea through the Bird's Head at northwestern Irian Jaya towards Halmahera (HS), where it possibly connects to the Philippine trench.
Left-lateral translation along the Matano-Palu-Koro fault system and subduction of the Celebes Sea (CS) at the North Sulawesi trench accommodate the clockwise rotation of Sulawesi.
The left-lateral Philippine Fault (PF) system that runs from the southern to the northern Philippines is a result of the oblique component of convergence between the PP and Sundaland. The accommodation of the normal component is divided between two trench systems, located at the western and eastern side of and roughly parallel to the Philippines".
"It appears as though the northeastern section of the North Arm of Sulawesi is rotating in a clockwise direction past the East Arm and Kalimantan. On the southeastern side of the small plate is an arched system of left-lateral faults, while towards the north there is a zone of subduction at the North Sulawesi Trench as northeastern Sulawesi over rides the Celebes Sea Floor. At this trench the trend of northeastern Sulawesi changes from an easterly trend to a northerly direction. Active volcanism from the Sangihe Arc approaches this bend from the north, and a chain of extinct volcanoes extend westward from this bend. These extinct volcanoes, which have been have been inactive throughout Quaternary time, are thought to have originated from the Sangihe Benioff Zone".
"In Celebes (Sulawesi) Sea two different types of oceanic crust could be identified:
Oceanic crust type 1 is overprinted by widespread extensive volcano-magmatic and intrusive rocks. This 150 km broad crustal type occurs to the south of the Sulu Arc and stretches from Mindanao in the E about 300 km to the WSW.
The flat bedded surface of oceanic crustal type 2 lies 300 - 700 m deeper and shows no significant volcano-magmatic cover. This type of crust underlies the entire central and southern Celebes Sea Basin. Total sediment thickness above this crustal type 2 exceed that of crustal type 1. According to correlation with ODP sites 767 and 770 the accretionary complex along the Cotabato Trench, off Mindanao developed in post Middle Miocene to pre-Pliocene. In contrast/ the accretionary wedge off North Sulawesi is younger (post-Late Miocene to Holocene age). The Celebes Sea Basin is cut by several left-lateral strike-slip (wrench) faults".
"The petrology of Sulawesi is quite varied from one part of the island to another. The western arc of the island, which includes the southern and northern arms, as well as the western portion of central Sulawesi, is composed of Cretaceous subduction complexes which have been overlain by sediments that may be from an outer arc basin. The arc basin sediments are overlain as well by Upper Paleogene continental shelf deposits which include quartzose sandstone, shale, marly shale, coal, shallow water platform limestone, and redbeds. The ages of these clastics range from Lower Paleogene to Upper Eocene. These basin and shelf deposits have been overlain by volcanic and sedimentary rocks of Neogene age, and intruded by those same Neogene volcanics".
"The Neogene volcanism appears to be due to a westward subduction which affected both the East and Southeast Arms. There are a variety of volcanic rock types, such as basalt, andesite, dacite, rhyolite, and many alkali rocks in which leucite may be found".
This is a sequence of rocks that is obtained according to the Bowen's "Crystal Fractionation":
"The earliest volcanism is thought to have begun 18 Ma and produced basaltic lava. Approximately 9 Ma, andesitic eruptions began, followed by dacite eruptios 4-5 Ma. Various types of granitic magmas produced batholiths and stocks on the North Arm. All grades of metamorphic rocks are also found in this region. The ages of these igneous and metamorphic rocks are thought to range from 5-14 million years, with the majority of the magmatism occuring in the middle and late Miocene.
In the southwestern section of the South Arm there are two erosional windows which expose ultramafic and metamorphic rocks of the basement complex. The rocks, which likely formed in a region of subduction, include greenschist, hornblende-mica schist, chloritic phyllite, and lesser amounts of eclogite, glaucophane schist, and quartzite. Muscovite from a garnet schist sample was dated to 111 m.y. by the K-Ar technique.
In the northeast portion of the southern arm there are two exposed areas where melange is found. These are chaotic deposits of fragments of feldspathic sandstone and siltstone, red chert, red limestone, sheared shale, and the various metamorphic and ultramafic rocks described earlier. In one area, Bantimala, there is radiolarian red chert which is interbedded with a schist-pebble conglomerate, overlying schist. The chert is then overlain, or grades into a siliceous shale. Radiolaria from the chert and shale have been dated to the Early Cretaceous. The chert and shale are overlain by a mixture of clastic rocks, primarily shale, siltstone, and graywacke, as well as some minor limestone deposits.
The eastern arc, which is composed of the eastern central Sulawesi and the East and Southeast Arms has a much different assemblage of rocks. This part of Sulawesi is made up of subduction complexes and ophiolite fragments, considered to be products of a west-dipping subduction during the Late Cretaceous, Paleogene, and Neogene. Glaucophane schist, is common in the western portion of central Sulawesi. These high pressure, high temperature blueschist-facies rocks are juxtaposed upon both unmetamorposed rocks and metamorphic rocks of completely different temperature/pressure gradients, indicating large offsets between the bounding faults. The only rocks in this assemblege that could be dated were the radiolarian cherts which dated to the Middle or Upper Miocene. The eastern belt of sedimentary and low grade metamorphic rocks contains both pelagic and terrigenous clastic rocks. The clastics include limestone, shale, red and gray chert, and sandstone. The rocks can be dated by their Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous and possibly Tertiary fossils. The metamorphics include slate, schist, quartzite, and phyllite, intercalated with ophiolite fragments.
Ophiolites cover much of the East Arm and the northeast part of the Southeast arm. There are also Mesozoic and Tertiary sedimentary rocks amongst the ophiolites. The sedimentary rocks are much as previously described in the western belt, and their percentages increase in a eastward direction towards the Gulf of Tolo. The eastern secton of the East Arm contains abundant ophiolites with lesser amounts of sedimentary rocks of Mesozoic age to the northwest. To the southeast however, Mesozoic, Paleogene, and Miocene strata, mixed with ophiolite fragments, form a northwest-dipping imbricated complex. Coral reefs in this area have been uplifed as high as 700 m above sea level".
Astrological Setting (Tropical - Placidus)
Using RIYAL 2.11
RIYAL Tue July 1 2003 UT 5h52m24s Lat4n34 Lon122e33 SORT ALL
TC302 = 0Ta23 3n43 15n05 Ari 48.1 412 35.1 [39..72]
YH32 = 0Sa38 r 77s23 76s11 Cha 5.9 23 79.1 [4..13]
MD10 = 1Le24 29s37 9s07 Mon 15.2 137 59.1 [2..52]
FY128 = 1Li36 4s19 4s36 Vir 37.9 351 11.8 [37..63]
FZ173 = 1Li45 0s14 0s55 Vir 33.0 805 12.7 [32..141]
SQ73 = 2Ta11 3n48 15n48 Ari 15.9 73 17.4 [14..20]
XX143 = 2Le13 2n10 21n47 Cnc 25.4 76 6.8 [10..26]
Uranus = 2Pi36 r 0s46 11s16 Aqr 20.0 84 0.8
FP185 = 2Li38 2n55 1n38 Vir 34.3 3370 30.8 [34..415]
RZ215 = 2Pi42 r 5s04 15s15 Aqr 31.3 1006 25.5 [31..170]
CO1 = 3Vi03 18n30 27n31 LMi 11.7 96 19.7 [11..31]
Pylenor = 3Ge10 5s02 15n51 Tau 18.9 69 5.4 [12..22]
Saturn = 3Ca31 0s48 22n36 Gem 9.0 30 2.5
Chaos = 3Ge34 2n38 23n27 Tau 42.1 311 12.0 [41..51]
GZ32 = 3Li47 14n44 12n00 Vir 20.8 111 15.0 [18..28]
Mercury = 3Ca54 0n47 24n10 Gem 0.3 0 7.0
Thereus = 4Ar10 9n51 10n41 Psc 9.4 35 20.4 [9..13]
GQ21 = 4Sc28 r 5n03 8s15 Vir 39.7 912 13.3 [38..150]
GO9 = 5Sc18 r 12n57 1s03 Vir 14.1 86 12.8 [14..25]
Mars = 5Pi19 4s20 13s35 Aqr 1.4 2 1.8
Elatus = 5Ca24 0n38 23n58 Gem 9.8 41 5.3 [7..17]
TO66 = 6Ar33 5n10 7n20 Psc 46.3 284 27.5 [38..48]
Hidalgo = 6Pi46 r 42s48 47s37 Phe 4.9 14 42.6 [2..10]
QF6 = 6Le57 4s24 14n17 Cnc 4.8 19 24.3 [2..12]
Midheav = 7Le08 0n00 18n29 Cnc
Ixion = 7Sa08 r 1n10 20s21 Sco 42.9 247 19.7 [30..49]
Radamantu= 7Li08 0n19 2s32 Vir 38.9 245 12.7 [33..45]
Icarus = 7Aq16 r 19s21 37s04 Mic 1.9 1 22.9 [0..2]
FZ53 = 7Sc24 r 12n23 2s15 Vir 18.3 116 34.8 [12..35]
CO104 = 7Vi45 0n41 9n18 Leo 20.9 120 3.1 [21..28]
Pelion = 7Pi54 r 4s34 12s50 Aqr 18.2 89 9.4 [17..23]
GB32 = 7Li55 3n07 0s17 Vir 36.8 3121 14.2 [35..392]
EL61 = 8Li29 26n24 20n49 Com 51.3 284 28.2 [35..51]
CF119 = 8Le53 2s09 15n58 Cnc 39.1 862 19.7 [39..143]
Sun = 9Ca01 0n00 23n08 Gem 1.0 1 0.0
KF77 = 9Sc23 r 2s02 16s33 Lib 21.8 133 4.4 [20..32]
Cyllarus = 9Ge32 3n25 25n15 Tau 20.5 134 12.6 [16..36]
DH5 = 9Vi34 2n23 10n12 Leo 14.9 105 22.4 [14..30]
LE31 = 9Le37 9n53 27n21 Cnc 8.6 23 151.9 [4..12]
TD10 = 9Ta49 3s00 11n54 Ari 13.7 951 6.0 [12..181]
CE10 = 9Ta52 r 22n24 35n50 And 2.0 30 145.5 [2..17]
Dioretsa = 10Ge00 14s08 7n58 Tau 10.5 116 160.4 [2..45]
Hylonome = 10Sc35 r 3n01 12s08 Lib 19.7 126 4.1 [19..31]
Ascend = 10Sc43 0n00 15s02 Lib
NN8 = 10Ar43 r 3n49 7n45 Psc 5.3 965 165.4 [2..193]
Quaoar = 10Sa59 r 7n15 14s54 Oph 43.4 284 8.0 [42..45]
PJ30 = 11Aq02 r 1n42 15s49 Cap 41.5 1337 5.7 [29..214]
CR46 = 11Le56 1n26 18n36 Cnc 17.8 238 2.4 [18..59]
AB229 = 12Cp03 r 58s34 80s18 Oct 10.9 385 68.7 [2..104]
OM67 = 12Pi11 r 5n56 1s30 Aqr 40.8 960 23.4 [39..155]
Neptune = 12Aq39 r 0n00 17s00 Cap 30.1 164 1.8
TX300 = 12Ar43 19n22 22n46 And 40.8 284 25.9 [38..48]
HL3 = 12Ge48 6s14 16n09 Tau 6.3 38 35.6 [2..21]
Varuna = 12Ca50 1n41 24n30 Gem 43.2 284 17.1 [41..45]
GB10 = 13Li03 11s51 16s02 Crv 15.2 126 13.3 [15..35]
AW197 = 13Le35 7s19 9n44 Cnc 47.2 328 24.3 [41..54]
QJ1 = 13Ca36 10n33 33n14 Gem 11.8 38 23.5 [2..20]
OX3 = 13Aq48 r 2n10 14s36 Cap 25.8 182 2.6 [18..47]
WU24 = 13Li52 42n47 33n35 CVn 13.0 59 42.6 [1..29]
SB60 = 14Pi03 r 21n43 13n46 Peg 43.5 271 24.0 [37..46]
PA44 = 14Sc03 r 1n34 14s34 Lib 4.0 53 3.3 [3..25]
PN34 = 14Aq29 r 4n01 12s39 Aqr 13.5 170 16.7 [13..48]
HE46 = 15Ca09 9s22 13n16 Gem 9.8 115 158.4 [2..45]
Chiron = 15Cp38 r 7n20 15s15 Sgr 12.2 50 6.9 [8..19]
RP120 = 15Ar42 r 56n25 55n28 Lac 3.7 418 119.1 [2..109]
Damocles = 16Aq17 r 0n36 15s23 Cap 19.9 41 62.1 [2..22]
96PW = 16Ca31 18s16 4n17 Mon 18.0 4455 29.8 [3..539]
OO67 = 16Pi34 r 7s48 12s29 Aqr 20.9 12058 20.1 [21..1031
QB1 = 16Ar40 0n36 7n06 Psc 40.9 290 2.2 [41..47]
DA62 = 16Vi42 31n04 33n30 CVn 4.2 21 52.2 [4..11]
Bienor = 16Pi42 r 2n19 3s07 Psc 19.0 67 20.8 [13..20]
RZ214 = 17Ar12 6n50 13n04 Psc 41.2 772 20.5 [37..132]
RN109 = 17Ge23 45s37 22s35 Lep 3.3 40092 58.0 [3..2340]
AZ84 = 17Ca25 7s49 14n34 Gem 45.9 250 13.5 [33..47]
TL66 = 17Ta26 3s37 13n34 Ari 35.1 768 24.0 [35..133]
FX128 = 17Li28 10n53 3n13 Vir 25.3 1051 22.3 [18..189]
FY9 = 17Vi41 28n49 31n06 UMa 51.8 310 29.0 [39..53]
Jupiter = 17Le59 0n48 16n12 Leo 5.4 12 1.3
Apogee = 18Ta01 0s59 16n16 Ari
Pluto = 18Sa03 r 9n29 13s28 Oph 30.7 248 17.2 [30..49]
CR105 = 18Le04 4n17 19n29 Leo 54.3 3478 22.7 [44..415]
Pholus = 18Sc04 r 24n01 5n55 Ser 18.0 92 24.7 [9..32]
DG8 = 18Cp11 r 10s46 32s52 Sgr 7.4 36 129.4 [2..19]
Sedna = 18Ta18 11s46 5n57 Cet 89.7 12103 11.9 [76..978]
Heracles = 18Ar43 7n01 13n48 Psc 3.2 2 9.1 [0..3]
CZ118 = 18Vi55 2s34 2n01 Leo 44.1 1262 27.7 [38..196]
RD215 = 19Ar44 5n47 13n04 Psc 39.6 1342 25.9 [38..206]
TY364 = 19Ar48 21s16 11s58 Cet 39.9 242 24.9 [36..41]
Phaethon = 20Ge16 4n18 27n22 Tau 1.6 1 22.2 [0..2]
Talos = 20Ta31 9s52 8n21 Cet 1.3 1 23.2 [0..2]
CY118 = 20Vi35 4n15 7n38 Leo 34.7 881 25.5 [35..149]
UB313 = 20Ar37 14s53 5s46 Cet 97.0 558 44.0 [38..98]
XZ255 = 20Ca42 1n22 23n11 Gem 16.1 64 2.6 [15..17]
OP32 = 21Aq04 r 19n38 4n11 Equ 40.9 282 27.2 [39..47]
XS35 = 21Vi14 15n23 17n34 Leo 11.5 76 19.5 [1..35]
Vertex = 21Pi32
Chariklo = 21Vi35 19s15 14s20 Crt 13.1 63 23.4 [13..19]
Okyrhoe = 22Ta04 11s44 6n56 Tau 8.2 24 15.6 [6..11]
CC22 = 22Le15 2n34 16n31 Leo 4.2 20 6.4 [4..11]
XA255 = 22Ca35 1n26 22n58 Gem 14.5 166 12.7 [9..51]
Nessus = 23Cp02 r 16s21 37s33 Sgr 18.1 121 15.6 [12..37]
RG33 = 23Ge09 28n14 51n27 Aur 11.2 29 34.9 [2..17]
Orcus = 23Le24 16s58 2s20 Hya 47.6 248 20.5 [31..48]
UR163 = 23Ar29 0n44 9n49 Psc 49.2 369 0.8 [37..66]
Huya = 23Li53 r 9n26 0s29 Vir 29.4 249 15.5 [29..51]
MS4 = 24Sa36 r 13n47 9s34 Oph 47.5 269 17.7 [36..48]
BU48 = 24Le50 3n19 16n22 Leo 28.7 194 14.2 [21..46]
Hephaisto= 25Ge23 6n53 30n14 Aur 2.8 3 11.8 [0..4]
Venus = 25Ge44 0s15 23n07 Tau 0.7 1 3.4
VS2 = 25Ta46 13n30 32n16 Per 36.4 249 14.8 [36..43]
VQ94 = 25Ta53 34n16 52n05 Per 9.1 3214 70.5 [7..429]
GV9 = 25Li55 r 15s35 24s27 Hya 38.9 273 22.0 [39..46]
KX14 = 25Sc58 r 0s19 19s33 Lib 39.7 241 0.4 [37..40]
UX25 = 26Ar03 0s01 10n02 Psc 42.6 279 19.4 [37..49]
Moon = 26Ca05 4n20 25n12 Gem 1.0 0 5.2
VU2 = 26Vi20 12s03 9s35 Crt 6.3 18 13.7 [3..11]
BL41 = 26Le32 8s58 4n14 Sex 9.3 31 12.5 [7..13]
QB243 = 26Aq36 r 0s43 13s19 Cap 19.9 204 6.8 [15..54]
WL7 = 26Ar56 3n34 13n42 Psc 16.3 87 11.3 [15..24]
Asbolus = 27Aq18 r 14s07 25s37 PsA 7.1 76 17.6 [7..29]
GM137 = 27Sc49 r 8n08 11s45 Lib 7.0 22 15.9 [7..9]
Deucalion= 28Li13 r 0n08 10s43 Vir 43.6 294 0.4 [42..47]
EC98 = 28Vi16 0n40 1n18 Vir 14.4 35 4.3 [6..16]
Node = 28Ta53 r 0n00 19n55 Tau
VR130 = 29Ar13 1s23 9n54 Psc 14.9 113 3.5 [15..32]
QD112 = 29Pi15 1s42 1s52 Psc 11.3 82 14.5 [8..30]
WN188 = 29Ge51 13s11 10n16 Ori 3.6 56 27.0 [2..27]
Cuvier 5 Le 09 Mohorovicic 26 Le 14 Richter 19 Le 47
Darwin 17 Le 25 Milhankovitch 18 Le 52 Tazieff 10 Aq 05 r
Flammario 27 Cp 46 r Nephele 6 Ca 20 Vulcano 6 Vi 11
Flammeus 0 Ta 45 Pele 27 Sa 03 r Wegener 16 Vi 16
Humboldt 17 Ar 34 Plinius 8 Cp 21 Werner 27 Le 31
Focused Minor Planets
AW197 = 13 Le 35
Neptune = 12 Aq 39 r
OX3 = 13 Aq 48 r
TX300 = 12 Ar 43 Trine
SB60 = 14 Pi 03 r Quincunx
TL66 = 17 Ta 26
Sedna = 18 Ta 18
Pluto = 18 Sa 03 r Quincunx
Jupiter = 17 Le 59 Square
Milhankovitc = 18 Le 52
OO67 = 16 Pi 34 r Sextile
FY9 = 17 Vi 41 Trine
Wegener = 16 Vi 16
QB1 = 16 Ar 40 Semisextile
FX128 = 17 Li 28 Quincunx
Orcus = 23 Le 24
Mohorovicic = 26 Le 14
Sun = 9 Ca 01 Semisquare
Hephaistos = 25 Ge 23 Sextile
UR163 = 23 Ar 29 Trine
Chaos = 3 Ge 34
Pylenor = 3 Ge 10
Mars = 5 Pi 19 Square
Uranus = 2 Pi 36 r
Saturn = 3 Ca 31 Semisextile
Mercury = 3 Ca 54
FP185 = 2 Li 38 Trine
RD215 = 19 Ar 44
TY364 = 19 Ar 48
Pluto = 18 Sa 03 r Trine
Richter = 19 Le 47
Milhankovitch = 18 Le 52
Astrological Setting (Sidereal - Fagan/Bradley)
Using RIYAL 2.11
RIYAL Tue July 1 2003 UT 5h52m24s Lat4n34 Lon122e33 SORT ALL
BU48 = 0Le03 3n19 16n22 Leo 28.7 194 14.2 [21..46]
Hephaisto= 0Ge36 6n53 30n14 Aur 2.8 3 11.8 [0..4]
Venus = 0Ge57 0s15 23n07 Tau 0.7 1 3.4
VS2 = 0Ta59 13n30 32n16 Per 36.4 249 14.8 [36..43]
VQ94 = 1Ta06 34n16 52n05 Per 9.1 3214 70.5 [7..429]
GV9 = 1Li08 r 15s35 24s27 Hya 38.9 273 22.0 [39..46]
KX14 = 1Sc11 r 0s19 19s33 Lib 39.7 241 0.4 [37..40]
UX25 = 1Ar16 0s01 10n02 Psc 42.6 279 19.4 [37..49]
Moon = 1Ca18 4n20 25n12 Gem 1.0 0 5.2
VU2 = 1Vi32 12s03 9s35 Crt 6.3 18 13.7 [3..11]
BL41 = 1Le45 8s58 4n14 Sex 9.3 31 12.5 [7..13]
QB243 = 1Aq49 r 0s43 13s19 Cap 19.9 204 6.8 [15..54]
WL7 = 2Ar09 3n34 13n42 Psc 16.3 87 11.3 [15..24]
Asbolus = 2Aq30 r 14s07 25s37 PsA 7.1 76 17.6 [7..29]
GM137 = 3Sc02 r 8n08 11s45 Lib 7.0 22 15.9 [7..9]
Deucalion= 3Li26 r 0n08 10s43 Vir 43.6 294 0.4 [42..47]
EC98 = 3Vi29 0n40 1n18 Vir 14.4 35 4.3 [6..16]
Node = 4Ta06 r 0n00 19n55 Tau
VR130 = 4Ar26 1s23 9n54 Psc 14.9 113 3.5 [15..32]
QD112 = 4Pi27 1s42 1s52 Psc 11.3 82 14.5 [8..30]
WN188 = 5Ge04 13s11 10n16 Ori 3.6 56 27.0 [2..27]
TC302 = 5Ar36 3n43 15n05 Ari 48.1 412 35.1 [39..72]
YH32 = 5Sc51 r 77s23 76s11 Cha 5.9 23 79.1 [4..13]
MD10 = 6Ca37 29s37 9s07 Mon 15.2 137 59.1 [2..52]
FY128 = 6Vi49 4s19 4s36 Vir 37.9 351 11.8 [37..63]
FZ173 = 6Vi58 0s14 0s55 Vir 33.0 805 12.7 [32..141]
SQ73 = 7Ar24 3n48 15n48 Ari 15.9 73 17.4 [14..20]
XX143 = 7Ca26 2n10 21n47 Cnc 25.4 76 6.8 [10..26]
Uranus = 7Aq49 r 0s46 11s16 Aqr 20.0 84 0.8
FP185 = 7Vi51 2n55 1n38 Vir 34.3 3370 30.8 [34..415]
RZ215 = 7Aq54 r 5s04 15s15 Aqr 31.3 1006 25.5 [31..170]
CO1 = 8Le16 18n30 27n31 LMi 11.7 96 19.7 [11..31]
Pylenor = 8Ta22 5s02 15n51 Tau 18.9 69 5.4 [12..22]
Saturn = 8Ge44 0s48 22n36 Gem 9.0 30 2.5
Chaos = 8Ta47 2n38 23n27 Tau 42.1 311 12.0 [41..51]
GZ32 = 9Vi00 14n44 12n00 Vir 20.8 111 15.0 [18..28]
Mercury = 9Ge07 0n47 24n10 Gem 0.3 0 7.0
Thereus = 9Pi23 9n51 10n41 Psc 9.4 35 20.4 [9..13]
GQ21 = 9Li41 r 5n03 8s15 Vir 39.7 912 13.3 [38..150]
GO9 = 10Li31 r 12n57 1s03 Vir 14.1 86 12.8 [14..25]
Mars = 10Aq31 4s20 13s35 Aqr 1.4 2 1.8
Elatus = 10Ge37 0n38 23n58 Gem 9.8 41 5.3 [7..17]
TO66 = 11Pi46 5n10 7n20 Psc 46.3 284 27.5 [38..48]
Hidalgo = 11Aq59 r 42s48 47s37 Phe 4.9 14 42.6 [2..10]
QF6 = 12Ca10 4s24 14n17 Cnc 4.8 19 24.3 [2..12]
Midheav = 12Ca20 0n00 18n29 Cnc
Ixion = 12Sc21 r 1n10 20s20 Sco 42.9 247 19.7 [30..49]
Radamantu= 12Vi21 0n19 2s32 Vir 38.9 245 12.7 [33..45]
Icarus = 12Cp29 r 19s21 37s04 Mic 1.9 1 22.9 [0..2]
FZ53 = 12Li37 r 12n23 2s15 Vir 18.3 116 34.8 [12..35]
CO104 = 12Le58 0n41 9n18 Leo 20.9 120 3.1 [21..28]
Pelion = 13Aq07 r 4s34 12s50 Aqr 18.2 89 9.4 [17..23]
GB32 = 13Vi08 3n07 0s17 Vir 36.8 3121 14.2 [35..392]
EL61 = 13Vi42 26n24 20n49 Com 51.3 284 28.2 [35..51]
CF119 = 14Ca05 2s09 15n58 Cnc 39.1 862 19.7 [39..143]
Sun = 14Ge14 0n00 23n08 Gem 1.0 1 0.0
KF77 = 14Li36 r 2s02 16s33 Lib 21.8 133 4.4 [20..32]
Cyllarus = 14Ta45 3n25 25n15 Tau 20.5 134 12.6 [16..36]
DH5 = 14Le47 2n23 10n12 Leo 14.9 105 22.4 [14..30]
LE31 = 14Ca50 9n53 27n20 Cnc 8.6 23 151.9 [4..12]
TD10 = 15Ar02 3s00 11n54 Ari 13.7 951 6.0 [12..181]
CE10 = 15Ar05 r 22n24 35n50 And 2.0 30 145.5 [2..17]
Dioretsa = 15Ta13 14s08 7n58 Tau 10.5 116 160.4 [2..45]
Hylonome = 15Li47 r 3n01 12s08 Lib 19.7 126 4.1 [19..31]
Ascend = 15Li56 0n00 15s02 Lib
NN8 = 15Pi56 r 3n49 7n45 Psc 5.3 965 165.4 [2..193]
Quaoar = 16Sc12 r 7n15 14s54 Oph 43.4 284 8.0 [42..45]
PJ30 = 16Cp15 r 1n42 15s49 Cap 41.5 1337 5.7 [29..214]
CR46 = 17Ca09 1n26 18n35 Cnc 17.8 238 2.4 [18..59]
AB229 = 17Sa15 r 58s34 80s18 Oct 10.9 385 68.7 [2..104]
OM67 = 17Aq24 r 5n56 1s30 Aqr 40.8 960 23.4 [39..155]
Neptune = 17Cp52 r 0n00 17s00 Cap 30.1 164 1.8
TX300 = 17Pi56 19n22 22n46 And 40.8 284 25.9 [38..48]
HL3 = 18Ta01 6s14 16n09 Tau 6.3 38 35.6 [2..21]
Varuna = 18Ge03 1n41 24n30 Gem 43.2 284 17.1 [41..45]
GB10 = 18Vi16 11s51 16s02 Crv 15.2 126 13.3 [15..35]
AW197 = 18Ca48 7s19 9n43 Cnc 47.2 328 24.3 [41..54]
QJ1 = 18Ge49 10n33 33n14 Gem 11.8 38 23.5 [2..20]
OX3 = 19Cp00 r 2n10 14s36 Cap 25.8 182 2.6 [18..47]
WU24 = 19Vi05 42n47 33n35 CVn 13.0 59 42.6 [1..29]
SB60 = 19Aq16 r 21n43 13n46 Peg 43.5 271 24.0 [37..46]
PA44 = 19Li16 r 1n34 14s34 Lib 4.0 53 3.3 [3..25]
PN34 = 19Cp42 r 4n01 12s38 Aqr 13.5 170 16.7 [13..48]
HE46 = 20Ge22 9s22 13n16 Gem 9.8 115 158.4 [2..45]
Chiron = 20Sa51 r 7n20 15s14 Sgr 12.2 50 6.9 [8..19]
RP120 = 20Pi55 r 56n25 55n28 Lac 3.7 418 119.1 [2..109]
Damocles = 21Cp30 r 0n36 15s23 Cap 19.9 41 62.1 [2..22]
96PW = 21Ge44 18s16 4n17 Mon 18.0 4455 29.8 [3..539]
OO67 = 21Aq47 r 7s48 12s29 Aqr 20.9 12058 20.1 [21..1031
QB1 = 21Pi53 0n36 7n06 Psc 40.9 290 2.2 [41..47]
DA62 = 21Le55 31n04 33n30 CVn 4.2 21 52.2 [4..11]
Bienor = 21Aq55 r 2n19 3s07 Psc 19.0 67 20.8 [13..20]
RZ214 = 22Pi25 6n50 13n04 Psc 41.2 772 20.5 [37..132]
RN109 = 22Ta36 45s37 22s35 Lep 3.3 40092 58.0 [3..2340]
AZ84 = 22Ge37 7s49 14n33 Gem 45.9 250 13.5 [33..47]
TL66 = 22Ar38 3s37 13n34 Ari 35.1 768 24.0 [35..133]
FX128 = 22Vi41 10n53 3n13 Vir 25.3 1051 22.3 [18..189]
FY9 = 22Le54 28n49 31n06 UMa 51.8 310 29.0 [39..53]
Jupiter = 23Ca12 0n48 16n12 Leo 5.4 12 1.3
Apogee = 23Ar14 0s59 16n16 Ari
Pluto = 23Sc16 r 9n29 13s28 Oph 30.7 248 17.2 [30..49]
CR105 = 23Ca17 4n17 19n29 Leo 54.3 3478 22.7 [44..415]
Pholus = 23Li17 r 24n01 5n55 Ser 18.0 92 24.7 [9..32]
DG8 = 23Sa24 r 10s46 32s52 Sgr 7.4 36 129.4 [2..19]
Sedna = 23Ar31 11s46 5n57 Cet 89.7 12103 11.9 [76..978]
Heracles = 23Pi55 7n01 13n48 Psc 3.2 2 9.1 [0..3]
CZ118 = 24Le07 2s34 2n01 Leo 44.1 1262 27.7 [38..196]
RD215 = 24Pi57 5n47 13n04 Psc 39.6 1342 25.9 [38..206]
TY364 = 25Pi00 21s16 11s58 Cet 39.9 242 24.9 [36..41]
Phaethon = 25Ta29 4n18 27n22 Tau 1.6 1 22.2 [0..2]
Talos = 25Ar44 9s52 8n21 Cet 1.3 1 23.2 [0..2]
CY118 = 25Le48 4n15 7n38 Leo 34.7 881 25.5 [35..149]
UB313 = 25Pi49 14s53 5s46 Cet 97.0 558 44.0 [38..98]
XZ255 = 25Ge55 1n22 23n11 Gem 16.1 64 2.6 [15..17]
OP32 = 26Cp17 r 19n38 4n11 Equ 40.9 282 27.2 [39..47]
XS35 = 26Le27 15n23 17n34 Leo 11.5 76 19.5 [1..35]
Vertex = 26Aq44
Chariklo = 26Le48 19s15 14s20 Crt 13.1 63 23.4 [13..19]
Okyrhoe = 27Ar17 11s44 6n56 Tau 8.2 24 15.6 [6..11]
CC22 = 27Ca28 2n34 16n31 Leo 4.2 20 6.4 [4..11]
XA255 = 27Ge48 1n26 22n57 Gem 14.5 166 12.7 [9..51]
Nessus = 28Sa15 r 16s21 37s33 Sgr 18.1 121 15.6 [12..37]
RG33 = 28Ta22 28n14 51n26 Aur 11.2 29 34.9 [2..17]
Orcus = 28Ca37 16s58 2s21 Hya 47.6 248 20.5 [31..48]
UR163 = 28Pi42 0n44 9n49 Psc 49.2 369 0.8 [37..66]
Huya = 29Vi06 r 9n26 0s29 Vir 29.4 249 15.5 [29..51]
MS4 = 29Sc49 r 13n47 9s34 Oph 47.5 269 17.7 [36..48]
Cuvier 10 Ca 22 Milankovitch 24 Ca 05 Richter 25 Ca 00
Darwin 22 Ca 37 Mohorovicic 1 Le 27 Tazieff 15 Cp 18 r
Flammario 2 Cp 59 r Nephele 11 Ge 33 Vulcano 11 Le 24
Flammeus 5 Ar 58 Pele 2 Sa 16 r Wegener 15 Le 28
Humboldt 22 Pi 47 Plinius 13 Sa 34 Werner 2 Le 44
Focused Minor Planets
AW197 = 18 Ca 48
Neptune = 17 Cp 52 r
OX3 = 19 Cp 00 r
TX300 = 17 Pi 56 Trine
SB60 = 19 Aq 16 r Quincunx
TL66 = 22 Ar 38
Sedna = 23 Ar 31
Pluto = 23 Sc 16 r Quincunx
Jupiter = 23 Ca 12 Square
Milankovitch = 24 Ca 05
OO67 = 21 Aq 47 r Sextile
FY9 = 22 Le 54 Trine
QB1 = 21 Pi 53 Semisextile
FX128 = 22 Vi 41 Quincunx
Orcus = 28 Ca 37
Sun = 14 Ge 14 Semisquare
Hephaistos = 0 Ge 36 Sextile
UR163 = 28 Pi 42 Trine
Chaos = 8 Ta 47
Pylenor = 8 Ta 22
Mars = 10 Aq 31 Square
Uranus = 7 Aq 49 r
Saturn = 8 Ge 44 Semisextile
Mercury = 9 Ge 07
FP185 = 7 Vi 51 Trine
RD215 = 24 Pi 57
TY364 = 25 Pi 00
Pluto = 23 Sc 16 r Trine
Richter = 25 Ca 00
Milankovitch = 24 Ca 05
Suggested Astrology/Geology Correlations
According to the above mentioned geological features, the AW197/Neptune Opp, TL66/Jupiter Square, TL66/Saturn/Mercury Semisquare, TL66/Pluto Quincunx, OO67/Pluto Square, OO67/TL66 Sextile seem to have a prominence in the chart for this event.
Plate Tectonics' "Subduction" processes in a "Oceanic Area" seem to be related to Neptune symbolisms.
The convective currents of the deep ancestral, subcrustal magma seem to be related to Pluto symbolisms.
Again, in Revilla's message # 21666:
>" an excellent symbol of sedimentary rocks, as an epitome of Uniformitarianism: eons of slow accumulation/deposition, strongly related to the layering, circling and.or rounding action of water or the wind (i.e. flowing...). Neptune has an affinity with large water masses, with rivers and oceans with the layered "formations" used in geological nomenclature".<
Perhaps, the whole Earthquake on Celebes Sea event may be inserted in this Neptune symbology.
>"Probably, ancient rock formations themselves are not Neptune, but the slow "rounding" or "reducing" action of the agents of meteorization, where even the hardest rock proves to be malleable given enough time, may be represented by it".<
This relation seems to be fitting with a sort of metaphoric extension: the above mentioned Bowen's "Crystal Fractionation" is a "layered" process, with a slow , "layered", "stratified" action on the ancestral magma. Crystal Fractionation is not an agent of meteorization, but it is active as a "reducing" factor on the primordial magma. Crystals become smaller and more homogenized along a sequence of zones.
>"Neptune is the big gravitational frontier of the solar system, so it also represents the "breaking point" beyond which the individual defenses are no longer effective, and the process of socialization wins over... that is the meteorization".<
Perhaps, the "Crystal Fractionation" again: the individual crystals are without a defense facing their inner structural transformation.
>"... so that the big rock formations are probably represented by the "classical" cubewanos with very round orbits, farther away than Neptune.
Metamorphic and plutonic (igneous) processes are related to the Pluto and the plutinos, geologic upheavals to the SDO's.<
So, Celebes Sea is a marine, oceanic environment with many geological structures that seem to be fitting well with the orbital symbolisms related to Neptune/Pluto/AW197.
Perhaps, the 24° inclination of the AW197 orbit may be related to the transitional features that are frequent in Geology. In fact, many big metamorphic (geologically) rock formations , such as "Schists" have "layered" or rounded structures (Orbicular structures and Eclogites) that are similar to those structures that are common in sedimentary rocks (see the Soufriere Hills event in message # 21789).
Another example:
as mentioned above , Ophiolites are rocky structures that are very representative in the tectonic plates that are involved in Celebes Sea.
Rounded structures, such as "Pillow lavas" are frequent into Ophiolites:
Ophiolite with rounded "Pilllow lava"
Ophiolites are pieces of oceanic plate that have been thrusted (obducted) onto the edge of continental plates. They provide models for processes at mid-ocean ridges.
Ophiolites are an assemblage of mafic and ultramafic lavas and hypabyssal rocks found in association with sedimentary rocks like greywackes and cherts. They are found in areas that have complex structure. Cross-sections simplified from R.C. Coleman, 1981, Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 86, p. 2497-2508.
Ancient Pillow Lavas:
Pillow lavas are obtained when the rising primordial magma reaches a "breaking point" beyond wich his individual defenses are no longer effective, facing the water masses that are acting as a sort of "meteorization". The "Crystal Fractionation" is deviated/accelerated abruptly.
So, these structures/architectures (in Geology, "textures" also) seem to be fitting with the above mentioned Revilla's:
>big rock formations that are probably represented by the "classical" cubewanos with very round orbits, farther away than Neptune<
Perhaps, the violence of this earthquake may be related to the TL66/Pluto quincunx (deep upheaval by traction > faults).
Perhaps, the OO67/Pluto square may be related to a significant activity of OO67 (with a very long "geologic" period) as a marker for important steps in the geologic history.
Perhaps, AW197 seems to be active as a "catalyst" and as an "assembler" for the activities of other significant bodies: this is evidenced, up to now, by many long time-range aspects between it and the slow moving main planets and powerful bodies such as TL66.
Centaurs' Message # 21964 (updated)
Fuego Volcanic Eruption (Guatemala): June 29, 2003
Fuego (1979)
FUEGO Guatemala 14.47°N, 90.88°W; summit elev. 3,763 m; All times are local (= UTC - 6 hours)
"Based on information from INSIVUMEH, the Washington VAAC reported that a moderate eruption began at Fuego on 29 June at 1700. Lava flows were seen, and ash fell S and SW of the volcano. As of 30 June lava flows were still visible, an ash plume was W of the summit, and seismicity was at low levels. Both days a hot spot was visible on satellite imagery, but an ash cloud could not be distinguished from abundant meteorological clouds in the area".
2-8 July 2003
INSIVUMEH reported that the eruption at Fuego on 29 June during 1745-2200 consisted mainly of lava flows and avalanches of volcanic material traveling down the volcano's E flank. Incandescence was visible from the city of Antigua and the S coast. Ash fell in villages W and SE of the volcano, including San Pedro Yepocapa. Explosions and tremor were recorded by a seismic station. After the eruption, weak-to-moderate explosions at Fuego produced ash clouds to ~900 m above the volcano and seismographs mainly recorded tremor. Pyroclastic-flow material extended ~1.5 km down the volcano's W flank. Fuego was at Alert Level Yellow and pilots were advised to avoid flying near the volcano.
(Source: Instituto Nacional Di Sismologia, Volcanologia, Meteorologia E Hidrologia)
FVXX21 KWBC 301120
ISSUED: 2003JUN30/1130Z
VOLCANO: FUEGO 1402-09 LOCATION: N1428W09053
Subregion Name:
Volcano Number:
Volcano Type:
Volcano Status:
Last Known Eruption:
Summit Elevation:
3763 m
12,346 feet
"Volcán Fuego, one of Central America's most active volcanoes, is one of three large stratovolcanoes overlooking Guatemala's former capital, Antigua. The scarp of an older edifice, Meseta, lies between 3763-m-high Fuego and its twin volcano to the north, Acatenango. Collapse of the ancestral Meseta volcano about 8500 years ago produced the massive Escuintla debris-avalanche deposit, which extends about 50 km onto the Pacific coastal plain. Growth of the modern Fuego volcano followed, continuing the southward migration of volcanism that began at Acatenango. In contrast to the mostly andesitic Acatenango volcano, eruptions at Fuego have become more mafic with time, and most historical activity has produced basaltic rocks. Frequent vigorous historical eruptions have been recorded at Fuego since the onset of the Spanish era in 1524, and have produced major ashfalls, along with occasional pyroclastic flows and lava flows".
and the Orbital Paradigms as suggested by Juan Revilla
According to Revilla's message # 21666:
"1-) slow and long-range processes on Earth (such as geological processes) "correspond" or are correlated to slow and long-range movement of celestial
objects. I described this correlation as <<a 1:1 correspondence in time based on a metaphorical, non-physical relationship>>
2-) in practice, "Earth" is used as model or "matrix of metaphors", where the 1:1 correspondence is transposed based on analogy rather than on quantity, i.e., it is established at different scales. For example:
- slow and long-range on planet Earth = "deep", geologic, evolution, millions (or hundredths of thousands) of years
- slow and long-range in a human life = "deep", emotional, spiritual, philosophical, social, historical, perhaps re-incarnational, but in scale
of centuries at the most.
This type of associations stem from an aspect of orbital symbolism that I call "orbital domain", i.e., the area or range within which the planet
moves delimits its sphere of action in human life or on Earth, since "place" for planets in the solar system, dynamically speaking, is the equivalent of time-range or frequency (Kepler's 3rd law). Place, sphere or "domain" within the solar system always incorporates a very specific time dimension or range.
This is what differentiates dynamically, for example, Mercury or Venus from Saturn".
Also, according to Juan Revilla's message # 21639:
"geological events are used as a model or metaphor for the meaning of AW197. In other words: one chooses one type of event among the many that a "prominent" (whatever that means in his case) AW197 can signify, establishes keywords for those events, and assumes that they will also be keywords for AW197.
Geology is used as a model that optimizes the metaphor-building process of giving a general meaning to AW197 that can be applied pragmatically in all cases (political, individual...), where geology as such is not necessarily involved. Geologic events constitute the metaphor".
Consequently, the research is focused on orbital features that are peculiar in KBO's, Plutinos and SDO's.
Minor aspects are used to detect transitional stages of the hypothesized activity of the above mentioned bodies: e.g. the activity in the long time-range between a trine and a opposition.
Some Main Belt Asteroids are involved, according to some symbolic relations with Geology, that are suggested by their names.
From: Smithsonian Institution Global Volcanism Program's Website, February 2002:
"The Kingdom of Guatemala (so known since 1549) was the political heart of Spanish rule in Central America, and had its largest population. Guatemala declared independence from Spain in 1821, along with the other Central American countries. The region has not been free of political unrest, and the quality of volcano reporting has varied in space and time. ... "
PLate Tectonics
"Fuego (fire in Spanish) has been the most active volcano in Guatemala in historic time. Fuego is located along at the trenchward end of 10 km fissure containing three other vents, most notably Acatenango.
Most active volcanoes in the Mexico/Central American Region occur in belts produced by subduction of Pacific oceanic crust beneath the southern edge of the North American Plate and the western edge of the Caribbean Plate. Large stratovolcanoes and silicic calderas are found here, but the region also contains many basaltic volcanic fields, particularly in the central valley of Mexico and along the Guatemala-El Salvador border. A few other active volcanoes in northern Mexico are related to extensional tectonics of the Basin and Range Province, which split the Baja California peninsula from the mainland.
The volcanic front of Guatemala begins at the triple junction of the North America, Cocos, and Caribbean plates, with the Cocos plate underthrusting the Caribbean plate along the Middle America trench. The front is a belt of large frequently active stratovolcanoes, which Stoiber and Carr divided into segments on the basis of volcanic lineaments and seismicity. Tacaná and Tajumulco are the highest volcanoes in all of Central America and are on a separate segment of the front, which has been historically inactive.
Guatemala is cut by several transcurrent faults. The northernmost of those is the Cuilco-Chixoy-Polochic system, a left-lateral fault zone which extends into southern Mexico. It represents the present boundary between the Caribbean and Americas plates, and has been active for the past 10 m.y.
Quaternary volcanoes north and west of the Polochic fault differ from those in the Guatemalan front. They occur in a NW trending belt and consist of small volume sphene bearing domes with intermediate silica content of the Chiapas volcanic belt. The volcanic centers of this belt (including Nicolas Ruiz, Tzomtehuitz and El Chichón) apparently result from oblique subduction of the Cocos plate under the Americas plate. (Capaul, 1987)
The volcanic front is divided into four morphotectonic zones based on block rotation about the transcurrent faults. Tacaná lies on their Zone I, on basement rock, and is some 30 km south of the Polochic fault. In their model, Zone I is locked into place and unaffected by extensional tectonics.
Guatemala is an uplifted block of continental crust of at least Paleozoic age. The continental crust of Guatemala is characterized by metamorphic rocks, anatexites, and plutonites of granitic composition, overlain by upper Paleozoic to Tertiary sediments. The Tertiary of Guatemala is characterized by violently explosive volcanism of cal-alkaline affinity, very similar to the Quaternary volcanism. The Quaternary vents lie mostly to the south of the Tertiary rocks.
The Motagua fault zone is a truly well documented active major strike-slip fault zone and was an active earthquake zone. The Motagua fault zone represented the southern most border of the North American plate. This can be better seen in the figure below with the sharp bending of the Cordilleran orocline in this part of Guatemala. The western end of the Motagua fault zone was also being recognized in the scheme of global plate tectonics as a triple point junction where the North American plate, the Caribbean plate and the Cocos plate intersect. Thus, this region was of critical importance for determining the tectonics of North America, the Caribbean plate and the South American plate. The region in south central Guatemala is shown in the map below in the lightly colored quadrangle.
A complex multiply deformed and polymetamorphic terrain was defined. The first deformation and metamorphism was regional and occurred during the Paleozoic. The second deformation and metamorphism began probably in the Cretaceous and continued into the Tertiary Period. It was related to the westward movement of the North American plate, the bending of the Cordilleran orocline, and large scale left-lateral strike-slip faulting along the Motagua and related fault systems. This tectonism also included massive injections of ophiolites that produced extensive secondary metamorphism in the adjacent metamorphic rocks (Roper, P.J., 1978).
Magma Features
According to Bowen's "Crystal Fractionation":
a "Magmatic Differentiation" is the source of different volcanic activities.
The magma of Fuego Volcano is a Basaltic-Andesitic Magma.
Fuego magmas are formed with a transformation/restructuration of the ancestral, deep, subcrustal Basaltic Magma.
Also, Fuego magmas are the result of melting processes with a deep fusion of ancient sedimentary/continental/marine materials, etc. into a shallow secondary magmatic chamber. At convergent boundaries rising molten bodies, may overtake one another and mix to form average compositions (Magma Mixing).
"The andesite series includes lavas with composition ranging from basalt through basaltic andesite to dacite and rhyolite. Virtually all andesites are associated with a subduction zone where oceanic crust underthrusts a continent, the andesites becoming more potassic as well as richer in Cs, Rb, Ba, U & Th inland from the subduction zone. A marked negative Nb, Ta anomaly is always present but is never seen in rocks derived from sub-oceanic mantle. The underthrusting takes place along the line of an associated oceanic trench, usually of great depth, up to 32,000ft (10,000m).
The subduction plane is assumed to coincide with the Benioff zone, a plane of high earthquake intensity, which dips inward at an angle of up to 40 degrees under Peru or as low as 20 under southern Chile. The volcanoes tend to lie 50-100 miles on the continental side of the trench".
More about Chemistry and Magma System:
"Prehistoric lavas from Fuego are more silicic than historic lavas but all rocks share the same pattern of chemical variation. Historic lavas have been exclusively high-Al2O3 basalts. Chemistry of major elements is consistent with plagioclase, olivine, augite and magnetite fractionation (POAM) from high-Al2O3 basalts. Separate batches of magma can be recognized from trace-element data. This suggests that closed-system fractionation of distinct magma bodies is occurring. Deep fractionation of olivine and clinopyroxene and magnetite out of the primary olivine tholeiite in a deep reservoir is suggested by 1) high concentrations of incompatible elements 2) very low Ni and Sc and 3) highly variable V in Fuego's parent magmas. This reservoir may be located at the base of the crust. Closed-system behavior is indicated by 1) grouping of elements when plotted against stratigraphy, especially Sr 2) different parental trace element compositions required in Rayleigh calculations 3) fractionation trends within batches.
The historic trend toward mafic products is attributed to changes of the parental magma chamber. Current reposes on the order of months of a few years do not allow as silicic magmas to evolve. The Meseta vent, active prior to Fuego erupted more silicic lavas. Chesner et al. propose that the height of Meseta prohibited frequent low-pressure eruptions. After a summit collapse and a slight relocation of eruption, more basic magmas were able to erupt forming the newer Fuego vent. Alternatively, the magma production rate may be increasing thus prohibiting longer repose/assimilation periods.
The Fuego vent is probably fed by a shallow dike-like chamber (0.1 km- 3) which is supplied by the deeper larger parental chamber discussed above. The magmatic evolution of Fuego is considered less complex than the adjacent Acatenango and Agua vents.
A recent previous Fuego eruption produced more than 0.2 km³ of pyroclastic high-Al2O3 basalt (equivalent to >0.1 km³ of void-free magma), quenched at a temperature of about 1050°C. Early erupted magma was rich in plagioclase and poor in mafic phenocrysts, magmas erupted next in sequence were poor in all phenocryst phases, while the final magmas were rich in all phenocryst phases. These changes, and variations in 8 major and 21 minor elements can be explained by crystal/liquid fractionation of high-Al2O3 basalt. Crystals in Fuego's magma contain inclusions of glass with an average H2O content of about 3%, an amount that suggests that crystallization began at a depth of >5 km. Petrographic data, observed extrustion rates, glass inclusion analyses, regional geological features, and various geophysical considerations collectively suggest that crystallization adn differentiation occurred within a vertical, dike-like conduit during a period of a few days to several months. The Fuego parental basalt contained 5% MgO, 10% FeO and about 0.8% K2O, it began crystallization at 1030 ±50°C with plagioclase, olivine, and magnetite the principal phases. Plagioclase was apparently rafted upward by bubbles within the magma body. Tidal triggering of crystal growth, magma ascent and eruption are suggested" (Rose et al., 1978).
Astrological Setting (Tropical - Placidus)
Using RIYAL 2.11
RIYAL Sun June 29 2003 UT 23h00m00s Lat14n28 Lon90w53 SORT ALL
TC302 = 0Ta22 3n42 15n04 Ari 48.1 412 35.1 [39..72]
Mercury = 1Ca08 0n35 24n01 Gem 0.3 0 7.0
MD10 = 1Le19 29s38 9s06 Mon 15.2 137 59.1 [2..52]
YH32 = 1Sa21 r 77s26 76s17 Cha 5.9 23 79.1 [4..13]
FY128 = 1Li36 4s20 4s36 Vir 37.9 351 11.8 [37..63]
FZ173 = 1Li45 0s14 0s55 Vir 33.0 805 12.7 [32..141]
SQ73 = 2Ta08 3n47 15n46 Ari 15.9 73 17.4 [14..20]
XX143 = 2Le10 2n10 21n47 Cnc 25.4 76 6.8 [10..26]
Uranus = 2Pi37 r 0s46 11s16 Aqr 20.0 84 0.8
FP185 = 2Li37 2n55 1n38 Vir 34.3 3370 30.8 [34..415]
RZ215 = 2Pi42 r 5s05 15s14 Aqr 31.3 1006 25.5 [31..170]
CO1 = 2Vi57 18n32 27n35 LMi 11.7 96 19.7 [11..31]
Pylenor = 3Ge06 5s02 15n51 Tau 18.9 69 5.4 [12..22]
Saturn = 3Ca21 0s48 22n36 Gem 9.0 30 2.5
Chaos = 3Ge32 2n38 23n27 Tau 42.1 311 12.0 [41..51]
GZ32 = 3Li46 14n44 12n01 Vir 20.8 111 15.0 [18..28]
Thereus = 4Ar08 9n51 10n40 Psc 9.4 35 20.4 [9..13]
GQ21 = 4Sc29 r 5n03 8s15 Vir 39.7 912 13.3 [38..150]
Mars = 4Pi53 4s15 13s40 Aqr 1.4 2 1.8
Elatus = 5Ca14 0n38 23n58 Gem 9.8 41 5.3 [7..17]
GO9 = 5Sc19 r 12n59 1s02 Vir 14.1 86 12.8 [14..25]
TO66 = 6Ar33 5n09 7n20 Psc 46.3 284 27.5 [38..48]
QF6 = 6Le40 4s26 14n18 Cnc 4.8 19 24.3 [2..12]
Hidalgo = 6Pi49 r 42s41 47s29 Phe 5.0 14 42.6 [2..10]
Radamantu= 7Li08 0n19 2s32 Vir 38.9 245 12.7 [33..45]
Ixion = 7Sa09 r 1n11 20s21 Sco 42.9 247 19.7 [30..49]
FZ53 = 7Sc25 r 12n23 2s16 Vir 18.3 116 34.8 [12..35]
CO104 = 7Vi42 0n41 9n19 Leo 20.9 120 3.1 [21..28]
Sun = 7Ca47 0n00 23n13 Gem 1.0 1 0.0
GB32 = 7Li55 3n07 0s17 Vir 36.8 3121 14.2 [35..392]
Pelion = 7Pi55 r 4s33 12s49 Aqr 18.2 89 9.4 [17..23]
Icarus = 8Aq05 r 19s05 36s34 Mic 1.9 1 22.9 [0..2]
EL61 = 8Li29 26n25 20n50 Com 51.3 284 28.2 [35..51]
CF119 = 8Le51 2s08 15n59 Cnc 39.1 862 19.7 [39..143]
KF77 = 9Sc24 r 2s02 16s33 Lib 21.8 133 4.4 [20..32]
Cyllarus = 9Ge28 3n25 25n14 Tau 20.5 134 12.6 [16..36]
DH5 = 9Vi31 2n23 10n13 Leo 14.9 105 22.4 [14..30]
LE31 = 9Le32 9n55 27n24 Cnc 8.6 23 151.9 [4..12]
TD10 = 9Ta44 3s00 11n53 Ari 13.7 951 6.0 [12..181]
Moon = 9Ca52 3n23 26n27 Gem 1.0 0 5.2
Dioretsa = 9Ge56 14s07 7n58 Tau 10.5 116 160.4 [2..45]
CE10 = 10Ta04 r 22n20 35n50 And 2.0 30 145.5 [2..17]
Hylonome = 10Sc36 r 3n01 12s08 Lib 19.7 126 4.1 [19..31]
NN8 = 10Ar47 r 3n50 7n47 Psc 5.3 965 165.4 [2..193]
Quaoar = 11Sa00 r 7n16 14s54 Oph 43.4 284 8.0 [42..45]
PJ30 = 11Aq03 r 1n42 15s49 Cap 41.4 1336 5.7 [29..214]
CR46 = 11Le52 1n26 18n37 Cnc 17.8 238 2.4 [18..59]
OM67 = 12Pi12 r 5n55 1s30 Aqr 40.8 960 23.4 [39..155]
AB229 = 12Cp15 r 58s35 80s16 Oct 10.9 385 68.7 [2..104]
HL3 = 12Ge36 6s12 16n10 Tau 6.3 38 35.6 [2..21]
Neptune = 12Aq41 r 0n00 17s00 Cap 30.1 164 1.8
TX300 = 12Ar43 19n21 22n45 And 40.8 284 25.9 [38..48]
Varuna = 12Ca48 1n41 24n30 Gem 43.2 284 17.1 [41..45]
GB10 = 13Li02 11s51 16s02 Crv 15.2 126 13.3 [15..35]
QJ1 = 13Ca29 10n33 33n15 Gem 11.8 38 23.5 [2..20]
AW197 = 13Le33 7s19 9n44 Cnc 47.2 328 24.3 [41..54]
OX3 = 13Aq49 r 2n10 14s36 Cap 25.8 182 2.6 [18..47]
WU24 = 13Li52 42n51 33n38 CVn 13.0 59 42.6 [1..29]
SB60 = 14Pi04 r 21n42 13n46 Peg 43.5 271 24.0 [37..46]
PA44 = 14Sc04 r 1n33 14s35 Lib 4.0 53 3.3 [3..25]
Apogee = 14Ta07 1s20 14n48 Ari
PN34 = 14Aq32 r 4n00 12s39 Aqr 13.5 170 16.7 [13..48]
HE46 = 15Ca03 9s22 13n17 Gem 9.8 115 158.4 [2..45]
Chiron = 15Cp43 r 7n20 15s14 Sgr 12.2 50 6.9 [8..19]
RP120 = 15Ar53 r 55n57 55n12 Lac 3.7 418 119.1 [2..109]
Damocles = 16Aq20 r 0n36 15s23 Cap 19.9 41 62.1 [2..22]
DA62 = 16Vi26 31n18 33n49 UMa 4.2 21 52.2 [4..11]
96PW = 16Ca26 18s16 4n17 Mon 18.0 4456 29.8 [3..539]
OO67 = 16Pi34 r 7s48 12s28 Aqr 20.9 12060 20.1 [21..1031
RN109 = 16Ge38 45s29 22s31 Lep 3.3 38965 58.0 [3..2296]
QB1 = 16Ar39 0n36 7n06 Psc 40.9 290 2.2 [41..47]
Ascend = 16Sa40 0n00 22s46 Oph
Bienor = 16Pi43 r 2n18 3s07 Psc 19.0 67 20.8 [13..20]
RZ214 = 17Ar11 6n50 13n03 Psc 41.2 772 20.5 [37..132]
AZ84 = 17Ca23 7s49 14n34 Gem 45.9 250 13.5 [33..47]
TL66 = 17Ta24 3s36 13n34 Ari 35.1 768 24.0 [35..133]
FX128 = 17Li28 10n54 3n13 Vir 25.3 1051 22.3 [18..189]
FY9 = 17Vi40 28n49 31n07 UMa 51.8 309 29.0 [39..53]
Jupiter = 17Le45 0n48 16n17 Cnc 5.4 12 1.3
CR105 = 18Le03 4n17 19n29 Leo 54.3 3478 22.7 [44..415]
Pluto = 18Sa05 r 9n29 13s28 Oph 30.7 248 17.2 [30..49]
Pholus = 18Sc06 r 24n03 5n56 Ser 18.0 92 24.7 [9..32]
Sedna = 18Ta18 11s46 5n57 Cet 89.7 12105 11.9 [76..978]
DG8 = 18Cp25 r 10s48 32s52 Sgr 7.4 36 129.4 [2..19]
Heracles = 18Ar32 6n57 13n41 Psc 3.2 2 9.1 [0..3]
CZ118 = 18Vi54 2s34 2n02 Leo 44.1 1262 27.7 [38..196]
Talos = 19Ta30 9s45 8n13 Cet 1.3 1 23.2 [0..2]
Phaethon = 19Ge36 4n21 27n23 Tau 1.6 1 22.2 [0..2]
RD215 = 19Ar43 5n47 13n04 Psc 39.6 1342 25.9 [38..206]
TY364 = 19Ar47 21s16 11s58 Cet 39.9 242 24.9 [36..41]
CY118 = 20Vi34 4n15 7n39 Leo 34.7 881 25.5 [35..149]
UB313 = 20Ar36 14s53 5s46 Cet 97.0 558 44.0 [38..98]
XZ255 = 20Ca37 1n22 23n12 Gem 16.1 64 2.6 [15..17]
Midheav = 21Vi00 0n00 3n34 Leo
OP32 = 21Aq06 r 19n38 4n11 Equ 40.9 282 27.2 [39..47]
XS35 = 21Vi11 15n25 17n37 Leo 11.5 76 19.5 [1..35]
Chariklo = 21Vi32 19s16 14s20 Crt 13.1 63 23.4 [13..19]
Okyrhoe = 21Ta55 11s42 6n55 Tau 8.2 24 15.6 [6..11]
CC22 = 21Le56 2n34 16n37 Leo 4.2 20 6.4 [4..11]
XA255 = 22Ca29 1n26 22n58 Gem 14.5 166 12.7 [9..51]
RG33 = 23Ge01 28n13 51n25 Aur 11.2 29 34.9 [2..17]
Nessus = 23Cp05 r 16s20 37s32 Sgr 18.0 121 15.6 [12..37]
Orcus = 23Le23 16s58 2s20 Hya 47.6 248 20.5 [31..48]
UR163 = 23Ar29 0n44 9n48 Psc 49.2 369 0.8 [37..66]
Huya = 23Li53 r 9n26 0s29 Vir 29.4 249 15.5 [29..51]
Venus = 24Ge10 0s18 23n00 Tau 0.7 1 3.4
MS4 = 24Sa38 r 13n47 9s34 Oph 47.5 269 17.7 [36..48]
BU48 = 24Le48 3n19 16n22 Leo 28.7 194 14.2 [21..46]
Vertex = 24Le56
Hephaisto= 24Ge57 6n52 30n12 Aur 2.8 3 11.8 [0..4]
VQ94 = 25Ta45 34n11 51n57 Per 9.1 3214 70.5 [7..429]
VS2 = 25Ta45 13n30 32n16 Per 36.4 249 14.8 [36..43]
GV9 = 25Li55 r 15s36 24s28 Hya 38.9 273 22.0 [39..46]
KX14 = 25Sc59 r 0s19 19s33 Lib 39.7 241 0.4 [37..40]
UX25 = 26Ar03 0s01 10n02 Psc 42.6 279 19.4 [37..49]
VU2 = 26Vi13 12s05 9s35 Crt 6.3 18 13.7 [3..11]
BL41 = 26Le24 8s58 4n16 Sex 9.3 31 12.5 [7..13]
QB243 = 26Aq38 r 0s43 13s18 Cap 19.9 204 6.8 [15..54]
WL7 = 26Ar53 3n33 13n41 Psc 16.3 87 11.3 [15..24]
Asbolus = 27Aq20 r 14s07 25s35 PsA 7.1 76 17.6 [7..29]
GM137 = 27Sc54 r 8n10 11s43 Lib 7.0 22 15.9 [7..9]
Deucalion= 28Li13 r 0n08 10s43 Vir 43.6 294 0.4 [42..47]
EC98 = 28Vi14 0n40 1n19 Vir 14.4 35 4.3 [6..16]
Node = 29Ta01 r 0n00 19n56 Tau
VR130 = 29Ar10 1s23 9n53 Psc 14.9 113 3.5 [15..32]
QD112 = 29Pi14 1s43 1s53 Psc 11.3 82 14.5 [8..30]
WN188 = 29Ge25 13s14 10n12 Ori 3.6 56 27.0 [2..27]
Cuvier 4 Le 30 Milankovitch 18 Le 24 Richter 19 Le 16
Darwin 16 Le 56 Mohorovicic 25 Le 52 Tazieff 10 Aq 13
Flammario 28 Cp 01 Nephele 5 Ca 54 Vulcano 5 Vi 36
Flammeus 0 Ta 21 Pele 27 Sa 29 Wegener 9 Vi 36
Humboldt 17 Ar 10 Plinius 8 Cp 38 Werner 26 Le 58
Focused Minor Planets
AW197 = 13Le33
Neptune = 12 Aq 41 r
OX3 = 13 Aq 49 r
Apogee = 14 Ta 07 Square
TX300 = 12 Ar 43 Trine
SB60 = 14 Pi 04 r Quincunx
TL66 = 17 Ta 24
Sedna = 18 Ta 18
Pluto = 18 Sa 05 r Quincunx
Ascend = 16 Sa 40
FX128 = 17 Li 28
TL66 is at the point of a yod, with Pluto and FX128 sextile
Jupiter = 17 Le 45 Square
Darwin = 16 Le 56
CR105 = 18 Le 03
Milankovitch = 18 Le 24
OO67 = 16 Pi 34 r Sextile
AZ84 = 17 Ca 23
FY9 = 17 Vi 40 Trine
QB1 = 16 Ar 39 Semisextile
RZ214 = 17 Ar 11
Humboldt = 17 Ar 10
Orcus = 23 Le 23
Mohorovicic = 25 Le 52
Sun = 7 Ca 47 Semisquare
Moon = 9 Ca 52
Venus = 24 Ge 10 Sextile
Hephaistos = 24 Ge 57
UR163 = 23 Ar 29 Trine
MS4 = 24 Sa 38 r
OO67 = 16 Pi 34 r
FY9 = 17 Vi 40
Pluto = 18 Sa 05 r Square
TL66 = 17 Ta 24 Sextile
FX128 = 17 Li 28 Quincunx
Darwin = 16 Le 56
RZ214 = 17 Ar 11 Semisextile
QB1 = 16 Ar 39
Humboldt = 17 Ar 10
AZ84 = 17 Ca 23 Trine
Chaos = 3 Ge 32
Pylenor = 3 Ge 06
Mars = 4 Pi 53 Square
Uranus = 2 Pi 37 r
Saturn = 3 Ca 21 Semisextile
RD215 = 19 Ar 43 Semisquare
Cuvier = 4 Le 30 Sextile
RD215 = 19 Ar 43
TY364 = 19 Ar 47
UB313 = 20 Ar 36
Pluto = 18 Sa 05 r Trine
Jupiter = 17 Le 45
Milankovitch = 18 Le 24
Richter = 19 Le 16
CR105 = 18 Le 03
Mars = 4 Pi 53 Semisquare
Chaos = 3 Ge 32
RZ215 = 2 Pi 42 r
Uranus = 2 Pi 37 r
Mercury = 1 Ca 08 Trine
FZ173 = 1 Li 45 Quincunx
FY128 = 1 Li 36
FP185 = 2 Li 37
Chaos = 3 Ge 32 Square
Pylenor = 3 Ge 06
RZ214 = 17 Ar 11 Semisquare
EL61 = 8 Li 29
Sun = 7 Ca 47 Square
Moon = 9 Ca 52
Plinius = 8 Cp 38
CF119 = 8 Le 51 Sextile
Ixion = 7 Sa 09 r
Orcus = 23Le23 Semisquare
Tazieff = 10 Aq 13 Trine
Astrological Setting (Sidereal - Fagan/Bradley)
Using RIYAL 2.11
RIYAL Sun June 29 2003 UT 23h00m00s Lat14n28 Lon90w53 SORT ALL
BU48 = 0Le01 3n19 16n22 Leo 28.7 194 14.2 [21..46]
Vertex = 0Le09
Hephaisto= 0Ge10 6n52 30n12 Aur 2.8 3 11.8 [0..4]
VQ94 = 0Ta57 34n11 51n57 Per 9.1 3214 70.5 [7..429]
VS2 = 0Ta57 13n30 32n16 Per 36.4 249 14.8 [36..43]
GV9 = 1Li08 r 15s36 24s28 Hya 38.9 273 22.0 [39..46]
KX14 = 1Sc12 r 0s19 19s33 Lib 39.7 241 0.4 [37..40]
UX25 = 1Ar15 0s01 10n02 Psc 42.6 279 19.4 [37..49]
VU2 = 1Vi25 12s05 9s35 Crt 6.3 18 13.7 [3..11]
BL41 = 1Le37 8s58 4n16 Sex 9.3 31 12.5 [7..13]
QB243 = 1Aq51 r 0s43 13s18 Cap 19.9 204 6.8 [15..54]
WL7 = 2Ar06 3n33 13n41 Psc 16.3 87 11.3 [15..24]
Asbolus = 2Aq33 r 14s07 25s35 PsA 7.1 76 17.6 [7..29]
GM137 = 3Sc06 r 8n10 11s43 Lib 7.0 22 15.9 [7..9]
Deucalion= 3Li26 r 0n08 10s43 Vir 43.6 294 0.4 [42..47]
EC98 = 3Vi27 0n40 1n19 Vir 14.4 35 4.3 [6..16]
Node = 4Ta14 r 0n00 19n56 Tau
VR130 = 4Ar23 1s23 9n53 Psc 14.9 113 3.5 [15..32]
QD112 = 4Pi27 1s43 1s53 Psc 11.3 82 14.5 [8..30]
WN188 = 4Ge38 13s14 10n12 Ori 3.6 56 27.0 [2..27]
TC302 = 5Ar35 3n42 15n04 Ari 48.1 412 35.1 [39..72]
Mercury = 6Ge21 0n35 24n01 Gem 0.3 0 7.0
MD10 = 6Ca32 29s38 9s06 Mon 15.2 137 59.1 [2..52]
YH32 = 6Sc34 r 77s26 76s17 Cha 5.9 23 79.1 [4..13]
FY128 = 6Vi49 4s20 4s36 Vir 37.9 351 11.8 [37..63]
FZ173 = 6Vi57 0s14 0s55 Vir 33.0 805 12.7 [32..141]
SQ73 = 7Ar21 3n47 15n46 Ari 15.9 73 17.4 [14..20]
XX143 = 7Ca23 2n10 21n47 Cnc 25.4 76 6.8 [10..26]
Uranus = 7Aq50 r 0s46 11s16 Aqr 20.0 84 0.8
FP185 = 7Vi50 2n55 1n38 Vir 34.3 3370 30.8 [34..415]
RZ215 = 7Aq55 r 5s05 15s14 Aqr 31.3 1006 25.5 [31..170]
CO1 = 8Le10 18n32 27n35 LMi 11.7 96 19.7 [11..31]
Pylenor = 8Ta18 5s02 15n50 Tau 18.9 69 5.4 [12..22]
Saturn = 8Ge34 0s48 22n36 Gem 9.0 30 2.5
Chaos = 8Ta45 2n38 23n27 Tau 42.1 311 12.0 [41..51]
GZ32 = 8Vi59 14n44 12n01 Vir 20.8 111 15.0 [18..28]
Thereus = 9Pi21 9n51 10n40 Psc 9.4 35 20.4 [9..13]
GQ21 = 9Li41 r 5n03 8s15 Vir 39.7 912 13.3 [38..150]
Mars = 10Aq06 4s15 13s40 Aqr 1.4 2 1.8
Elatus = 10Ge27 0n38 23n58 Gem 9.8 41 5.3 [7..17]
GO9 = 10Li32 r 12n59 1s02 Vir 14.1 86 12.8 [14..25]
TO66 = 11Pi46 5n09 7n20 Psc 46.3 284 27.5 [38..48]
QF6 = 11Ca53 4s26 14n18 Cnc 4.8 19 24.3 [2..12]
Hidalgo = 12Aq02 r 42s41 47s29 Phe 5.0 14 42.6 [2..10]
Radamantu= 12Vi21 0n19 2s32 Vir 38.9 245 12.7 [33..45]
Ixion = 12Sc22 r 1n11 20s21 Sco 42.9 247 19.7 [30..49]
FZ53 = 12Li38 r 12n23 2s16 Vir 18.3 116 34.8 [12..35]
CO104 = 12Le55 0n41 9n19 Leo 20.9 120 3.1 [21..28]
Sun = 13Ge00 0n00 23n13 Gem 1.0 1 0.0
GB32 = 13Vi08 3n07 0s17 Vir 36.8 3121 14.2 [35..392]
Pelion = 13Aq08 r 4s33 12s49 Aqr 18.2 89 9.4 [17..23]
Icarus = 13Cp18 r 19s05 36s34 Mic 1.9 1 22.9 [0..2]
EL61 = 13Vi42 26n25 20n50 Com 51.3 284 28.2 [35..51]
CF119 = 14Ca03 2s08 15n59 Cnc 39.1 862 19.7 [39..143]
KF77 = 14Li37 r 2s02 16s33 Lib 21.8 133 4.4 [20..32]
Cyllarus = 14Ta41 3n25 25n14 Tau 20.5 134 12.6 [16..36]
DH5 = 14Le43 2n23 10n13 Leo 14.9 105 22.4 [14..30]
LE31 = 14Ca45 9n55 27n23 Cnc 8.6 23 151.9 [4..12]
TD10 = 14Ar57 3s00 11n53 Ari 13.7 951 6.0 [12..181]
Moon = 15Ge05 3n23 26n27 Gem 1.0 0 5.2
Dioretsa = 15Ta09 14s07 7n58 Tau 10.5 116 160.4 [2..45]
CE10 = 15Ar17 r 22n20 35n51 And 2.0 30 145.5 [2..17]
Hylonome = 15Li49 r 3n01 12s08 Lib 19.7 126 4.1 [19..31]
NN8 = 16Pi00 r 3n50 7n47 Psc 5.3 965 165.4 [2..193]
Quaoar = 16Sc13 r 7n16 14s54 Oph 43.4 284 8.0 [42..45]
PJ30 = 16Cp16 r 1n42 15s49 Cap 41.4 1336 5.7 [29..214]
CR46 = 17Ca05 1n26 18n37 Cnc 17.8 238 2.4 [18..59]
OM67 = 17Aq24 r 5n55 1s30 Aqr 40.8 960 23.4 [39..155]
AB229 = 17Sa28 r 58s35 80s16 Oct 10.9 385 68.7 [2..104]
HL3 = 17Ta49 6s12 16n10 Tau 6.3 38 35.6 [2..21]
Neptune = 17Cp54 r 0n00 17s00 Cap 30.1 164 1.8
TX300 = 17Pi56 19n21 22n45 And 40.8 284 25.9 [38..48]
Varuna = 18Ge01 1n41 24n30 Gem 43.2 284 17.1 [41..45]
GB10 = 18Vi15 11s51 16s03 Crv 15.2 126 13.3 [15..35]
QJ1 = 18Ge42 10n33 33n15 Gem 11.8 38 23.5 [2..20]
AW197 = 18Ca46 7s19 9n44 Cnc 47.2 328 24.3 [41..54]
OX3 = 19Cp02 r 2n10 14s36 Cap 25.8 182 2.6 [18..47]
WU24 = 19Vi05 42n51 33n38 CVn 13.0 59 42.6 [1..29]
SB60 = 19Aq16 r 21n42 13n46 Peg 43.5 271 24.0 [37..46]
PA44 = 19Li17 r 1n33 14s35 Lib 4.0 53 3.3 [3..25]
Apogee = 19Ar20 1s20 14n48 Ari
PN34 = 19Cp45 r 4n00 12s38 Aqr 13.5 170 16.7 [13..48]
HE46 = 20Ge16 9s22 13n17 Gem 9.8 115 158.4 [2..45]
Chiron = 20Sa56 r 7n20 15s14 Sgr 12.2 50 6.9 [8..19]
RP120 = 21Pi06 r 55n57 55n12 Lac 3.7 418 119.1 [2..109]
Damocles = 21Cp32 r 0n36 15s23 Cap 19.9 41 62.1 [2..22]
DA62 = 21Le39 31n18 33n49 UMa 4.2 21 52.2 [4..11]
96PW = 21Ge39 18s16 4n17 Mon 18.0 4456 29.8 [3..539]
OO67 = 21Aq47 r 7s48 12s28 Aqr 20.9 12060 20.1 [21..1031
RN109 = 21Ta51 45s29 22s31 Lep 3.3 38965 58.0 [3..2296]
QB1 = 21Pi52 0n36 7n06 Psc 40.9 290 2.2 [41..47]
Ascend = 21Sc52 0n00 22s46 Oph
Bienor = 21Aq56 r 2n18 3s07 Psc 19.0 67 20.8 [13..20]
RZ214 = 22Pi24 6n50 13n03 Psc 41.2 772 20.5 [37..132]
AZ84 = 22Ge36 7s49 14n34 Gem 45.9 250 13.5 [33..47]
TL66 = 22Ar37 3s36 13n34 Ari 35.1 768 24.0 [35..133]
FX128 = 22Vi41 10n54 3n13 Vir 25.3 1051 22.3 [18..189]
FY9 = 22Le53 28n49 31n07 UMa 51.8 309 29.0 [39..53]
Jupiter = 22Ca57 0n48 16n16 Cnc 5.4 12 1.3
CR105 = 23Ca15 4n17 19n29 Leo 54.3 3478 22.7 [44..415]
Pluto = 23Sc18 r 9n29 13s28 Oph 30.7 248 17.2 [30..49]
Pholus = 23Li19 r 24n03 5n56 Ser 18.0 92 24.7 [9..32]
Sedna = 23Ar31 11s46 5n57 Cet 89.7 12105 11.9 [76..978]
DG8 = 23Sa38 r 10s48 32s52 Sgr 7.4 36 129.4 [2..19]
Heracles = 23Pi45 6n57 13n41 Psc 3.2 2 9.1 [0..3]
CZ118 = 24Le07 2s34 2n02 Leo 44.1 1262 27.7 [38..196]
Talos = 24Ar43 9s45 8n13 Cet 1.3 1 23.2 [0..2]
Phaethon = 24Ta49 4n21 27n23 Tau 1.6 1 22.2 [0..2]
RD215 = 24Pi56 5n47 13n04 Psc 39.6 1342 25.9 [38..206]
TY364 = 25Pi00 21s16 11s58 Cet 39.9 242 24.9 [36..41]
CY118 = 25Le47 4n15 7n39 Leo 34.7 881 25.5 [35..149]
UB313 = 25Pi49 14s53 5s46 Cet 97.0 558 44.0 [38..98]
XZ255 = 25Ge50 1n22 23n12 Gem 16.1 64 2.6 [15..17]
Midheav = 26Le12 0n00 3n34 Leo
OP32 = 26Cp19 r 19n38 4n11 Equ 40.9 282 27.2 [39..47]
XS35 = 26Le24 15n25 17n37 Leo 11.5 76 19.5 [1..35]
Chariklo = 26Le45 19s16 14s20 Crt 13.1 63 23.4 [13..19]
Okyrhoe = 27Ar08 11s42 6n55 Tau 8.2 24 15.6 [6..11]
CC22 = 27Ca09 2n34 16n37 Leo 4.2 20 6.4 [4..11]
XA255 = 27Ge42 1n26 22n58 Gem 14.5 166 12.7 [9..51]
RG33 = 28Ta14 28n13 51n25 Aur 11.2 29 34.9 [2..17]
Nessus = 28Sa18 r 16s20 37s32 Sgr 18.0 121 15.6 [12..37]
Orcus = 28Ca36 16s58 2s20 Hya 47.6 248 20.5 [31..48]
UR163 = 28Pi42 0n44 9n48 Psc 49.2 369 0.8 [37..66]
Huya = 29Vi06 r 9n26 0s29 Vir 29.4 249 15.5 [29..51]
Venus = 29Ta22 0s18 23n00 Tau 0.7 1 3.4
MS4 = 29Sc51 r 13n47 9s34 Oph 47.5 269 17.7 [36..48]
Cuvier 9 Ca 43 Milankovitch 23 Ca 37 Richter 24 Ca 29
Darwin 22 Ca 09 Mohorovicic 1 Le 05 Tazieff 15 Cp 26
Flammario 3 Cp 14 Nephele 11 Ge 07 Vulcano 10 Le 49
Flammeus 5 Ar 34 Pele 2 Sa 42 Wegener 14 Le 49
Humboldt 22 Pi 23 Plinius 13 Sa 51 Werner 2 Le 11
Focused Minor Planets
AW197 = 18 Ca 46
Neptune = 17 Cp 54 r
OX3 = 19 Cp 02 r
Apogee = 19 Ar 20 Square
TX300 = 17 Pi 56 Trine
TL66 = 22 Ar 37
Sedna = 23 Ar 31
Jupiter = 22 Ca 57 Square
CR105 = 23 Ca 15
Pluto = 23 Sc18 r Quincunx
FX128 = 22 Vi 41
Ascend = 21 Sc 52
TL66 is at the point of a yod, with Pluto and FX128 sextile
OO67 = 21 Aq 47 r Sextile
AZ84 = 22 Ge 36
FY9 = 22 Le 53 Trine
RZ214 = 22 Pi 24 Semisextile
Orcus = 28 Ca 36
Sun = 13 Ge 00 Semisquare
Moon = 15 Ge 05
Venus = 29 Ta 22 Sextile
UR163 = 28 Pi 42 Trine
OO67 = 21 Aq 47 r
FY9 = 22 Le 53
Jupiter = 22 Ca 57 Quincunx
FX128 = 22 Vi 41
OO67 is at the point of a yod, with Jupiter and FX128 sextile
Pluto = 23 Sc18 r Square
Ascend = 21 Sc 52
TL66 = 22 Ar 37 Sextile
RZ214 = 22 Pi 24 Semisextile
Chaos = 8 Ta 45
Pylenor = 8 Ta 18
Mars = 10 Aq 06 Square
Uranus = 7 Aq 50 r
RZ215 = 7 Aq 55 r
Saturn = 8 Ge 34 Semisextile
FP185 = 7 Vi 50 Trine
FZ173 = 6 Vi 57
Cuvier = 9 Ca 43 Sextile
RD215 = 24 Pi 56
TY364 = 25 Pi 00
UB313 = 25 Pi 49
Pluto = 23 Sc18 r Trine
Jupiter = 22 Ca 57
Milankovitch = 23 Ca 37
Richter = 24 Ca 29
CR105 = 23Ca15
Mars = 10 Aq 06 Semisquare
Chaos = 8 Ta 45
RZ215 = 7 Aq 55
Uranus = 7 Aq 50 r
Mercury = 6 Ge 21 Trine
FZ173 = 6 Vi 57 Quincunx
FY128 = 6 Vi 49
FP185 = 7 Vi 50
Chaos = 8 Ta 45 Square
Pylenor = 8 Ta 18
RZ214 = 22 Pi 24 Semisquare
EL61 = 13 Vi 42
Sun = 13 Ge 00 Square
Moon = 15 Ge 05
Plinius = 13 Sa 51
CF119 = 14 Ca 03 Sextile
Ixion = 12 Sc 22 r
Orcus = 28 Ca 36 Semisquare
Tazieff = 15 Cp 26 Trine
According to the above mentioned geological features, the AW197/Neptune Opp, TL66/Pluto Quincunx, OO67/Pluto Square seem to have a prominence in the chart for this event.
Plate Tectonics's "Subduction" processes in a "Oceanic Area" seem to be related to Neptunian symbolisms.
The rising up of the deep ancestral, subcrustal magma - after being transformed/metamorphosed, seems to be related to Plutonic symbolisms.
Trying a step by step metaphor building process of deriving the meaning of AW197, references are made to Revilla's message # 21666, and to messages # 21789 (Soufrière Hills Eruption) and # 21871 (Celebes Sea Earthquake).
>" an excellent symbol of sedimentary rocks, as an epitome of Uniformitarianism: eons of slow accumulation/deposition, strongly related to the layering, circling and.or rounding action of water or the wind (i.e.flowing...). Neptune has an affinity with large water masses, with rivers and oceans with the layered "formations" used in geological nomenclature".<
Perhaps, the whole Fuego event is inserted in this Neptunian symbology.
>"Probably, ancient rock formations themselves are not Neptune, but the slow "rounding" or "reducing" action of the agents of meteorization, where even the hardest rock proves to be malleable given enough time, may be represented by it".<
This relation seems to be fitting with a sort of metaphoric extension: the above mentioned Bowen's "Crystal Fractionation" is a slow, long-time range "layered" process, with a "layered", "stratified" action on the ancestral magma.
>"Neptune is the big gravitational frontier of the solar system, so it also represents the "breaking point" beyond which the individual defenses are no longer effective, and the process of socialization wins over... that is the meteorization".<
Perhaps, the "Crystal Fractionation" also: the individual crystals are without a defense facing their inner structural transformation.
>"... so that the big rock formations are probably represented by the "classical" cubewanos with very round orbits, farther away than Neptune.
Metamorphic and plutonic (igneous) processes are related to the Pluto and the plutinos, geologic upheavals to the SDO's.<
Many big igneous rock formations are the results of the “Crystal Fractionation”, that it is a relatively slow, long-time process, based on the transfer and the relocation of molecules. The results are always architectural-structural changes. Even if these changes are at a molecular dimension, the whole phenomenon is active at a global level.
Consequently, the “Crystal Fractionation” is a geochemical paradigm that may be related, tentatively, to the KBO orbital symbolism.
Also (at least partly), some characteristics in the secondary metamorphic process may be related to this symbolism.
So, FuegoVolcano and the very near marine, oceanic environment seem to be fitting with the orbital symbolism related to the AW197/Neptune opposition.
Fuego is a "stratovolcano", that is a "layered volcano" with a depositional structure that it is very similar to a sedimentary process. Perhaps, this may be related to a transitional character of AW197.
Perhaps, the explosive rising up of the more properly igneous material may be related to the TL66/Pluto quincunx.
Perhaps, the OO67/Pluto square may be related to a significant activity of OO67 as a marker for important steps in the geologic history.
To follow the Fuego’s eruptive style may be useful for some additional (preliminary and provisional) remarks.
Fuego Eruptive Style:
>>“Eruptions of Fuego occur in clusters. Clusters last 20-70 years and are separated by 80-170 years. The latter period has been suggested as the period between magma batches from a lower magmatic chamber”. <<
The deep ancestral magma rising up to a deep magmatic chamber may be related to Pluto/Plutinos symbologies.
>>“Fuego eruptions are commonly brief and highly explosive, with an eruption column maintained for several hours (Plinian style). Fuego also has less explosive eruptions and lava flows”.<<
The eruption analyzed here is a moderate explosive lava flow, that is not strictly “Plinian”, but we have not differences in the magma rising up process.
>> “Plinian columns develop when a volatile rich magma is tapped. Gas (dominated by H2O in Central America) exsolves from rising magma as magma cracks its way to the surface.The gas nucleates as little bubbles that then grow. As the bubbles grow, the magma gets less dense, accelerating its rise”.
This igneous rising up seems to have a correlation with the Pluto/TL66 quincunx.
>> “Near the surface, the bubbles are packed tight together and possibly overpressured, making an explosive froth. At contact with the atmosphere, the froth shatters into a variety of sizes. Hunks of froth make pumice or, more formally, pumice lapilli. Most froth breaks into ash, fragments of bubble wall, usually planar bits or angular fragments that look like parts of a honeycomb cell. Explosively expanding gases thrust the froth fragments into the atmosphere, where the tiny, red hot ash particles efficiently exchange heat with air. The hot mixture is so expanded that it is less dense than air and it rises. Air is drawn in from all around the plume. As it rushes in, it is deflected left by the rotation of the earth (Coriolis force) and the rising column develops a corkscrew appearance”. <<
Again, this seem to have a correlation with Pluto/Plutinos/SDO symbologies. Structural features, such as “honeycomb cell” and “corkscrew appearance” seem to be related, very tentatively, to metaphoric extensions for AW197. “Coriolis forces” are a very interesting “dynamic system” that it is not sufficiently investigated, up to now.
>> “Later in the eruption, magma from deeper in the chamber gets to the vent and the explosiveness of the eruption decreases and this is bad news. The magma from deeper in the chamber has less water and other gasses. Therefore, fewer bubbles and denser froth (the bubbles are loosely packed). The low gas content and denser froth lead to less explosiveness and less efficient fragmentation (more big pieces). This leads to less mixing with the atmosphere and slower transfer of heat”.<<
This “regulation” of the phenomenon with a decelerating action and a reorganization of bubbles, with a denser (= more viscous) magma (changes in the molecular structure) seem to be correlated to the AW197 “energy” versus the explosivity related, perhaps, to the Pluto/TL66 quincunx.
>> “At some point, the ash-air mixture becomes heavier than air and column collapse occurs. The result is a ground hugging pyroclastic flow, a turbulent, fluidized bed, accellerated by gravity to speeds of 100 or more km/hr. These eruption clouds have a fairly dense base or core. Jetting in front is a hurricane cloud or surge. The surge does most of the killing as it arrives first and has greatest extent. It leaves a thin deposit of well-sorted, cross-bedded, sand-size debris, often mostly mineral fragments. The pyroclastic flow deposit is thicker and has minimal sorting and layering”. <<
Again, we have a possible Pluto/SDO igneous upheaval. The violent character is not the case of the examined eruption. However, we have a little column collapse, just for the starting of a moderate pyroclastic flow. Perhaps, AW197 is active in regulating the entire process according to a long time-range sequence of events. Perhaps, we have a sort of “balancing” gesture of AW197, versus the highly incisive gesture of TL66. Perhaps, the Pluto/TL66 quincunx is not so strongly explosive. Fuego volcano is still at high level of alert.
The round orbit of AW197 appears to have a sort of "wide breath", involving large-scale/massive rock formations/phenomena, such as a "subduction".
Perhaps, the 24° inclination of the orbit may be related to a transitional feature of this body, like the transitions that are frequent in Geology.
This inclination appears as a very "incisive" character of AW197, that may be a transition between Pluto/Plutinos/SDO orbital symbolisms.
By means of this inclination, the whole pattern of the orbit of AW197 appears to have a "three-dimensional" character (the orbit plane and the vertical extension/inclination).
This three-dimensional character may be in tuning with the "architecture" concept and related metaphorical extensions.
The inclination of the above mentioned Benioff zone seems to have some relations with the inclination of the orbit of AW197.
The Benioff zone appears to be like a frontier, a "breaking point" beyond which the individual defenses of rocks are no longer effective. This character of the Benioff zone seems to fit with a KBO orbital symbolism.
A parallelism appears to be possible: the "incisive" orbital action/gesture and the subduction movement beyond a frontier in the Earth's depth:
(Image courtesy of David McConnell)
Considering that the orbit of Pluto has a 17 degrees inclination,
the orbit of AW197, with its 24 degrees, appears to be relatively more "incisive":
The three-dimensional changes in the magma structure and the subsequent crystalized rocks (starting from the ancestral basaltic magma, up to a restructured andesitic magma), may be related to AW197 activities.
The structure of a rock formed by the ancestral magma:
Almost all of the grains in this rock are olivine.
The structure of a rock crystalized by a transformed andesitic magma:
Crystals are mainly small Feldspars
Many big metamorphic rock formations that are related to depths very near to the Benioff zone, such as Ophiolites and Schists, have "layered" or rounded structures (Orbicular structures, Eclogites) that are similar to those structures that are common in sedimentary rocks (some structures in the tectonic plates that are involved in Fuego, also)(Messages # 21789, # 21871).
Perhaps, AW197 seems to be active as a "catalyst" and as an "assembler" for the activities of other significant bodies: this is evidenced, up to now, by the very long time-range aspects with the slow moving main planets and bodies such as TL66.
Centaurs' Message # 22205 (updated)
Colima Volc. Erupt. (Mexico): October 24, 2002
"As of the 31st of October, the Universidad de Colima has reported that Colima's web video camera showed an ash-and-steam plume rising to a height of ~5.5 km a.s.l. on 24 October at 0430. The plume drifted toward the N. Neither ash nor steam was visible on satellite imagery. The present scene coninues with a slow lava emission by the sectors the West and Southwest. This type of activity could stay during weeks. By virtue of the stability shown in the monitored parameters, the state systems of Civil Defence of Colima and Jalisco, decided to raise to the preventive evacuation of the communities of La Yerbabuena (Colima) and Juan Barragán, the El Agostadero, Los Machos y El Borbollón (Jalisco). Nevertheless, the possibility that does not discard a rise in the activity forces to reframe the occurrence of scenes that could be included/understood between the eruptive events of 1999 (moderate explosions) and 1913 (great explosions), whose development could happen in a matter of hours from the beginning of the event. The Colima volcano is currently at the YELLOW alert level".
COLIMA western México 19.514°N,103.62°W; summit elev. ~3,850 m; All times are local (= UTC - 6 hours [or 5 hours early April-late October])
Colima's web video camera showed an ash-and-steam plume rising to a height of ~5.5 km a.s.l. on 24 October at 0430. The plume drifted toward the N. Neither ash nor steam was visible on satellite imagery.
Source: Air Force Weather Agency (2002)
Subregion Name:
Volcano Number:
Volcano Type:
Volcano Status:
Last Known Eruption:
2003 (continuing)
Summit Elevation:
3850 m
12,631 feet
"The Colima volcanic complex is the most prominent volcanic center of the western Mexican Volcanic Belt. It consists of two southward-younging volcanoes, Nevado de Colima (the 4320 m high point of the complex) on the north and the 3850-m-high historically active Volcán de Colima at the south. A group of cinder cones of probable late-Pleistocene age is located on the floor of the Colima graben west and east of the Colima complex. Volcán de Colima (also known as Volcán Fuego) is a youthful stratovolcano constructed within a 5-km-wide caldera, breached to the south, that has been the source of large debris avalanches. Major slope failures have occurred repetitively from both the Nevado and Colima cones, and have produced a thick apron of debris-avalanche deposits on three sides of the complex. Frequent historical eruptions date back to the 16th century. Occasional major explosive eruptions (most recently in 1913) have destroyed the summit and left a deep, steep-sided crater that was slowly refilled and then overtopped by lava dome growth".
and the Orbital Paradigms as suggested by Juan Revilla
According to Revilla's message # 21666:
"1-) slow and long-range processes on Earth (such as geological processes) "correspond" or are correlated to slow and long-range movement of celestial
objects. I described this correlation as <<a 1:1 correspondence in time based on a metaphorical, non-physical relationship>>
2-) in practice, "Earth" is used as model or "matrix of metaphors", where the 1:1 correspondence is transposed based on analogy rather than on quantity, i.e., it is established at different scales. For example:
- slow and long-range on planet Earth = "deep", geologic, evolution, millions (or hundredths of thousands) of years
- slow and long-range in a human life = "deep", emotional, spiritual, philosophical, social, historical, perhaps re-incarnational, but in scale
of centuries at the most.
This type of associations stem from an aspect of orbital symbolism that I call "orbital domain", i.e., the area or range within which the planet
moves delimits its sphere of action in human life or on Earth, since "place" for planets in the solar system, dynamically speaking, is the equivalent of time-range or frequency (Kepler's 3rd law). Place, sphere or "domain" within the solar system always incorporates a very specific time dimension or range.
This is what differentiates dynamically, for example, Mercury or Venus from Saturn".
Also, according to Juan Revilla's message # 21639:
"geological events are used as a model or metaphor for the meaning of AW197. In other words: one chooses one type of event among the many that a "prominent" (whatever that means in his case) AW197 can signify, establishes keywords for those events, and assumes that they will also be keywords for AW197.
Geology is used as a model that optimizes the metaphor-building process of giving a general meaning to AW197 that can be applied pragmatically in all cases (political, individual...), where geology as such is not necessarily involved. Geologic events constitute the metaphor".
Consequently, the research is focused on orbital features that are peculiar in KBO's, Plutinos and SDO's.
Minor aspects are used to detect transitional stages of the hypothesized activity of the above mentioned bodies: e.g. the activity in the long time-range between a trine and a opposition.
Some Main Belt Asteroids are involved, according to some symbolic relations with Geology, that are suggested by their names.
Plate Tectonics
Colima volcano is located in a seismically active zone near the coast of central Mexico. The plate tectonic setting in Mexico is complex. In this map (which was adapted from maps drawn by other researchers), you can see that there is quite a complicated mixture of spreading ridges (red), transform faults (dark blue), and subduction trenches (light blue).
This volcano is near the juncture of three tectonic plates: the North American Plate to the north-east, the Rivera Plate to the north-west, and the Cocos Plate to the south. Both the Rivera Plate and the Cocos Plate are being consumed beneath the North American Plate. The slower moving Rivera Plate is moving north-west at about 2 cm per year relative to the the North American Plate and the faster moving Cocos plate is moving in a similar direction at a rate of about 4.5 cm per year.
The interactions of one continental plate (North American) and three oceanic plates (Cocos, Rivera, and Pacific) explain the active plate tectonic processes in central Mexico. The Middle American Trench hugs the Pacific coast of central Mexico and marks the boundary between the North American Plate with the subducting Cocos and Rivera Plates. The Pacific Plate shares a divergent plate boundary with both the Cocos Plate and Rivera Plate, and transform plate boundaries connect these spreading ridges. The Cocos and Rivera Plates move towards North America with a component of counter-clockwise rotational motion. A zone of extensional deformation forms the boundary between the Cocos and Rivera Plates and results from differential rotational motion between these two plates that causes slight divergence. This extensional zone extends into Mexico where it forms one arm of the Jalisco triple junction within the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt (TMVB), a continental volcanic arc that extends along an east-west trend across central Mexico. Subduction of the Rivera Plate is likely the cause of the formation of the other two arms of the Jalisco triple junction. Active normal faulting forms many grabens in the TMVB as a result of intra-arc extension.
The regional strain field is likely to be dominated by subduction-related strain, with a smaller contribution from rift-related fault slip and block rotation. GPS measurements, when combined with seismological and volcanological constraints on the dip and configuration of the subducting plates, should lead to a suite of plausible models that link the onshore deformation to the motions of the slabs.
The along-trench variations in the strain rates and maximum shortening directions are used to find the transition between lithosphere overlying the subducting Rivera and Cocos plates, and to determine whether this transition coincides with the Colima graben and/or with a gravity anomaly attributed to the subducted portion of the Rivera-Cocos boundary.
Regional Volcanism
Subduction of the Rivera and Cocos Plates produces volcanism along the TMVB, which is a continental volcanic arc that lies along an east-west trend across Mexico. The TMVB is oblique to the trench due to the differential velocities of the subducting plates. A relatively high velocity of the subducting slab at the southern end of the trench causes a shallow dip of the subducting slab, while relatively lower velocities at the northern end of the trench cause steeper dips. This causes volcanism to occur at a greater distance from the trench in the southern end of the subduction zone and closer to the trench at the northern end. This is indicated by the location of volcanoes that are plotted in the above figure as red triangles. Volcanism in the TMVB began around 15 Ma and has formed large stratovolcanoes, small shield volcanoes, rhyolite domes, and rhyolite calderas. Some of the basaltic volcanism, such as the formation of small shield volcanoes, is a result of intra-arc extension.
Most of the volcanoes, such as Colima, are probably associated with the subduction of various small tectonic plates under the North American plate. Other volcanoes are possibly associated with "leaky" transform faults, and the rest are unclear.
The two plates subducting beneath Jalisco also affect the volcanism of the overlying Jalisco block. The Jalisco region is a volcanologist's playground, containing what may be the world's most diverse volcanic rocks. Much of the volcanism is focused in grabens that indicate active regional extension. The Tepic-Zacoalco fault zone and Colima graben, which separates the Jalisco block from the North American plate, contain both active and dormant andesitic volcanoes, including Volcan Colima, North America's most active volcano. The Chapala-Tula fault zone, part of the TransMexican Volcanic Belt, also contains many active volcanoes. Additional volcanism is also concentrated in several smaller grabens, which form a volcanic front approximately 90 km from the trench. The Rivera slab dips about 45°, reaching depths of 100 km beneath the volcanic front defined by the small grabens near the trench. Speculation about a link between the subducting Rivera and Cocos plates and the onshore history of volcanic activity and plate tectonics of the Jalisco region have led to several types of models for the deformation in the region. In one model the Colima graben represents deformation of the continent above a tear in the subducting slab. Others consider the Colima graben to be an early manifestation of an eastward jump of the East Pacific Rise. Other models invoke differential motion and oblique subduction of the Rivera and Cocos plates beneath the continental margin to explain extension along the Colima graben and other fault zones. One model attributes the volcanism and rifting at the Colima graben to a hotspot beneath the Guadalajara region. GPS measurements are best suited for distinguishing between models that invoke differential motion and oblique subduction of the Rivera and Cocos plates. Also, it is postulated that the dip, configuration, convergence rate, and angle of obliquity of the downgoing slabs are important in controlling deformation and volcanism within the overlying plate.
Source: Eos, Vol. 76, October 17, 1995, p. 417.
Magma Features
According to Bowen's "Crystal Fractionation":
a "Magmatic Differentiation" is the source of different volcanic activities.
The magma of Colima Volcano is a Basaltic Olivine-Andesitic Olivine Magma.
Colima magmas are formed with a transformation/restructuration of the ancestral, deep, subcrustal Basaltic Magma. In the Bowen's series, Olivine is the ancestral, primordial mineral.
"The andesite series includes lavas with composition ranging from basalt through basaltic andesite to dacite and rhyolite. Virtually all andesites are associated with a subduction zone where oceanic crust underthrusts a continent, the andesites becoming more potassic as well as richer in Cs, Rb, Ba, U & Th inland from the subduction zone. A marked negative Nb, Ta anomaly is always present but is never seen in rocks derived from sub-oceanic mantle. The underthrusting takes place along the line of an associated oceanic trench, usually of great depth, up to 32,000ft (10,000m).
The subduction plane is assumed to coincide with the Benioff zone, a plane of high earthquake intensity, which dips inward at an angle of up to 40 degrees under Peru or as low as 20 under southern Chile. The volcanoes tend to lie 50-100 miles on the continental side of the trench".
Astrological Setting (Tropical - Placidus)
Using RIYAL 2.11
RIYAL Thu October 24 2002 UT 9h30m00s Lat19n31 Lon103w37 SORT ALL
Pylenor = 0Ge06 r 5s34 14n44 Tau 18.6 69 5.4 [12..22]
EC98 = 0Li47 0n24 0n03 Vir 14.7 35 4.3 [6..16]
Sun = 0Sc48 0n00 11s45 Vir 1.0 1 0.0
PN34 = 1Aq43 2n01 17s49 Cap 13.4 170 16.7 [13..48]
Elatus = 1Ca48 r 0s07 23n19 Gem 9.3 43 5.5 [7..17]
QF6 = 2Le10 17s07 2n59 CMi 3.3 19 24.3 [2..12]
Chaos = 2Ge33 r 2n33 23n10 Tau 42.2 312 12.0 [41..51]
FY128 = 2Li41 4s01 4s45 Vir 37.8 350 11.8 [37..62]
FZ173 = 2Li42 0n07 0s58 Vir 33.2 799 12.7 [32..140]
GO9 = 3Sc29 11n52 1s30 Vir 14.0 86 12.8 [14..25]
FP185 = 3Li38 2n02 0n25 Vir 34.3 3315 30.8 [34..410]
XX143 = 3Le56 2n05 21n18 Cnc 25.2 76 6.8 [10..26]
TO66 = 4Ar03 r 4n55 6n07 Psc 46.2 284 27.5 [38..48]
CO1 = 4Vi04 18n00 26n41 LMi 12.0 96 19.7 [11..31]
GQ21 = 4Sc29 4n37 8s40 Vir 39.6 905 13.3 [38..149]
Moon = 4Ge38 0s24 20n40 Tau 1.0 0 5.2
Chiron = 4Cp44 6n18 17s04 Sgr 11.7 50 6.9 [8..19]
GZ32 = 5Li08 14n02 10n50 Vir 21.0 111 15.0 [18..28]
HL3 = 5Ge09 r 1s55 19n16 Tau 7.8 38 35.6 [2..21]
Mars = 5Li32 1n03 1s14 Vir 1.7 2 1.8
CE10 = 5Le36 r 25n27 43n21 Lyn 3.2 31 145.5 [2..18]
Ixion = 6Sa17 1n24 19s59 Sco 43.0 247 19.7 [30..49]
MD10 = 6Le25 29s38 10s06 Mon 13.9 138 59.0 [2..52]
Cyllarus = 7Ge02 r 3n05 24n32 Tau 20.1 135 12.6 [16..36]
FZ53 = 7Sc08 9n44 4s41 Vir 17.8 116 34.8 [12..35]
Icarus = 7Cp39 17s59 41s10 CrA 1.4 1 22.9 [0..2]
PJ30 = 7Aq52 1n35 16s46 Cap 41.0 1329 5.7 [29..213]
WN188 = 7Ge53 r 28s34 6s37 Eri 5.4 55 26.9 [2..27]
Okyrhoe = 7Ta55 r 12s22 2n25 Cet 8.6 24 15.6 [6..11]
Radamantu= 8Li12 0n32 2s46 Vir 38.8 245 12.7 [33..45]
Neptune = 8Aq12 0n03 18s10 Cap 30.1 164 1.8
OO67 = 8Pi23 r 6s42 14s38 Aqr 21.0 12640 20.1 [21..1064
OX3 = 8Aq29 2n04 16s09 Cap 26.2 182 2.6 [18..47]
GB32 = 8Li39 2n42 0s57 Vir 37.0 3060 14.2 [35..386]
OM67 = 8Pi42 r 5n29 3s13 Aqr 40.6 963 23.4 [39..156]
KF77 = 8Sc47 1s44 16s04 Lib 22.0 132 4.4 [20..32]
Bienor = 9Pi00 r 1n21 6s57 Aqr 19.1 67 20.8 [13..20]
Node = 9Ge04 r 0n00 21n49 Tau
CO104 = 9Vi31 0n49 8n46 Leo 20.9 119 3.1 [21..28]
EL61 = 9Li31 25n50 19n55 Com 51.3 284 28.2 [35..51]
Hylonome = 9Sc33 2n38 12s10 Lib 19.6 125 4.1 [19..31]
TX300 = 9Ar42 r 19n32 21n43 Peg 40.7 284 25.9 [38..48]
CF119 = 9Le52 1s46 16n05 Cnc 39.2 862 19.7 [39..142]
Quaoar = 9Sa54 6n56 15s05 Oph 43.4 284 8.0 [42..45]
RN109 = 9Pi57 r 12s01 18s55 Aqr 2.8 31063 58.0 [3..1974]
NN8 = 10Ar20 r 8n03 11n29 Psc 7.2 960 165.4 [2..192]
SB60 = 10Pi46 r 21n40 12n32 Peg 43.4 271 24.0 [37..46]
Damocles = 11Aq06 r 0s24 17s49 Cap 19.5 41 62.1 [2..22]
RP120 = 11Ta20 r 6n12 21n07 Ari 2.5 401 119.1 [2..106]
DH5 = 11Vi21 0n33 7n49 Leo 14.6 105 22.4 [14..30]
DA62 = 11Vi43 44n34 47n07 CVn 4.8 21 52.2 [4..11]
Venus = 11Sc58 r 6s46 21s51 Lib 0.7 1 3.4
CC22 = 12Le25 0s27 16n39 Cnc 4.6 21 6.4 [4..11]
Ascend = 12Vi34 0n00 6n51 Leo
Hephaisto= 12Ge46 r 8n27 30n42 Aur 3.9 3 11.8 [0..4]
CR46 = 12Le49 1n37 18n31 Cnc 18.0 238 2.4 [18..59]
Midheav = 12Ge56 0n00 22n21 Tau
GB10 = 13Li08 10s32 14s51 Crv 15.2 126 13.3 [15..35]
QD112 = 13Pi12 r 3s42 10s01 Aqr 10.7 82 14.5 [8..30]
Varuna = 13Ca21 r 1n29 24n15 Gem 43.1 285 17.1 [41..46]
QB1 = 13Ar52 r 0n34 6n00 Psc 40.9 291 2.2 [41..47]
RZ214 = 14Ar20 r 7n24 12n28 Psc 41.0 776 20.5 [37..132]
Thereus = 14Pi24 r 13n26 6n16 Peg 9.2 35 20.4 [9..13]
DG8 = 14Cp41 17s08 39s39 CrA 6.0 35 129.4 [2..19]
AW197 = 14Le45 7s07 9n36 Cnc 47.3 328 24.3 [41..54]
TL66 = 15Ta09 r 3s10 13n22 Ari 35.0 774 24.0 [35..134]
Jupiter = 15Le30 0n31 16n41 Cnc 5.3 12 1.3
Nessus = 15Cp32 15s06 37s31 CrA 17.5 121 15.7 [12..37]
QJ1 = 15Ca36 r 13n09 35n34 Aur 10.7 38 23.4 [2..20]
Pluto = 15Sa49 9n22 13s22 Oph 30.6 247 17.2 [30..49]
Pholus = 16Sc40 22n23 4n42 Ser 17.4 92 24.7 [9..32]
RD215 = 16Ar46 r 6n30 12n36 Psc 39.4 1353 25.9 [38..207]
TY364 = 16Ar53 r 21s40 13s22 Cet 40.0 243 24.9 [36..42]
GM137 = 17Sc06 9n10 8s08 Lib 7.0 22 15.9 [7..9]
Dioretsa = 17Ge27 r 15s14 7n40 Ori 9.1 116 160.4 [2..45]
Mercury = 17Li27 1n55 5s05 Vir 0.4 0 7.0
Sedna = 17Ta37 r 11s58 5n35 Cet 90.0 12477 11.9 [76..1000
VQ94 = 17Ta37 r 30n30 45n58 And 10.1 3234 70.5 [7..431]
OP32 = 17Aq40 r 19n45 3n19 Equ 40.8 282 27.2 [39..47]
WU24 = 17Li48 39n32 29n21 Boo 11.8 59 42.6 [1..29]
AZ84 = 18Ca06 r 7s53 14n24 Gem 45.9 251 13.5 [33..47]
FX128 = 18Li08 9n41 1n51 Vir 24.7 1044 22.3 [18..188]
QB243 = 18Aq35 r 1s04 16s16 Cap 19.5 203 6.8 [15..54]
Heracles = 18Aq37 5n15 10s15 Aqr 2.8 2 9.1 [0..3]
96PW = 18Ca43 r 20s16 2n03 CMi 16.7 4690 29.8 [3..558]
WL7 = 18Ar53 r 3n04 10n14 Psc 16.4 88 11.3 [15..24]
FY9 = 19Vi00 28n36 30n23 Com 51.7 309 29.0 [39..53]
CR105 = 19Le03 4n02 18n56 Leo 54.0 3497 22.7 [44..417]
UB313 = 19Ar44 r 15s12 6s22 Cet 97.0 559 44.0 [38..98]
VR130 = 19Ar52 r 1s12 6n39 Psc 15.0 113 3.5 [15..32]
CZ118 = 20Vi05 2s05 2n00 Leo 44.4 1252 27.7 [38..195]
XZ255 = 21Ca08 1n19 23n05 Gem 16.1 64 2.6 [15..17]
UR163 = 21Ar27 r 0n45 9n04 Psc 49.0 370 0.8 [37..66]
Vertex = 21Ta31
CY118 = 21Vi49 3n33 6n31 Leo 34.7 876 25.6 [35..148]
Talos = 21Cp49 4n59 16s45 Sgr 1.6 1 23.2 [0..2]
RG33 = 21Ge54 r 31n08 54n15 Aur 10.3 29 34.9 [2..17]
Phaethon = 22Ta29 r 26n04 43n22 Per 2.3 1 22.2 [0..2]
XA255 = 22Ca53 0n34 22n03 Gem 15.2 166 12.7 [9..51]
Chariklo = 23Vi07 17s17 13s07 Crt 13.1 63 23.4 [13..19]
MS4 = 23Sa13 13n12 10s05 Oph 47.5 268 17.7 [35..48]
Hidalgo = 23Cp33 41s33 61s49 Pav 6.2 14 42.6 [2..10]
UX25 = 23Ar45 r 0n16 9n28 Psc 42.7 280 19.4 [37..49]
VS2 = 24Ta05 r 14n14 32n32 Per 36.4 249 14.8 [36..43]
Huya = 24Li20 8n41 1s21 Vir 29.5 248 15.5 [29..50]
SQ73 = 24Ar32 r 2n53 12n11 Psc 15.7 73 17.4 [14..21]
Orcus = 24Le45 16s57 2s44 Hya 47.5 248 20.5 [31..48]
Uranus = 24Aq57 r 0s45 13s55 Cap 20.0 84 0.8
Asbolus = 25Cp01 15s41 36s31 Sgr 6.9 76 17.6 [7..29]
KX14 = 25Sc23 0s18 19s24 Lib 39.7 241 0.4 [37..40]
VU2 = 25Vi29 11s48 9s02 Crt 5.3 18 13.7 [3..11]
AB229 = 26Sa01 55s23 78s40 Aps 9.3 382 68.7 [2..103]
GV9 = 26Li27 15s21 24s27 Hya 38.9 273 22.0 [39..45]
BU48 = 26Le31 2n57 15n27 Leo 28.4 194 14.2 [21..46]
XS35 = 26Vi36 15n06 15n11 Com 10.0 76 19.5 [1..35]
PA44 = 27Li38 0s16 10s53 Vir 5.2 53 3.3 [3..25]
YH32 = 27Sc50 50s46 67s28 Cir 6.9 23 79.1 [4..13]
RZ215 = 27Aq53 r 5s50 17s41 Aqr 31.2 1008 25.5 [31..170]
BL41 = 28Le04 7s53 4n45 Sex 8.9 31 12.5 [7..13]
LE31 = 28Le14 14n02 25n11 Leo 7.9 23 151.9 [4..12]
TC302 = 28Ar35 r 3n23 14n07 Psc 48.3 414 35.0 [39..72]
Deucalion= 28Li39 0n08 10s52 Vir 43.6 293 0.4 [41..47]
HE46 = 28Ca54 r 8s16 12n17 Cnc 8.3 116 158.4 [2..45]
Saturn = 28Ge56 r 1s20 22n06 Ori 9.0 30 2.5
Apogee = 29Ar01 3s21 8n00 Psc
Pelion = 29Aq04 r 4s03 15s35 Aqr 18.1 89 9.4 [17..23]
TD10 = 29Ar34 r 2s43 8n46 Psc 13.3 965 6.0 [12..183]
Cuvier 27 Ge 27 Milankovitch 29 Ca 19 Richter 2 Le 03
Darwin 3 Le 36 Mohorovicic 17 Le 50 Tazieff 15 Sc 49
Flammario 2 Sa 15 Nephele 3 Ge 25 Vulcano 10 Le 46
Flammeus 6 Cp 03 Pele 14 Sc 34 Wegener 8 Le 21
Humboldt 8 Cp 08 Plinius 18 Sc 06 Werner 9 Le 32
Focused Minor Planets
AW197 = 14 Le 45
Jupiter = 15 Le 30
Pluto = 15 Sa 49 Trine
QB1 = 13 Ar 52 r
RZ214 = 14 Ar 20 r
RD215 = 16 Ar 46 r
TL66 = 15 Ta 09 r Square
Pele = 14 Sc 34
Tazieff = 15 Sc 49
TL66 = 15 Ta 09 r
Pele = 14 Sc 34
Tazieff = 15 Sc 49
Pluto = 15 Sa 49 Quincunx
Jupiter = 15 Le 30 Square
AW197 = 14 Le 45
RZ214 = 14 Ar 20 r Semisextile
OO67 = 8Pi23 r
OM67 = 8Pi42 r
Neptune = 8Aq12 Semisextile
OX3 = 8Aq29
EL61 = 9 Li 31 Quincunx
Wegener = 8 Le 21
Werner = 9 Le 32
Humboldt = 8 Cp 08 Sextile
Orcus = 24 Le 45
Uranus = 24 Aq 57 r
UX25 = 23 Ar 45 r Trine
MS4 = 23 Sa 13
KX14 = 25 Sc 23 Square
Chaos = 2 Ge 33 r
Moon = 4 Ge 38
Nephele = 3 Ge 25
Pylenor = 0 Ge 06 r
Flammario = 2 Sa 15
FY128 = 2Li41 Trine
FZ173 = 2Li42
FP185 = 3Li38
Richter = 2 Le 03 Sextile
Darwin = 3 Le 36
RZ215 27 Aq 53 r
Saturn = 28 Ge 56 r Trine
Cuvier = 27 Ge 27
TC302 = 28 Ar 35 r Sextile
Astrological Setting (Sidereal - Fagan/Bradley)
Using RIYAL 2.11
RIYAL Thu October 24 2002 UT 9h30m00s Lat19n31 Lon103w37 SORT ALL
Uranus = 0Aq11 r 0s45 13s55 Cap 20.0 84 0.8
Asbolus = 0Cp15 15s41 36s31 Sgr 6.9 76 17.6 [7..29]
KX14 = 0Sc36 0s18 19s24 Lib 39.7 241 0.4 [37..40]
VU2 = 0Vi43 11s48 9s02 Crt 5.3 18 13.7 [3..11]
AB229 = 1Sa15 55s23 78s40 Aps 9.3 382 68.7 [2..103]
GV9 = 1Li40 15s21 24s27 Hya 38.9 273 22.0 [39..45]
BU48 = 1Le45 2n57 15n27 Leo 28.4 194 14.2 [21..46]
XS35 = 1Vi50 15n06 15n10 Com 10.0 76 19.5 [1..35]
PA44 = 2Li52 0s16 10s53 Vir 5.2 53 3.3 [3..25]
YH32 = 3Sc03 50s46 67s28 Cir 6.9 23 79.1 [4..13]
RZ215 = 3Aq06 r 5s50 17s41 Aqr 31.2 1008 25.5 [31..170]
BL41 = 3Le17 7s53 4n44 Sex 8.9 31 12.5 [7..13]
LE31 = 3Le27 14n02 25n11 Leo 7.9 23 151.9 [4..12]
TC302 = 3Ar48 r 3n23 14n07 Psc 48.3 414 35.0 [39..72]
Deucalion= 3Li52 0n08 10s52 Vir 43.6 293 0.4 [41..47]
HE46 = 4Ca07 r 8s16 12n16 Cnc 8.3 116 158.4 [2..45]
Saturn = 4Ge09 r 1s20 22n06 Ori 9.0 30 2.5
Apogee = 4Ar15 3s21 8n00 Psc
Pelion = 4Aq18 r 4s03 15s35 Aqr 18.1 89 9.4 [17..23]
TD10 = 4Ar48 r 2s43 8n46 Psc 13.3 965 6.0 [12..183]
Pylenor = 5Ta19 r 5s34 14n44 Tau 18.6 69 5.4 [12..22]
EC98 = 6Vi00 0n24 0n03 Vir 14.7 35 4.3 [6..16]
Sun = 6Li01 0n00 11s45 Vir 1.0 1 0.0
PN34 = 6Cp56 2n01 17s49 Cap 13.4 170 16.7 [13..48]
Elatus = 7Ge01 r 0s07 23n19 Gem 9.3 43 5.5 [7..17]
QF6 = 7Ca23 17s07 2n58 CMi 3.3 19 24.3 [2..12]
Chaos = 7Ta47 r 2n33 23n10 Tau 42.2 312 12.0 [41..51]
FY128 = 7Vi54 4s01 4s45 Vir 37.8 350 11.8 [37..62]
FZ173 = 7Vi56 0n07 0s58 Vir 33.2 799 12.7 [32..140]
GO9 = 8Li42 11n52 1s30 Vir 14.0 86 12.8 [14..25]
FP185 = 8Vi51 2n02 0n25 Vir 34.3 3315 30.8 [34..410]
XX143 = 9Ca09 2n05 21n18 Cnc 25.2 76 6.8 [10..26]
TO66 = 9Pi16 r 4n55 6n07 Psc 46.2 284 27.5 [38..48]
CO1 = 9Le18 18n00 26n41 LMi 12.0 96 19.7 [11..31]
GQ21 = 9Li43 4n37 8s40 Vir 39.6 905 13.3 [38..149]
Moon = 9Ta51 0s24 20n40 Tau 1.0 0 5.2
Chiron = 9Sa57 6n18 17s04 Sgr 11.7 50 6.9 [8..19]
GZ32 = 10Vi22 14n02 10n50 Vir 21.0 111 15.0 [18..28]
HL3 = 10Ta22 r 1s55 19n16 Tau 7.8 38 35.6 [2..21]
Mars = 10Vi45 1n03 1s14 Vir 1.7 2 1.8
CE10 = 10Ca49 r 25n27 43n20 Lyn 3.2 31 145.5 [2..18]
Ixion = 11Sc31 1n24 19s59 Sco 43.0 247 19.7 [30..49]
MD10 = 11Ca39 29s38 10s06 Mon 13.9 138 59.0 [2..52]
Cyllarus = 12Ta15 r 3n05 24n32 Tau 20.1 135 12.6 [16..36]
FZ53 = 12Li22 9n44 4s41 Vir 17.8 116 34.8 [12..35]
Icarus = 12Sa53 17s59 41s10 CrA 1.4 1 22.9 [0..2]
PJ30 = 13Cp06 1n35 16s46 Cap 41.0 1329 5.7 [29..213]
WN188 = 13Ta06 r 28s34 6s37 Eri 5.4 55 26.9 [2..27]
Okyrhoe = 13Ar09 r 12s22 2n25 Cet 8.6 24 15.6 [6..11]
Radamantu= 13Vi25 0n32 2s46 Vir 38.8 245 12.7 [33..45]
Neptune = 13Cp25 0n03 18s10 Cap 30.1 164 1.8
OO67 = 13Aq37 r 6s42 14s38 Aqr 21.0 12640 20.1 [21..1064
OX3 = 13Cp43 2n04 16s09 Cap 26.2 182 2.6 [18..47]
GB32 = 13Vi53 2n42 0s57 Vir 37.0 3060 14.2 [35..386]
OM67 = 13Aq55 r 5n29 3s13 Aqr 40.6 963 23.4 [39..156]
KF77 = 14Li00 1s44 16s04 Lib 22.0 132 4.4 [20..32]
Bienor = 14Aq13 r 1n21 6s57 Aqr 19.1 67 20.8 [13..20]
Node = 14Ta18 r 0n00 21n49 Tau
CO104 = 14Le44 0n49 8n46 Leo 20.9 119 3.1 [21..28]
EL61 = 14Vi45 25n50 19n55 Com 51.3 284 28.2 [35..51]
Hylonome = 14Li46 2n38 12s10 Lib 19.6 125 4.1 [19..31]
TX300 = 14Pi55 r 19n32 21n43 Peg 40.7 284 25.9 [38..48]
CF119 = 15Ca05 1s46 16n05 Cnc 39.2 862 19.7 [39..142]
Quaoar = 15Sc07 6n56 15s05 Oph 43.4 284 8.0 [42..45]
RN109 = 15Aq10 r 12s01 18s55 Aqr 2.8 31063 58.0 [3..1974]
NN8 = 15Pi34 r 8n03 11n29 Psc 7.2 960 165.4 [2..192]
SB60 = 16Aq00 r 21n40 12n32 Peg 43.4 271 24.0 [37..46]
Damocles = 16Cp20 r 0s24 17s49 Cap 19.5 41 62.1 [2..22]
RP120 = 16Ar33 r 6n12 21n07 Ari 2.5 401 119.1 [2..106]
DH5 = 16Le35 0n33 7n49 Leo 14.6 105 22.4 [14..30]
DA62 = 16Le56 44n34 47n07 CVn 4.8 21 52.2 [4..11]
Venus = 17Li12 r 6s46 21s51 Lib 0.7 1 3.4
CC22 = 17Ca39 0s27 16n39 Cnc 4.6 21 6.4 [4..11]
Ascend = 17Le48 0n00 6n50 Leo
Hephaisto= 17Ta59 r 8n27 30n42 Aur 3.9 3 11.8 [0..4]
CR46 = 18Ca02 1n37 18n31 Cnc 18.0 238 2.4 [18..59]
Midheav = 18Ta09 0n00 22n21 Tau
GB10 = 18Vi21 10s32 14s52 Crv 15.2 126 13.3 [15..35]
QD112 = 18Aq26 r 3s42 10s01 Aqr 10.7 82 14.5 [8..30]
Varuna = 18Ge35 r 1n29 24n14 Gem 43.1 285 17.1 [41..46]
QB1 = 19Pi06 r 0n34 6n00 Psc 40.9 291 2.2 [41..47]
RZ214 = 19Pi34 r 7n24 12n28 Psc 41.0 776 20.5 [37..132]
Thereus = 19Aq38 r 13n26 6n16 Peg 9.2 35 20.4 [9..13]
DG8 = 19Sa54 17s08 39s39 CrA 6.0 35 129.4 [2..19]
AW197 = 19Ca59 7s07 9n35 Cnc 47.3 328 24.3 [41..54]
TL66 = 20Ar23 r 3s10 13n22 Ari 35.0 774 24.0 [35..134]
Jupiter = 20Ca44 0n31 16n41 Cnc 5.3 12 1.3
Nessus = 20Sa46 15s06 37s31 CrA 17.5 121 15.7 [12..37]
QJ1 = 20Ge50 r 13n09 35n34 Aur 10.7 38 23.4 [2..20]
Pluto = 21Sc02 9n22 13s22 Oph 30.6 247 17.2 [30..49]
Pholus = 21Li54 22n23 4n42 Ser 17.4 92 24.7 [9..32]
RD215 = 22Pi00 r 6n30 12n36 Psc 39.4 1353 25.9 [38..207]
TY364 = 22Pi06 r 21s40 13s22 Cet 40.0 243 24.9 [36..42]
GM137 = 22Li20 9n10 8s08 Lib 7.0 22 15.9 [7..9]
Dioretsa = 22Ta41 r 15s14 7n40 Ori 9.1 116 160.4 [2..45]
Mercury = 22Vi41 1n55 5s05 Vir 0.4 0 7.0
Sedna = 22Ar50 r 11s58 5n35 Cet 90.0 12477 11.9 [76..1000
VQ94 = 22Ar50 r 30n30 45n58 And 10.1 3234 70.5 [7..431]
OP32 = 22Cp54 r 19n45 3n19 Equ 40.8 282 27.2 [39..47]
WU24 = 23Vi02 39n32 29n21 Boo 11.8 59 42.6 [1..29]
AZ84 = 23Ge19 r 7s53 14n24 Gem 45.9 251 13.5 [33..47]
FX128 = 23Vi22 9n41 1n51 Vir 24.7 1044 22.3 [18..188]
QB243 = 23Cp49 r 1s04 16s16 Cap 19.5 203 6.8 [15..54]
Heracles = 23Cp50 5n15 10s15 Aqr 2.8 2 9.1 [0..3]
96PW = 23Ge56 r 20s16 2n02 CMi 16.7 4690 29.8 [3..558]
WL7 = 24Pi07 r 3n04 10n14 Psc 16.4 88 11.3 [15..24]
FY9 = 24Le14 28n36 30n23 Com 51.7 309 29.0 [39..53]
CR105 = 24Ca16 4n02 18n56 Leo 54.0 3497 22.7 [44..417]
UB313 = 24Pi57 r 15s12 6s22 Cet 97.0 559 44.0 [38..98]
VR130 = 25Pi06 r 1s12 6n39 Psc 15.0 113 3.5 [15..32]
CZ118 = 25Le19 2s05 2n00 Leo 44.4 1252 27.7 [38..195]
XZ255 = 26Ge21 1n19 23n04 Gem 16.1 64 2.6 [15..17]
UR163 = 26Pi40 r 0n45 9n04 Psc 49.0 370 0.8 [37..66]
Vertex = 26Ar45
CY118 = 27Le02 3n33 6n31 Leo 34.7 876 25.6 [35..148]
Talos = 27Sa03 4n59 16s45 Sgr 1.6 1 23.2 [0..2]
RG33 = 27Ta08 r 31n08 54n15 Aur 10.3 29 34.9 [2..17]
Phaethon = 27Ar43 r 26n04 43n22 Per 2.3 1 22.2 [0..2]
XA255 = 28Ge06 0n34 22n03 Gem 15.2 166 12.7 [9..51]
Chariklo = 28Le20 17s17 13s07 Crt 13.1 63 23.4 [13..19]
MS4 = 28Sc27 13n12 10s05 Oph 47.5 268 17.7 [35..48]
Hidalgo = 28Sa46 41s33 61s49 Pav 6.2 14 42.6 [2..10]
UX25 = 28Pi59 r 0n16 9n29 Psc 42.7 280 19.4 [37..49]
VS2 = 29Ar19 r 14n14 32n32 Per 36.4 249 14.8 [36..43]
Huya = 29Vi33 8n41 1s21 Vir 29.5 248 15.5 [29..50]
SQ73 = 29Pi46 r 2n53 12n11 Psc 15.7 73 17.4 [14..21]
Orcus = 29Ca58 16s57 2s44 Hya 47.5 248 20.5 [31..48]
Cuvier 2 Ge 41 Milankovitch 4 Ca 33 Richter 7 Ca 17
Darwin 8 Ca 50 Mohorovicic 23 Ca 34 Tazieff 21 Li 03
Flammario 7 Sc 29 Nephele 8 Ta 39 Vulcano 16 Ca 00
Flammeus 11 Sa 17 Pele 19 Li 48 Wegener 13 Ca 35
Humboldt 13 Sa 21 Plinius 23 Li 20 Werner 14 Ca 45
Focused Minor Planets
AW197 = 19 Ca 59
Jupiter = 20 Ca 44
Pluto = 21 Sc 02 Trine
QB1 = 19 Pi 06 r
RZ214 = 19 Pi 34 r
RD215 = 22 Pi 00 r
TL66 = 20 Ar 23 r Square
Pele = 19 Li 48
Tazieff = 21 Li 03
TL66 = 20Ar23 r
Pele = 19 Li 48
Tazieff = 21 Li 03
Pluto = 21 Sc 02 Quincunx
Jupiter = 20 Ca 44 Square
AW197 = 19 Ca 59
RZ214 = 19 Pi 34 r Semisextile
OO67 = 13Aq37 r
OM67 = 13Aq55 r
Neptune = 13Cp25 Semisextile
OX3 = 13Cp43
EL61 = 14Vi45 Quincunx
Wegener = 13 Ca 35
Werner = 14 Ca 45
Humboldt = 13 Sa 21 Sextile
Orcus = 29Ca58
Uranus = 0Aq11 r
UX25 = 28Pi59 r Trine
MS4 = 28Sc27
KX14 = 0Sc36 Square
Chaos = 7Ta47 r
Moon = 9Ta51
Nephele = 8 Ta 39
Pylenor = 5Ta19 r
Flammario = 7 Sc 29
FY128 = 7Vi54 Trine
FZ173 = 7Vi56
FP185 = 8Vi51
Richter = 7 Ca 17 Sextile
Darwin = 8 Ca 50
RZ215 = 3Aq06 r
Saturn = 4Ge09 r Trine
Cuvier = 2 Ge 41
TC302 = 3Ar48 r Sextile
Trying a step by step metaphor building process of deriving the meaning of AW197, references are made to Revilla's message # 21666, and to messages # 21789 (Soufrière Hills Eruption) ,# 21871 (Celebes Sea Earthquake), # 21964 (Fuego Eruption).
According to the above mentioned geological features, the AW197Jupiter conj, AW197/Pluto Trine, AW197/TL66 Square seem to have a prominence in the chart for this event.
Also, AW197/Saturn semisquare, OO67/Neptune semisextile, TL66/Pluto quincunx and TL66/Saturn semisquare, seem to be significant.
The rising up of the deep ancestral, subcrustal magma - after being transformed/metamorphosed, seems to be related to Plutonic symbolisms.
Plate Tectonics's "Subduction" processes in a "Oceanic Area" seem to be related to Neptunian symbolisms.
The Jupiter conjunction, may have an "inflating", "amplifying" effect on the AW197 activity, with a sort of "exuberant synergy".
So, the increased significance of the AW197/TL66 square may be expressed by the gaseous rising up, that it is so powerful to be able to overcome a very hard obstacle, such as the lava dome that it is obstructing the volcanic crater.
The AW197/Pluto trine and the TL66/Pluto quincunx may be correlated with the igneous rising up of a plutonic structure such as the lava dome:
Colima's crater: the lava dome is evident.
Again, the AW197/Pluto trine may be correlated with the changes in the ancestral magma (olivine-basaltic > olivine-andesitic), according to the Bowen's "Crystal Fractionation".
In Revilla's message # 21666:
>"... so that the big rock formations are probably represented by the "classical" cubewanos with very round orbits, farther away than Neptune. Metamorphic and plutonic (igneous) processes are related to the Pluto and the plutinos, geologic upheavals to the SDO's.<
Many big igneous rock formations are the results of the “Crystal Fractionation”, that it is a relatively slow, long-time process, based on the transfer and the relocation of molecules. The results are always architectural-structural changes. Even if these changes are at a molecular dimension, the whole phenomenon is active at a global level.
Consequently, the “Crystal Fractionation” is a geochemical paradigm that may be related, tentatively, to the KBO orbital symbolism.
Also (at least partly), some characteristics in the secondary metamorphic process may be related to this symbolism.
In this Colima eruption, the AW197 and OO67 orbital symbolisms seem to be related to the very long-time processes that are located at the level of the Benioff Zone.
>"Probably, ancient rock formations themselves are not Neptune, but the slow "rounding" or "reducing" action of the agents of meteorization, where even the hardest rock proves to be malleable given enough time, may be represented by it".<
(Revilla, message # 21 )
This relation seems to be fitting with a sort of metaphoric extension: the above mentioned Bowen's "Crystal Fractionation" is a slow, long-time range "layered" process, with a "layered", "stratified" action on the ancestral magma.
Perhaps, the "Crystal Fractionation" also: the individual crystals are without a defense facing their inner structural transformation. .
Colima is a "stratovolcano", that is a "layered volcano" with a depositional structure that it is very similar to a sedimentary process. Perhaps, this may be related to a transitional character of AW197.
The deep ancestral magma rising up to a deep magmatic chamber may be related to Pluto/Plutinos symbologies. The structural features that are involved in these movements/changes have a posssible correlation with
The eruption analyzed here is a moderate lava flow, with the following magma rising up process:
>> Gaseous columns develop when a volatile rich magma is tapped. Gas (dominated by H2O in Central America) exsolves from rising magma as magma cracks its way to the surface.The gas nucleates as little bubbles that then grow. As the bubbles grow, the magma gets less dense, accelerating its rise”.
This strictly igneous rising up seems to have a correlation with the Pluto/TL66 quincunx.
>> “Near the surface, the bubbles are packed tight together and possibly overpressured, making an explosive froth that overcomes the obstacle (lava dome). At contact with the atmosphere, the froth shatters into a variety of sizes. Most froth breaks into ash, fragments of bubble wall, usually planar bits or angular fragments that look like parts of a honeycomb cell. Explosively expanding gases thrust the froth fragments into the atmosphere, where the tiny, red hot ash particles efficiently exchange heat with air. The hot mixture is so expanded that it is less dense than air and it rises. Air is drawn in from all around the plume. As it rushes in, it is deflected left by the rotation of the earth (Coriolis force) and the rising column develops a corkscrew appearance”. <<
Again, this seem to have a correlation with Pluto/Plutinos/SDO symbologies. Structural features, such as “honeycomb cell” and “corkscrew appearance” seem to be related, very tentatively, to metaphoric extensions for AW197. “
In this case, the magma from deeper in the chamber gets to the vent and the explosiveness of the eruption is low or absent. The magma from deeper in the chamber has less water and other gasses. Therefore, fewer bubbles and denser froth (the bubbles are loosely packed). The low gas content and denser froth lead to less explosiveness and less efficient fragmentation (more big pieces). This leads to less mixing with the atmosphere and slower transfer of heat”.
This “regulation” of the phenomenon with a decelerating action and a reorganization of bubbles, with a denser (= more viscous) magma (changes in the molecular structure) seem to be correlated to the AW197 “energy” versus the explosivity related, perhaps, to the Pluto/TL66 quincunx.
Again, we have a possible Pluto/SDO igneous upheaval. The violent character is not the case of the examined eruption. However, we have a little collapse of a solid structure (lava dome), just for the starting of a moderate lava flow. Perhaps, the AW197/Pluto trine and the AW197/TL66 square are a significant “model” for the regulation of the entire process according to a long time-range sequence of events.
Perhaps, we have a sort of “balancing” gesture of AW197, versus the highly incisive gesture of TL66. However, the Pluto/TL66 quincunx represents a strongly explosive “model”, potentially: activity in Colima volcano is still continuing on 2003.
The round orbit of AW197 appears to have a sort of "wide breath", involving large-scale/massive rock formations/phenomena, such as a "subduction".
Perhaps, the 24° inclination of the orbit may be related to a transitional feature of this body, like the transitions that are frequent in Geology.
This inclination appears as a very "incisive" character of AW197, that may be a transition between Pluto/Plutinos/SDO orbital symbolisms.
By means of this inclination, the whole pattern of the orbit of AW197 appears to have a "three-dimensional" character (the orbit plane and the vertical extension/inclination).
This three-dimensional character may be in tuning with the "architecture" concept and related metaphorical extensions.
The inclination of the above mentioned Benioff zone seems to have some relations with the inclination of the orbit of AW197.
The Benioff zone appears to be like a frontier, a "breaking point" beyond which the individual defenses of rocks are no longer effective. This character of the Benioff zone seems to fit with a KBO orbital symbolism.
A parallelism appears to be possible:
a) the "incisive" orbital action/gesture of AW197:
b) the subduction movement beyond a frontier in the Earth's depth:
(Image courtesy of David McConnell)
Other three-dimensional changes in the magma structure and the subsequent crystalized rocks (starting from the ancestral basaltic magma, up to a restructured andesitic magma), may be related to the AW197 significance.
> The structure of a rock formed by the ancestral magma:
Almost all of the grains in this rock are olivine (>90%)
> The structure of a rock crystalized by a transformed andesitic magma, can be seen at:
Crystals of Olivine (the ancestral mineral) are of green colour (at transmitted polarized light).
Many big metamorphic rock formations that are related to depths very near to the Benioff zone, such as Ophiolites and Schists, have "layered" or rounded structures (Orbicular structures, Eclogites) that are similar to those structures that are common in sedimentary rocks (some structures in the tectonic plates that are involved in Colima, also)(Messages # 21789, # 21871, # 21964).
Perhaps, AW197 seems to be significant as a "catalyst" and as an "assembler" for the "activities" of other planets: this is evidenced, up to now, by the very long time-range aspects with the slow moving main planets and bodies such as TL66.
The "Neptunian colour" of this event, with the involvement of a very complex system of oceanic plates, may be correlated with the OO67/Neptune semisextile.
Plate Tectonics's "Subduction" processes in a "Oceanic Area" seem to be related to Neptunian symbolisms.
For Geology/Neptune/TNO’s symbolic correlations, references are made to Revilla's message # 21666, and messages # 21789, # 21781, # 21964.
Perhaps, the whole Colima event is inserted in this Neptunian symbology.
Perhaps, the OO67/Neptune semisextile may be related to a significance of OO67 as a "marker" for a relevant geological step, because this eruption anticipates a strong earthquake in the same region, three months after.
METHODOLOGY (about 2000 OO67):
I am using the "Plate Tectonics" geological paradigm (and other processes/events that are related with very long time ranges) and orbital symbolism as the model for the metaphor-building process of deriving the meaning of OO67, just starting with a reference to Alfred Wegener, a mythical
figure in Geological Science:
The chart is updated here.
References to Steve Williams' posts are in message # 15478:
Another significant reference point for my research is Juan
Revilla's analysis about OO67:
METHODOLOGY (about ORCUS - 2004 DW):
Centaurs' Message # 25825 (updated)
Chernobyl Nuclear Catastrophe: April 25, 1986
Chernobyl Unit 4 after the catastrophe
"A high-power, boiling water type reactor (RBMK), in which the coolant flows in pressure tubes, was develped at the Soviet Technical-Energetical Research Institute at the beginning of the 1970s. The first two reactors of this type were built in St. Petersburg during the seventieth. Due to the energy need of the developing industry further RBMK reactors were built in the western parts of Russia, eg. in Kursk, furthermore in Ignalina, Lituania and Chernobil, Ukraine.
0:28 AM, April 26, 1986. To make sure, the operators increased the flow rate of cooling water above the authorized value. Therefore the water cooled down and the amount of steam produced in the reactor dropped. When they started to decrease the power from 1.6 GW to the planned 0.7 GW, it went down more than expected due to the positive void coefficient: it dropped to 0.03 GW. They should have waited a day for the decay of the accumulated 135I and 135Xe and thus the instability caused by xenon-poisoning could have been dissapeared.
1:07 AM. Alexej Akinov and Leonid Toptunov, the two operators started to hesitate referring to the regulations but Diatlov commanded them to pull the control rods even further out. In this way they managed to stabilize the power at 0.2 GW. (The regulations prohibit operation under 0.7 GW.) Thinking of the low thermal power they decreased the flow rate of the cooling water.
1:22 AM. The last data printed by the computer: 0.2 GW.
1:23 AM. Eventually, the real experiment started. The operators disabled the SCRAM automatics too, which would have stopped the reactor in case the number of neutrons was rising too quickly. (This action was very much against regulations. In the case of a modern plant, this is physically impossible.) Next they switched off the generator of the second turbine because the goal of the experiment was to ensure cooling to the reactor in case of electricity loss.
1:23:20 AM. Hardly 20 seconds elapsed when, due to the loss of steam consumption of the turbine, the coolant temperature started to rise and consequently the control rods began to move downwards. However, this resulted in situation B, when the place of water was occupied by graphite and so the power increased by several percents.
1:23:40 AM. The power of the reactor with positive feed-back jumped to 0.32 GW from 0.2 GW. As soon as operator Akimov observed it, he pushed the scram (emergency shutdown) button.
1:23:43 AM. The thermal power reached 1.4 GW. At some positions the reactor became supercritical to prompt neutrons too and thus uncontrollable. Thermal expansion due to the sudden superheating distorted the metal channels of the control rods and the sinking rods got stuck halfway.
1:23:45 AM. The thermal power was 3 GW now. More and more of the cooling water boiled away. What Teller and colleagues foresaw in the 50s happened here: because of the positive void coefficient the chain reaction ran away in the whole reactor.
1:23:47 AM. Due to the uneven thermal expansion the cladding of fuel rods opened up.
1:23:49 AM. Thermal deformation of the fuel rods broke the coolant pipes. The suddenly generated steam caused a steam explosion and burst the reactor cover open.
1:24:00 AM. Above 1100 °C water reacts with the zirconium alloy of the rod cladding. The product of the reaction is hydrogen. Because of the cracks, steam contacted graphite as well and this reaction lead to the production of carbon monoxide and hydrogen:
Zr + 2 H2O = ZrO2 + 2 H2,
C + H2O = CO + H2.
The flammable hydrogen and carbon monoxide mixed with the oxigen of air and exploded. This second, chemical explosion brushed off the roof of the building. Graphite started to burn in air and the smoke contaminated the building and its growing vicinity with radioactivity. Two persons, a technician and an electrical engineer immediately died.
The temperature inside the reactor reached 3000 °C. The fission products diffused from the fuel to the burning graphite and to the air from there. All the radioactive noble gases (85Kr, 135Xe), furthermore about 20% of the the mobile alkaline metal ions (137Cs) and volutile iodine (131I) got out. Only 4% of the other, less diffusible radioactive metals (89Sr, 90Sr, 239Pu) got to the environment. (Unfortunately, the human and animal organisms cannot distinguish between Cs and K. However, Ca and Sr are distinguished: the ratio Sr/Ca accumulated in the body was only 20% of that measurable in the food.)
The graphite was burning for ten days. Only then could the fire be put out using borated sand and lead. The purpose of boron was absorption of neutrons, while lead sealed off the reactor from air when it melted. During this period, 4 EBq (4·1018 Bq) activity was released to the air, which was 400 times the amount of radioactivity released during the Hiroshima atomic bomb explosion".
8. Was the rest of Europe/the world affected?
Scandinavian countries and other parts of the world were affected by the radioactive releases from Chernobyl. Caesium and other radioactive isotopes were blown by wind northward into Sweden and Finland and over other parts of the northern hemisphere to some extent. During the first three weeks after the accident, the level of radiation in the atmosphere in several places around the globe was above normal; but these levels quickly receded. No studies have been able to point to a direct link between Chernobyl and increased cancer risks or other health problems outside the immediately affected republics of Ukraine, Belarus and the Russian Federation.
Other related links:
Assuming Chernobyl (30e15 - 51n17), April 26, 1986, at 1:24 am local time,
April 25, 1986 at 21:24:00 UT.
Astrological Setting (Tropical - Placidus)
Using RIYAL 2.11
RIYAL Fri April 25 1986 UT 21h24m00s Lat51n17 Lon30e15 SORT ALL
XA255 = 0Ge24 8s50 11n36 Tau 30.7 162 12.7 [9..50]
QD112 = 0Vi29 r 6n53 17n44 Leo 18.2 83 14.5 [8..30]
CR46 = 0Ge38 2n12 22n26 Tau 26.7 231 2.4 [18..58]
BU48 = 1Ca12 8s53 14n33 Ori 21.7 191 14.3 [20..46]
QB243 = 1Sc33 r 6s22 17s59 Vir 16.8 205 6.8 [15..54]
FY128 = 1Vi49 r 1n46 12n28 Leo 37.0 344 11.8 [37..61]
Asbolus = 2Vi27 r 9n31 19n28 Leo 21.8 77 17.7 [7..29]
KX14 = 2Sc35 r 0s24 12s44 Vir 40.2 241 0.4 [37..41]
RG33 = 2Le44 34n21 52n33 UMa 16.6 30 35.1 [2..17]
Chariklo = 2Ge56 18n41 39n01 Per 16.7 63 23.4 [13..18]
GQ21 = 3Li16 r 2s24 3s30 Vir 38.3 890 13.4 [38..147]
GM137 = 3Pi18 12s46 22s09 Aqr 8.2 22 15.9 [7..9]
UR163 = 3Ar24 0n39 1n57 Psc 44.8 375 0.7 [37..67]
CO1 = 4Ge11 4s26 16n38 Tau 23.1 94 19.8 [11..30]
Cyllarus = 4Pi30 12s07 21s06 Aqr 16.6 136 12.6 [16..37]
XS35 = 5Sc09 r 4n58 8s33 Vir 24.8 77 19.5 [1..35]
UX25 = 5Ar18 6n41 8n14 Psc 44.8 281 19.4 [37..49]
Sun = 5Ta22 0n00 13n19 Ari 1.0 1 0.0
Orcus = 5Le26 13s07 6n11 Hya 45.9 245 20.6 [30..48]
DG8 = 5Sa29 r 36n41 14n56 Her 18.9 35 129.4 [2..19]
SQ73 = 5Cp40 r 17s32 40s50 CrA 15.1 73 17.4 [14..21]
Neptune = 5Cp43 r 1n06 22s13 Sgr 30.2 166 1.8
QF6 = 5Vi58 r 8n34 17n16 Leo 8.0 19 24.3 [2..12]
Pluto = 5Sc59 r 17n06 2n39 Vir 29.7 248 17.1 [30..49]
Hidalgo = 6Cp04 r 42s26 65s39 Pav 9.0 14 42.4 [2..10]
Okyrhoe = 6Sc31 r 12n36 1s46 Vir 6.7 24 15.6 [6..11]
Talos = 6Ar33 3s18 0s25 Cet 2.0 1 23.3 [0..2]
Deucalion= 7Li34 r 0n15 2s46 Vir 44.6 291 0.4 [41..47]
GB32 = 7Vi46 r 4s31 4n28 Sex 44.0 2906 14.2 [35..372]
PJ30 = 7Cp46 r 1s41 24s54 Sgr 31.7 1427 5.7 [29..225]
Vertex = 7Le49
MS4 = 8Sa05 r 9n38 12s08 Oph 47.8 271 17.7 [36..48]
Pelion = 8Sa09 r 8n35 13s11 Oph 17.7 90 9.4 [17..23]
Saturn = 8Sa36 r 2n01 19s44 Oph 10.0 30 2.5
Pholus = 8Ta43 22s31 6s59 Eri 12.0 91 24.7 [9..32]
Sedna = 8Ta47 11s24 3n37 Cet 95.8 11343 11.9 [76..933]
RN109 = 8Sc50 r 51n23 34n08 CrB 34.1 57788 58.1 [3..2987]
OX3 = 9Cp19 r 0n39 22s28 Sgr 34.8 182 3.2 [18..47]
GZ32 = 9Le35 6n26 24n03 Cnc 25.5 110 15.0 [18..28]
GB10 = 10Ca00 7n12 30n15 Gem 21.5 124 13.4 [15..35]
Chaos = 10Ta08 1s59 12n59 Ari 43.5 310 12.0 [41..51]
CF119 = 10Ca33 7n24 30n24 Gem 42.8 825 19.8 [39..137]
Radamantu= 10Vi37 r 6n09 13n16 Leo 36.3 242 12.8 [33..45]
MD10 = 10Li52 r 61s07 57s05 Car 23.9 135 59.2 [2..51]
DH5 = 10Ta58 19s26 3s23 Eri 18.1 103 22.5 [14..30]
Mercury = 10Ar58 2s45 1n48 Cet 0.4 0 7.0
Damocles = 10Pi59 33n53 23n49 Peg 11.9 41 61.8 [2..22]
WL7 = 11Aq16 9s22 26s23 Cap 21.7 88 11.3 [15..24]
WU24 = 11Sa34 r 27n47 5n22 Oph 21.8 56 42.6 [1..28]
XX143 = 11Ge50 3s14 19n00 Tau 17.4 76 6.8 [10..26]
Chiron = 11Ge56 4s40 17n36 Tau 13.8 50 6.9 [8..19]
XZ255 = 12Ar06 2s16 2n42 Psc 15.4 64 2.6 [15..17]
Pylenor = 13Aq00 0n52 16s05 Cap 11.8 69 5.4 [12..22]
TL66 = 13Ar00 10n27 14n44 Psc 37.1 776 24.0 [35..134]
Mars = 13Cp08 0s56 23s43 Sgr 1.5 2 1.8
OM67 = 13Aq21 6s21 22s54 Cap 39.3 1009 23.3 [39..162]
Heracles = 13Ar29 5n54 10n45 Psc 3.1 2 9.2 [0..3]
OO67 = 14Cp18 r 13n15 9s30 Sct 32.1 18258 20.0 [21..1366
Bienor = 14Cp19 r 17s49 40s22 CrA 19.1 67 20.7 [13..20]
Jupiter = 14Pi23 0s58 7s02 Aqr 5.0 12 1.3
TC302 = 15Ar06 6s06 0n19 Cet 52.6 413 35.0 [39..72]
UB313 = 16Ar10 17s57 10s13 Cet 97.5 562 43.9 [39..98]
RZ214 = 16Pi14 15n33 8n54 Peg 37.1 804 20.5 [37..136]
Huya = 16Vi36 r 0s21 4n58 Leo 33.1 246 15.5 [28..50]
RD215 = 17Pi01 18n26 11n51 Peg 37.7 1418 25.9 [38..215]
FZ53 = 17Ge16 29s10 6s13 Ori 13.9 115 34.8 [12..35]
TX300 = 17Pi32 10n08 4n25 Psc 39.1 288 25.8 [38..49]
GO9 = 17Ca35 1s30 20n48 Gem 18.8 85 12.8 [14..25]
KF77 = 17Vi39 r 1n55 6n38 Leo 26.8 132 4.4 [20..32]
Icarus = 17Pi51 r 8n19 2n51 Psc 0.8 1 22.9 [0..2]
CY118 = 17Le51 r 10s55 5n04 Hya 38.2 843 25.6 [35..144]
VU2 = 18Li28 r 11s56 18s14 Crv 7.3 18 13.8 [3..11]
TO66 = 18Pi34 3s46 7s59 Aqr 44.6 288 27.4 [38..49]
CE10 = 18Li38 r 30s19 34s57 Hya 17.5 31 145.4 [2..18]
Hylonome = 18Le40 r 2s30 12n51 Leo 19.9 124 4.1 [19..31]
Hephaisto= 18Ta50 3n53 21n10 Ari 3.9 3 11.9 [0..4]
RZ215 = 19Cp09 r 21s18 43s07 Sgr 33.1 1067 25.5 [31..178]
FX128 = 19Ca30 19s08 3n04 CMi 18.3 987 22.3 [18..180]
PN34 = 19Li32 r 17s11 23s28 Hya 22.4 173 16.6 [13..49]
HL3 = 19Ar47 23n26 29n14 And 20.6 38 35.7 [2..21]
Ixion = 19Sc53 r 7n32 10s27 Lib 46.0 249 19.6 [30..49]
Dioretsa = 20Pi14 15s20 17s55 Aqr 25.1 116 160.2 [2..45]
Quaoar = 20Sc22 r 5n25 12s37 Lib 44.0 286 8.0 [42..45]
Varuna = 20Ge29 4s41 18n25 Tau 42.3 281 17.2 [40..45]
SB60 = 21Aq26 15n52 0n42 Aqr 41.8 275 23.9 [38..47]
QB1 = 21Pi32 0s19 3s39 Aqr 40.9 294 2.2 [41..48]
BL41 = 21Sa35 r 6s07 29s17 Oph 12.2 31 13.4 [7..13]
Thereus = 21Le43 r 18s04 2s53 Hya 12.3 35 20.4 [9..13]
Apogee = 21Ta50 r 1n59 20n08 Ari
Nessus = 21Le59 r 14n35 27n55 Leo 13.9 121 15.7 [12..37]
Uranus = 22Sa01 r 0s05 23s17 Oph 19.1 84 0.8
EL61 = 22Vi37 r 23n09 24n03 Com 51.5 282 28.3 [34..52]
Ascend = 23Sa02 0n00 23s16 Oph
WN188 = 23Pi22 20s10 21s04 Cet 24.4 54 26.9 [2..26]
AB229 = 23Aq32 18n37 3n56 Equ 27.8 354 68.5 [2..98]
NN8 = 24Ta06 13n25 31n45 Per 35.4 854 165.3 [2..178]
QJ1 = 24Le09 r 6s35 7n15 Leo 18.9 39 23.5 [2..21]
Moon = 24Sc27 2s12 21s01 Lib 1.0 0 5.3
VQ94 = 24Ar27 26s55 15s35 Cet 34.6 2578 70.5 [7..369]
VR130 = 24Cp33 3n21 17s55 Sgr 21.5 114 3.5 [15..32]
YH32 = 24Li40 r 67n08 51n20 Boo 8.5 23 79.1 [4..13]
VS2 = 24Ar46 14n16 22n49 Psc 36.8 249 14.8 [36..43]
LE31 = 24Ge56 11s01 12n21 Ori 11.8 23 152.1 [4..12]
OP32 = 25Cp05 25n45 4n15 Aql 39.5 287 27.1 [39..48]
TY364 = 25Pi09 14s13 14s57 Cet 40.8 244 24.8 [37..41]
RP120 = 25Li29 r 22s51 30s55 Cen 31.6 424 119.1 [2..110]
PA44 = 25Ca38 3s15 17n49 Gem 22.9 53 3.3 [3..25]
Phaethon = 26Ta15 3n58 23n10 Tau 1.5 1 22.0 [0..2]
TD10 = 26Sa16 r 6n01 17s22 Sgr 24.0 986 6.0 [12..186]
AW197 = 26Ca16 0s04 20n50 Gem 49.2 322 24.5 [41..53]
HE46 = 26Ar29 19s55 8s23 Cet 25.5 114 158.5 [2..45]
FZ173 = 26Le32 r 7n19 19n32 Leo 38.5 776 12.7 [32..136]
DA62 = 26Aq38 49s54 57s26 Phe 7.5 21 52.2 [4..11]
Midheav = 26Li47 0n00 10s20 Vir
CR105 = 27Ca23 3s57 16n48 Gem 47.5 3179 22.8 [44..388]
Elatus = 27Sc44 r 3n06 16s38 Lib 15.3 45 5.6 [7..18]
CO104 = 27Ge56 2n58 26n23 Tau 21.2 118 3.1 [21..28]
96PW = 27Vi59 r 18n48 18n00 Com 24.0 3851 29.9 [3..489]
EC98 = 28Ge02 4s04 19n22 Ori 10.6 35 4.3 [6..16]
CC22 = 28Sc24 r 7n51 12s09 Lib 5.3 19 6.5 [4..10]
FP185 = 28Le36 r 16s22 3s25 Hya 38.3 3063 30.8 [34..388]
AZ84 = 28Ge47 4s12 19n14 Ori 46.6 247 13.6 [32..47]
GV9 = 28Vi49 r 21s17 19s00 Crt 38.7 270 22.0 [39..45]
Venus = 28Ta54 0n27 20n21 Tau 0.7 1 3.4
FY9 = 29Le33 r 27n58 37n28 UMa 50.3 305 29.0 [38..53]
CZ118 = 29Le51 r 7n23 18n25 Leo 52.2 1218 27.8 [38..191]
Node = 29Ar59 r 0n00 11n28 Ari
Cuvier = 5 Le 28
Flammario = 5 Ta 29
Nephele = 24 Ta 43
Flammeus = 20 Ta 01
Focused Minor Planets
Orcus = 5 Le 26
Cuvier = 5 Le 28
Sun = 5 Ta 22 Square
Flammario = 5 Ta 29
Pluto = 5 Sc 59 r
Orcus forms a T square with Sun and Pluto opposite
Neptune = 5 Cp 43 r Quincunx
UX25 = 5 Ar 18 Trine
Varuna = 20 Ge 29 Semisquare
AW197 = 26 Ca 16
CR105 = 27 Ca 23
OP32 = 25 Cp 05
Moon = 24 Sc 27 Trine
TY364 = 25 Pi 09
FZ173 = 26 Le 32 r Semisextile
TD10 = 26 Sa 16 r Quincunx
Midheav = 26 Li 47 Square
VQ94 = 24 Ar 27
VS2 = 24 Ar 46
Chiron = 11 Ge 56 Semisquare
Nephele = 24 Ta 43 Sextile
TL66 = 13 Ar 00
Mars = 13 Cp 08 Square
OO67 = 14 Cp 18 r
Pylenor = 13 Aq 00 Sextile
OM67 = 13 Aq 21
Chiron = 11 Ge 56
OO67 = 14 Cp 18 r
Mars = 13 Cp 08
Jupiter = 14 Pi 23 Sextile
RZ214 = 16 Pi 14
TL66 = 13 Ar 00 Square
TC302 = 15 Ar 06
UB313 = 16Ar10
Chaos = 10 Ta 08
Pholus = 8 Ta 43
Sedna = 8 Ta 47
Mercury = 10 Ar 58 Semisextile
CF119 = 10 Ca 33 Sextile
OX3 = 9 Cp 19 r Trine
EL61 = 22 Vi 37 r
QB1 = 21 Pi 32
Uranus = 22 Sa 01 r Square
Ascend = 23 Sa 02
Moon = 24 Sc 27 Sextile
Apogee = 21 Ta 50 r Trine
Vertex = 7 Le 49 Semisquare
Astrological Setting (Sidereal - Fagan/Bradley)
Using RIYAL 2.11
RIYAL Fri April 25 1986 UT 21h24m00s Lat51n17 Lon30e15 SORT ALL
VR130 = 0Cp01 3n21 17s55 Sgr 21.5 114 3.5 [15..32]
YH32 = 0Li07 r 67n08 51n21 Boo 8.5 23 79.1 [4..13]
VS2 = 0Ar13 14n16 22n49 Psc 36.8 249 14.8 [36..43]
LE31 = 0Ge23 11s01 12n21 Ori 11.8 23 152.1 [4..12]
OP32 = 0Cp32 25n45 4n15 Aql 39.5 287 27.1 [39..48]
TY364 = 0Pi36 14s13 14s57 Cet 40.8 244 24.8 [37..41]
RP120 = 0Li56 r 22s51 30s55 Cen 31.6 424 119.1 [2..110]
PA44 = 1Ca05 3s15 17n49 Gem 22.9 53 3.3 [3..25]
Phaethon = 1Ta43 3n58 23n10 Tau 1.5 1 22.0 [0..2]
TD10 = 1Sa43 r 6n01 17s22 Sgr 24.0 986 6.0 [12..186]
AW197 = 1Ca43 0s04 20n50 Gem 49.2 322 24.5 [41..53]
HE46 = 1Ar56 19s55 8s23 Cet 25.5 114 158.5 [2..45]
FZ173 = 1Le59 r 7n19 19n32 Leo 38.5 776 12.7 [32..136]
DA62 = 2Aq06 49s54 57s26 Phe 7.5 21 52.2 [4..11]
Midheav = 2Li14 0n00 10s20 Vir
CR105 = 2Ca50 3s57 16n48 Gem 47.5 3179 22.8 [44..388]
Elatus = 3Sc11 r 3n06 16s38 Lib 15.3 45 5.6 [7..18]
CO104 = 3Ge23 2n58 26n23 Tau 21.2 118 3.1 [21..28]
96PW = 3Vi26 r 18n48 18n00 Com 24.0 3851 29.9 [3..489]
EC98 = 3Ge29 4s04 19n22 Ori 10.6 35 4.3 [6..16]
CC22 = 3Sc51 r 7n51 12s09 Lib 5.3 19 6.5 [4..10]
FP185 = 4Le03 r 16s22 3s25 Hya 38.3 3063 30.8 [34..388]
AZ84 = 4Ge15 4s12 19n14 Ori 46.6 247 13.6 [32..47]
GV9 = 4Vi16 r 21s17 19s00 Crt 38.7 270 22.0 [39..45]
Venus = 4Ta21 0n27 20n21 Tau 0.7 1 3.4
FY9 = 5Le01 r 27n58 37n27 UMa 50.3 305 29.0 [38..53]
CZ118 = 5Le18 r 7n23 18n25 Leo 52.2 1218 27.8 [38..191]
Node = 5Ar26 r 0n00 11n28 Ari
XA255 = 5Ta51 8s50 11n36 Tau 30.7 162 12.7 [9..50]
QD112 = 5Le56 r 6n53 17n44 Leo 18.2 83 14.5 [8..30]
CR46 = 6Ta05 2n12 22n26 Tau 26.7 231 2.4 [18..58]
BU48 = 6Ge39 8s53 14n33 Ori 21.7 191 14.3 [20..46]
QB243 = 7Li00 r 6s22 17s59 Vir 16.8 205 6.8 [15..54]
FY128 = 7Le17 r 1n46 12n28 Leo 37.0 344 11.8 [37..61]
Asbolus = 7Le54 r 9n31 19n28 Leo 21.8 77 17.7 [7..29]
KX14 = 8Li02 r 0s24 12s44 Vir 40.2 241 0.4 [37..41]
RG33 = 8Ca12 34n21 52n33 UMa 16.6 30 35.1 [2..17]
Chariklo = 8Ta24 18n41 39n00 Per 16.7 63 23.4 [13..18]
GQ21 = 8Vi43 r 2s24 3s30 Vir 38.3 890 13.4 [38..147]
GM137 = 8Aq45 12s46 22s09 Aqr 8.2 22 15.9 [7..9]
UR163 = 8Pi51 0n39 1n57 Psc 44.8 375 0.7 [37..67]
CO1 = 9Ta38 4s26 16n38 Tau 23.1 94 19.8 [11..30]
Cyllarus = 9Aq57 12s07 21s06 Aqr 16.6 136 12.6 [16..37]
XS35 = 10Li36 r 4n58 8s33 Vir 24.8 77 19.5 [1..35]
UX25 = 10Pi45 6n41 8n14 Psc 44.8 281 19.4 [37..49]
Sun = 10Ar49 0n00 13n19 Ari 1.0 1 0.0
Orcus = 10Ca53 13s07 6n11 Hya 45.9 245 20.6 [30..48]
DG8 = 10Sc56 r 36n41 14n56 Her 18.9 35 129.4 [2..19]
SQ73 = 11Sa07 r 17s32 40s50 CrA 15.1 73 17.4 [14..21]
Neptune = 11Sa10 r 1n06 22s13 Sgr 30.2 166 1.8
QF6 = 11Le25 r 8n34 17n16 Leo 8.0 19 24.3 [2..12]
Pluto = 11Li27 r 17n06 2n39 Vir 29.7 248 17.1 [30..49]
Hidalgo = 11Sa32 r 42s26 65s39 Pav 9.0 14 42.4 [2..10]
Okyrhoe = 11Li58 r 12n36 1s46 Vir 6.7 24 15.6 [6..11]
Talos = 12Pi01 3s18 0s25 Cet 2.0 1 23.3 [0..2]
Deucalion= 13Vi02 r 0n15 2s46 Vir 44.6 291 0.4 [41..47]
GB32 = 13Le13 r 4s31 4n27 Sex 44.0 2906 14.2 [35..372]
PJ30 = 13Sa14 r 1s41 24s54 Sgr 31.7 1427 5.7 [29..225]
Vertex = 13Ca16
MS4 = 13Sc32 r 9n38 12s08 Oph 47.8 271 17.7 [36..48]
Pelion = 13Sc36 r 8n35 13s11 Oph 17.7 90 9.4 [17..23]
Saturn = 14Sc03 r 2n01 19s44 Oph 10.0 30 2.5
Pholus = 14Ar10 22s31 6s59 Eri 12.0 91 24.7 [9..32]
Sedna = 14Ar14 11s24 3n37 Cet 95.8 11343 11.9 [76..933]
RN109 = 14Li17 r 51n23 34n08 CrB 34.1 57788 58.1 [3..2987]
OX3 = 14Sa47 r 0n39 22s28 Sgr 34.8 182 3.2 [18..47]
GZ32 = 15Ca02 6n26 24n03 Cnc 25.5 110 15.0 [18..28]
GB10 = 15Ge27 7n12 30n15 Gem 21.5 124 13.4 [15..35]
Chaos = 15Ar35 1s59 12n59 Ari 43.5 310 12.0 [41..51]
CF119 = 16Ge00 7n24 30n24 Gem 42.8 825 19.8 [39..137]
Radamantu= 16Le05 r 6n09 13n16 Leo 36.3 242 12.8 [33..45]
MD10 = 16Vi19 r 61s07 57s05 Car 23.9 135 59.2 [2..51]
DH5 = 16Ar25 19s26 3s23 Eri 18.1 103 22.5 [14..30]
Mercury = 16Pi25 2s45 1n48 Cet 0.4 0 7.0
Damocles = 16Aq26 33n53 23n49 Peg 11.9 41 61.8 [2..22]
WL7 = 16Cp44 9s22 26s23 Cap 21.7 88 11.3 [15..24]
WU24 = 17Sc01 r 27n47 5n23 Oph 21.8 56 42.6 [1..28]
XX143 = 17Ta17 3s14 19n00 Tau 17.4 76 6.8 [10..26]
Chiron = 17Ta23 4s40 17n36 Tau 13.8 50 6.9 [8..19]
XZ255 = 17Pi33 2s16 2n42 Psc 15.4 64 2.6 [15..17]
Pylenor = 18Cp27 0n52 16s05 Cap 11.8 69 5.4 [12..22]
TL66 = 18Pi27 10n27 14n44 Psc 37.1 776 24.0 [35..134]
Mars = 18Sa36 0s56 23s43 Sgr 1.5 2 1.8
OM67 = 18Cp49 6s21 22s54 Cap 39.3 1009 23.3 [39..162]
Heracles = 18Pi56 5n54 10n45 Psc 3.1 2 9.2 [0..3]
OO67 = 19Sa45 r 13n15 9s30 Sct 32.1 18258 20.0 [21..1366
Bienor = 19Sa47 r 17s49 40s22 CrA 19.1 67 20.7 [13..20]
Jupiter = 19Aq51 0s58 7s02 Aqr 5.0 12 1.3
TC302 = 20Pi33 6s06 0n19 Cet 52.6 413 35.0 [39..72]
UB313 = 21Pi37 17s57 10s13 Cet 97.5 562 43.9 [39..98]
RZ214 = 21Aq41 15n33 8n54 Peg 37.1 804 20.5 [37..136]
Huya = 22Le04 r 0s21 4n58 Leo 33.1 246 15.5 [28..50]
RD215 = 22Aq28 18n26 11n51 Peg 37.7 1418 25.9 [38..215]
FZ53 = 22Ta43 29s10 6s13 Ori 13.9 115 34.8 [12..35]
TX300 = 22Aq59 10n08 4n25 Psc 39.1 288 25.8 [38..49]
GO9 = 23Ge02 1s30 20n48 Gem 18.8 85 12.8 [14..25]
KF77 = 23Le06 r 1n55 6n38 Leo 26.8 132 4.4 [20..32]
Icarus = 23Aq18 r 8n19 2n51 Psc 0.8 1 22.9 [0..2]
CY118 = 23Ca18 r 10s55 5n04 Hya 38.2 843 25.6 [35..144]
VU2 = 23Vi55 r 11s56 18s14 Crv 7.3 18 13.8 [3..11]
TO66 = 24Aq01 3s46 7s59 Aqr 44.6 288 27.4 [38..49]
CE10 = 24Vi05 r 30s19 34s57 Hya 17.5 31 145.4 [2..18]
Hylonome = 24Ca07 r 2s30 12n51 Leo 19.9 124 4.1 [19..31]
Hephaisto= 24Ar18 3n53 21n10 Ari 3.9 3 11.9 [0..4]
RZ215 = 24Sa36 r 21s18 43s07 Sgr 33.1 1067 25.5 [31..178]
FX128 = 24Ge57 19s08 3n04 CMi 18.3 987 22.3 [18..180]
PN34 = 24Vi59 r 17s11 23s28 Hya 22.4 173 16.6 [13..49]
HL3 = 25Pi14 23n26 29n14 And 20.6 38 35.7 [2..21]
Ixion = 25Li21 r 7n32 10s27 Lib 46.0 249 19.6 [30..49]
Dioretsa = 25Aq41 15s20 17s55 Aqr 25.1 116 160.2 [2..45]
Quaoar = 25Li49 r 5n25 12s37 Lib 44.0 286 8.0 [42..45]
Varuna = 25Ta56 4s41 18n25 Tau 42.3 281 17.2 [40..45]
SB60 = 26Cp53 15n52 0n42 Aqr 41.8 275 23.9 [38..47]
QB1 = 26Aq59 0s19 3s39 Aqr 40.9 294 2.2 [41..48]
BL41 = 27Sc02 r 6s07 29s16 Oph 12.2 31 13.4 [7..13]
Thereus = 27Ca10 r 18s04 2s53 Hya 12.3 35 20.4 [9..13]
Apogee = 27Ar18 r 1n59 20n08 Ari
Nessus = 27Ca26 r 14n35 27n55 Leo 13.9 121 15.7 [12..37]
Uranus = 27Sc28 r 0s05 23s17 Oph 19.1 84 0.8
EL61 = 28Le04 r 23n09 24n03 Com 51.5 282 28.3 [34..52]
Ascend = 28Sc30 0n00 23s15 Oph
WN188 = 28Aq49 20s10 21s04 Cet 24.4 54 26.9 [2..26]
AB229 = 28Cp59 18n37 3n56 Equ 27.8 354 68.5 [2..98]
NN8 = 29Ar33 13n25 31n45 Per 35.4 854 165.3 [2..178]
QJ1 = 29Ca36 r 6s35 7n15 Leo 18.9 39 23.5 [2..21]
Moon = 29Li54 2s12 21s01 Lib 1.0 0 5.3
VQ94 = 29Pi54 26s55 15s35 Cet 34.6 2578 70.5 [7..369]
Cuvier 10 Ca 55
Flammario 10 Ar 56
Nephele 0 Ta 10
Flammeus 25 Ar 28
Focused Minor Planets
Orcus = 10 Ca 53
Cuvier = 10 Ca 55
Sun = 10 Ar 49 Square
Flammario = 10 Ar 56
Pluto = 11 Li 27 r
Orcus forms a T square with Sun and Pluto opposite
Neptune = 11 Sa 10 r Quincunx
UX25 = 10 Pi 45 Trine
Varuna = 25 Ta 56 Semisquare
AW197 = 1 Ca 43
CR105 = 2 Ca 50
OP32 = 0 Cp 32
Moon = 29 Li 54 Trine
TY364 = 0 Pi 36
FZ173 = 1 Le 59 r Semisextile
TD10 = 1 Sa 43 r Quincunx
Midheav = 2 Li 14 Square
VQ94 = 29 Pi 54
VS2 = 0 Ar 13
Chiron = 17 Ta 23 Semisquare
Nephele = 0 Ta 10 Sextile
TL66 = 18 Pi 27
Mars = 18 Sa 36 Square
OO67 = 19 Sa 45 r
Pylenor = 18 Cp 27 Sextile
OM67 = 18 Cp 49
Chiron = 17 Ta 23
OO67 = 19 Sa 45 r
Mars = 18 Sa 36
Jupiter = 19 Aq 51 Sextile
TL66 = 18 Pi 27 Square
TC302 = 20 Pi 33
OM67 = 18 Cp 49 Semisextile
Chaos = 15 Ar 35
Pholus = 14 Ar 10
Sedna = 14 Ar 14
Mercury = 16 Pi 25 Semisextile
CF119 = 16 Ge 00 Sextile
OX3 = 14 Sa 47 r Trine
EL61 = 28 Le 04 r
QB1 = 26 Aq 59
Uranus = 27 Sc 28 r Square
Ascend = 28 Sc 30
Moon = 29 Li 54 Sextile
Apogee = 27 Ar 18 r Trine
Vertex = 13 Ca 16 Semisquare
About Orcus (2004 DW):
Photo at:
Chernobyl - Unit 4 interior, very near the source of the "reaction":
Just Orcus' cave? Orcus' face?
In the metaphor building process, a starting point may be to search a paradigm that seems to be in tune with the assumed orbital paradigm for a Plutino such as Orcus (2004 DW).
"Chernobyl' has become a metaphor not only for the horror of uncontrolled nuclear power but alsofor the collapsing Soviet system and its reflexive secrecy and deception, disregard for the safety and welfare of workers and their families, and inability to deliver basic services such as health care and transportation, especially in crisis situations. The Chernobyl' catastrophe derailed what had been an ambitious nuclear power program and formed a fledgling environmental movement into a potent political force in Russia as well as a rallying point for achieving Ukrainian and Belorussian independence in 1991. Although still in operation, the Chernobyl' plant is scheduled for total shutdown before the year 2000. The power station will be replaced by a thermal energy giant".
Chernobyl is a "Cindynic Paradigm" (cindynic is a Greek word for "danger"):
"In light of the scientific discourse, be it from the exact sciences or
from the social sciences, it is understood that the man of the future
is doomed to an early death, if not from brutal destruction by some
part of humanity, then at least from total alienation in a
programmed society."
L.-V. Thomas, Anthropologie des obsessions, 1988.
"For eleven years, researchers who come from different backgrounds and disciplines from most of the industrial countries - if not producers of nuclear energy - have tried to comprehend and evaluate, within their own field of study, the consequences of the explosion of the Ukrainian reactor. Now, we would like to show in particular that these attempts and this project of global apprehension with respect to this event, labelled in terms of accident, damage, disaster or catastrophe, can also be considered as one of its consequences 1 , and not the least important one. One of the essential repercussions of the Chernobyl accident could effectively be its contribution to the emergence and the consolidation of a cindynical ethic which has been conditioned to make the catastrophe banal. If not in the appraisal of its consequences, the Chernobyl disaster, along with other major technological disasters, has been made commonplace because of the efforts - demanded by this ethic - undertaken to draw out the lessons of what, occurring there, could be repeated. Moreover, if the question of information constitutes an essential preoccupation in the risk management framework, it is necessary to approach it while taking into consideration a number of factors regarding the upheavals occurring in the scientific field and the uncertainties which characterise the knowledge that can be mobilised.
Independently of the question of "behaviour" and the future of the sarcophagus, numerous research has been done principally around three main points: health, environmental and psychosociological".
"This notion of "renewed experience", dear to the nuclear safety specialists and heretofore used in the other high-risk industrial sectors, has a double interest :
it allows, on one hand, to step away from the impossibility of implementation in the nuclear domain, the usual scientific procedure of trial and error
it presents the incontestable advantage of operating an axiological inversion, which creates ambivalence toward a major technological catastrophe.
In fact, this no longer appears only as "what never should have happened", a terrifying and unexpected demonstration of the malice of the Promethean project - all the more since we have become aware after the fact that it could have been avoided-, but has acquired a type of pedagogical virtue since it has become, through its painful social and territorial incarnation, a source of knowledge and teaching - inevitably new - for an indeterminate period of time. From the first counter-measures taken by the national authorities in the urgency of the accident to the health, social and economic consequences ... in the long term of the accident, the plural dimensions of this singular reality were the object of many investigations aiming to extract the lessons of the completed disaster, which cannot merely be deplored. This way, the tragic experience, due to the lack of technological mastery by the men who had created it, is transformed into a collective experimentation and paradoxically gives them the occasion to show their abilities to take up the challenge of an ever more rational management of the risks and the activities which produce them, to seize again what had, for a moment, escaped them. From an event which was born out of absurdity and chance, marking the failure of rationality, mankind still manages to extract the legitimacy of their pretentiousness and their determination to envisage and build their future in a rational manner. Thus, in a scholarly and euphemised way, the proverb can be found : "There is good in misfortune", but henceforth, the pedagogy of misfortune written in popular common sense is presented under the form of an obligation, the obligation to act in order to ward out the dangers. The range of contemporary catastrophes has forced modern societies to encourage action which comes from this suggestion turned postulate: mankind does not have the right to commit suicide. So, the slow-moving yet constantly evolving catastrophe, which is Chernobyl, should allow societies to better protect themselves from coming catastrophes.
Therefore, we could say that, far from questioning the management procedures by showing the limits of the will of prevention and the mastery of the risks involved, the catastrophe's irruption in reality contributes, on the contrary, to establishing its legitimacy, to imposing its necessity, all the more so when it is of a technological origin and when the question of human responsibility - independent from the notions of fault or human error - is not submitted to discussion. Recognising a certain responsibility for certain dangers, risks and catastrophic phenomena, man no longer has any choice but to try to master them, the new imperative imposing itself as the essential figure of what is to be seen as an ethic which is true to the demands of techno-scientific societies. It is not, however, the question of the ethical responsibility as defined by the philosopher, H. Jonas, but rather of an ethic that would be defined as cindynical, referring to these new "danger sciences" , which appeared shortly after the Chernobyl accident.
Thus, all of the research which has been carried out in the Ukraine, Russia and Belarus since 1986, insofar as they attempt to improve the mechanisms which intend to warn of and manage the risks and that they come within the scope of the project of constructing a future based on shared experience, are ethically irreproachable. The conspiracy of threats which put the survival of humanity and the conservation of societies in danger effectively compel the implementation of ways to extract the all of the possible teachings from the catastrophes. "Who could contest the necessity of developing the knowledge and the means to avoid or to limit an accident or a disaster?" This question, asked by the sociologists H.-P. Jeudy , is not really a question, or it is one which already has an answer ; but this wording allows it to reveal one of the essential characteristics of the contemporary time, whose "monstrosity" is not found, according to him, within the catastrophe itself as it is in the relationship with the world that it establishes and perpetuates. Having become the central modern paradigm, the scapegoat of the ecologists as well as of the risk managers, it drives all of them to agree upon the imperious necessity of promoting learning from the catastrophes and rationally understanding the relationship between man and his environment in the perspective of universal risk management.
Faced with the multiplication and the proliferation of the threats and dangers which has lead many writers of the time, following E. Morin, to think in terms of the Damoclesian era, where the key to safeguarding humanity is found in its capacity to integrate catastrophe in its history and to prepare and build the future based on the lessons from the past. Thus, the amazing feat of techno-scientific societies consists in making each new deleterious manifestation of the technological developments a windfall which allows the security mechanisms to be improved. Each new disaster, nuclear or otherwise, far from putting the foundations of the legitimacy of modern societies in danger, contributes, on the contrary, toward reinforcing the mechanisms of security and the collective warnings by showing the ability of men to master the risks created by technology even better. To use an example from law, some researchers have ventured to show the forms of backlash in the courts. Some have evoked the "panic" in nuclear law, which has followed Chernobyl 8 , while others emphasise the new legal logic of the management of incertitude, which jurisprudence has introduced, following certain recent affairs (contaminated blood, asbestos and mad cow disease). If the range of the Chernobyl consequences demands an upheaval and justifies the fact that lawyers are panic-stricken, the elaboration of a jurisprudence of incertitude adapted to the diversity and complexity of contemporary phenomena, about which we can agree with I. Rieusset-Lemarié concerning the fact that they are characterised for the most part by the contagious logic of their propagation, would likely take several decades and would doubtless see some of the epidemic phenomena contribute to the construction of this future law. However, the limit of the teachings which has sprung from accidents, catastrophes and other crises would not be ignored in the first place within the nuclear domain, where experts recognise that the only thing they can be sure of is that the next catastrophe - experts speak more voluntarily about accidents - will be different, the Chernobyl accident not being, in their eyes, the accident of reference. But the contaminated territories of the three republics have allowed us to experiment the exercise of international solidarity and, since they bear the stigmatism of the catastrophe, to justify all of the procedures that try to make these places of witness into places of memory so that what happened there does not happen again. And if the improbable should happen, the collective terrain of experimentation which these territories have become, will have allowed if not the development of, at least the research for a new model of human survival. Nonetheless, the daily, practical and non-stop confrontation of contamination risk for the inhabitants of the contaminated zones also finds its expression on the symbolic level since they must simultaneously live, or survive, while trying to resolve the unlovable equation formulated by H.-P. Jeudy in the form of another question : "How can one exist with the most absolute rationality of risk management?" While it is an interrogation which is as universal as management pretends to be, the question is asked with an intensity and pertinence that is particularly formidable for those people".
The entire range of disaster that are dangerous for many environments are the object of "cindynical researches" (computerized also):
Many disasters may be classified as "natural" (quakes, volcanic eruptions, etc.), but Nature is able to restore himself either quickly or gradually, always. The "human factor" aggravates the effects, transforming them as "chronic" and "without an end".
Perhaps, useful (even if some links are no longer working):
The Orcus/Sun/Pluto square, 2004/Neptune quincunx seem to have a significant prominence in Chernobyl' catastrophe. Also, Orcus/Varuna semisquare may be not extraneous about Man's arrogance. Man continues to manipulate nuclear energy and is unconscious about the true "environmental annihilation" that Life is suffering in our Earth.
Paradoxically, in these days, Man is fascinated by Mars, a Planet that, maybe, "HAD water for Life". Man is fascinated by images that are an anticipation of identical images about the "future Earth". Mankind is born as a warrior for his survival. Now, an unsatisfied Mankind is making continue wars, not for his survival, but for the contrary. Mankind is just a "DW" in that 2004: a "Deadly Warrior" versus Nature.
Up to now, this is a rough starting point for metaphoras that may be related with Orcus (2004 DW).
For tentative metaphoric extensions, related to structural/architectural changes in global environmental processes (a work in progress), reference are made to messages # 24690, # 24893 and # 25452:
OX3 is inserted in analyses about earthquakes, volcanoes, icy formations (polar ice caps, glaciers), damaged ecosystems, in order to obtain a coordination with other researches about Hozone Hole-Global Warming.
Centaurs' Message # 26060 (updated):
Three Mile Island Unit 2 (TMI-2) Nuclear Power Plant Accident: March 28, 1979
"The accident at the Three Mile Island Unit 2 (TMI-2) nuclear power plant near Middletown, Pennsylvania, on March 28, 1979, was the most serious in U.S. commercial nuclear power plant operating history(1), even though it led to no deaths or injuries to plant workers or members of the nearby community. But it brought about sweeping changes involving emergency response planning, reactor operator training, human factors engineering, radiation protection, and many other areas of nuclear power plant operations. It also caused the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission to tighten and heighten its regulatory oversight. Resultant changes in the nuclear power industry and at the NRC had the effect of enhancing safety.
The sequence of certain events - - equipment malfunctions, design related problems and worker errors - - led to a partial meltdown of the TMI-2 reactor core but only very small off-site releases of radioactivity.
Summary of Events
The accident began about 4:00 a.m. on March 28, 1979, when the plant experienced a failure in the secondary, non-nuclear section of the plant. The main feedwater pumps stopped running, caused by either a mechanical or electrical failure, which prevented the steam generators from removing heat. First the turbine, then the reactor automatically shut down. Immediately, the pressure in the primary system (the nuclear portion of the plant) began to increase. In order to prevent that pressure from becoming excessive, the pilot-operated relief valve (a valve located at the top of the pressurizer) opened. The valve should have closed when the pressure decreased by a certain amount, but it did not. Signals available to the operator failed to show that the valve was still open. As a result, cooling water poured out of the stuck-open valve and caused the core of the reactor to overheat.
As coolant flowed from the core through the pressurizer, the instruments available to reactor operators provided confusing information. There was no instrument that showed the level of coolant in the core. Instead, the operators judged the level of water in the core by the level in the pressurizer, and since it was high, they assumed that the core was properly covered with coolant. In addition, there was no clear signal that the pilot-operated relief valve was open. As a result, as alarms rang and warning lights flashed, the operators did not realize that the plant was experiencing a loss-of-coolant accident. They took a series of actions that made conditions worse by simply reducing the flow of coolant through the core.
Because adequate cooling was not available, the nuclear fuel overheated to the point at which the zirconium cladding (the long metal tubes which hold the nuclear fuel pellets) ruptured and the fuel pellets began to melt. It was later found that about one-half of the core melted during the early stages of the accident. Although the TMI-2 plant suffered a severe core meltdown, the most dangerous kind of nuclear power accident, it did not produce the worst-case consequences that reactor experts had long feared. In a worst-case accident, the melting of nuclear fuel would lead to a breach of the walls of the containment building and release massive quantities of radiation to the environment. But this did not occur as a result of the Three Mile Island accident.
The accident caught federal and state authorities off-guard. They were concerned about the small releases of radioactive gases that were measured off-site by the late morning of March 28 and even more concerned about the potential threat that the reactor posed to the surrounding population. They did not know that the core had melted, but they immediately took steps to try to gain control of the reactor and ensure adequate cooling to the core. The NRC’s regional office in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, was notified at 7:45 a.m. on March 28. By 8:00, NRC Headquarters in Washington, D.C. was alerted and the NRC Operations Center in Bethesda, Maryland, was activated. The regional office promptly dispatched the first team of inspectors to the site and other agencies, such as the Department of Energy and the Environmental Protection Agency, also mobilized their response teams. Helicopters hired by TMI's owner, General Public Utilities Nuclear, and the Department of Energy were sampling radioactivity in the atmosphere above the plant by midday. A team from the Brookhaven National Laboratory was also sent to assist in radiation monitoring. At 9:15 a.m., the White House was notified and at 11:00 a.m., all non-essential personnel were ordered off the plant's premises.
By the evening of March 28, the core appeared to be adequately cooled and the reactor appeared to be stable. But new concerns arose by the morning of Friday, March 30. A significant release of radiation from the plant’s auxiliary building, performed to relieve pressure on the primary system and avoid curtailing the flow of coolant to the core, caused a great deal of confusion and consternation. In an atmosphere of growing uncertainty about the condition of the plant, the governor of Pennsylvania, Richard L. Thornburgh, consulted with the NRC about evacuating the population near the plant. Eventually, he and NRC Chairman Joseph Hendrie agreed that it would be prudent for those members of society most vulnerable to radiation to evacuate the area. Thornburgh announced that he was advising pregnant women and pre-school-age children within a 5-mile radius of the plant to leave the area.
Within a short time, the presence of a large hydrogen bubble in the dome of the pressure vessel, the container that holds the reactor core, stirred new worries. The concern was that the hydrogen bubble might burn or even explode and rupture the pressure vessel. In that event, the core would fall into the containment building and perhaps cause a breach of containment. The hydrogen bubble was a source of intense scrutiny and great anxiety, both among government authorities and the population, throughout the day on Saturday, March 31. The crisis ended when experts determined on Sunday, April 1, that the bubble could not burn or explode because of the absence of oxygen in the pressure vessel. Further, by that time, the utility had succeeded in greatly reducing the size of the bubble".
76w43 - 40n09
Astrological Setting (Tropical - Placidus)
Using RIYAL 2.11
RIYAL Wed March 28 1979 UT 9h00m00s Lat40n09 Lon76w43 SORT ALL
Mercury = 0Ar03 r 2n29 2n18 Psc 0.4 0 7.0
VU2 = 0Aq21 9n24 10s53 Aql 7.9 18 13.8 [3..11]
CF119 = 0Ca31 10n32 33n59 Aur 45.2 858 19.7 [39..142]
PN34 = 0Li34 r 15s18 14s14 Crt 27.7 173 16.6 [13..49]
OO67 = 0Cp50 16n15 7s11 Oph 38.7 12204 20.1 [21..1039
Chaos = 0Ta53 3s45 8n16 Psc 44.1 309 12.0 [41..51]
OM67 = 0Aq58 11s03 30s42 Sgr 39.9 957 23.4 [39..155]
MD10 = 1Li13 r 60s22 53s17 Vel 31.6 135 59.1 [2..51]
RZ214 = 1Pi14 18n10 5n59 Peg 36.7 765 20.5 [37..131]
MS4 = 1Sa18 r 7n39 12s56 Sco 47.6 269 17.7 [36..48]
XS35 = 1Sc28 r 6n26 5s57 Vir 30.1 76 19.5 [1..35]
KF77 = 1Vi38 r 2n59 13n40 Leo 28.7 133 4.3 [20..32]
CO104 = 1Ge39 2n49 23n15 Tau 22.3 119 3.1 [21..28]
RD215 = 2Pi09 22n08 9n59 Peg 38.5 1323 25.9 [38..203]
HE46 = 2Ta12 20s39 7s12 Cet 32.0 115 158.5 [2..45]
Hidalgo = 2Sc18 r 7s17 19s06 Vir 5.9 14 42.4 [2..10]
RZ215 = 2Cp21 24s18 47s43 Tel 35.8 1009 25.5 [31..170]
Pylenor = 2Sa36 r 5n33 15s14 Sco 12.9 69 5.4 [12..22]
VR130 = 2Cp39 3n33 19s52 Sgr 24.8 112 3.5 [15..32]
Pelion = 3Sc00 r 9n47 3s18 Vir 18.8 90 9.4 [17..23]
QF6 = 3Sa28 r 26n01 4n44 Her 8.7 19 24.3 [2..12]
Icarus = 3Pi46 11s35 20s54 Aqr 1.6 1 22.9 [0..2]
Huya = 4Vi09 r 3s55 6n20 Sex 35.1 250 15.4 [29..51]
RN109 = 4Sc35 r 48n36 32n37 CrB 43.8 32728 57.8 [3..2044]
WU24 = 5Sa01 r 31n18 9n42 Her 26.1 56 42.9 [1..28]
Sedna = 5Ta11 11s13 2n39 Cet 98.5 11921 11.9 [76..968]
Apogee = 5Vi22 r 1s07 8n31 Leo
Midheav = 5Sa23 0n00 21s12 Sco
CY118 = 6Le19 r 15s38 3n31 Hya 40.9 885 25.5 [35..150]
HL3 = 6Ar34 27n59 28n04 Peg 18.4 38 35.7 [2..21]
TX300 = 6Pi57 5n36 3s45 Aqr 38.6 282 25.9 [38..48]
Sun = 7Ar05 0n00 2n49 Psc 1.0 1 0.0
FZ53 = 7Ta14 10s47 3n43 Cet 18.5 117 34.9 [12..35]
Chiron = 7Ta21 1s08 12n53 Ari 17.4 51 6.9 [8..19]
Saturn = 8Vi33 r 2n03 10n15 Leo 9.3 30 2.5
TC302 = 9Ar17 9s36 5s09 Cet 54.4 410 35.1 [39..71]
TD10 = 9Sa49 r 5n25 16s34 Oph 31.9 916 6.0 [12..176]
TO66 = 10Pi29 7s31 14s35 Aqr 43.8 283 27.5 [38..48]
QD112 = 10Le29 r 11n06 28n16 Cnc 23.5 83 14.5 [8..30]
Moon = 10Ar30 2s04 2n15 Cet 1.0 0 5.3
RG33 = 10Ca39 34n59 57n49 Lyn 15.9 30 35.1 [2..17]
Nessus = 10Ca40 15n02 37n59 Aur 19.2 124 15.6 [12..38]
Okyrhoe = 10Ta46 11s10 4n26 Cet 8.2 24 15.6 [6..11]
Vertex = 10Vi56
Varuna = 11Ge02 7s18 14n52 Tau 41.9 283 17.1 [41..45]
QB1 = 11Pi03 0s41 8s03 Aqr 41.1 289 2.2 [41..47]
FX128 = 11Ge21 21s43 0n37 Ori 22.4 1064 22.3 [18..191]
SB60 = 11Aq47 12n38 5s05 Aqr 41.0 270 24.0 [37..46]
Quaoar = 12Sc03 r 4n25 11s14 Lib 44.2 286 8.0 [42..45]
VS2 = 12Ar12 13n34 17n16 Psc 37.1 247 14.8 [36..42]
DH5 = 12Ar13 13s00 7s09 Cet 21.7 103 22.5 [14..30]
Bienor = 12Sa51 r 21s13 43s20 Nor 17.6 67 20.7 [13..20]
OP32 = 13Cp03 26n50 3n55 Ser 39.1 282 27.2 [39..47]
Ixion = 13Sc17 r 9n44 6s32 Lib 47.0 248 19.7 [30..49]
QJ1 = 13Le22 r 1s41 15n12 Cnc 20.8 39 23.3 [2..21]
YH32 = 14Sa07 r 55s37 76s43 Aps 7.3 23 79.1 [4..13]
UB313 = 14Ar12 19s13 12s07 Cet 97.6 557 44.0 [38..98]
CR46 = 14Ta30 1n55 18n01 Ari 31.2 234 2.4 [18..58]
WN188 = 14Pi37 17s38 22s14 Aqr 26.3 54 27.1 [2..26]
EC98 = 14Aq49 2n51 13s40 Aqr 6.0 35 4.3 [6..16]
PA44 = 14Ca50 r 3s11 19n27 Gem 24.7 53 3.3 [3..25]
CE10 = 14Sc53 r 35s40 49s43 Cen 13.4 31 145.4 [2..18]
Phaethon = 15Ta09 1n52 18n10 Ari 1.1 1 22.0 [0..2]
FZ173 = 15Le18 r 9n19 25n08 Leo 41.8 810 12.7 [33..141]
TY364 = 15Pi36 10s47 15s35 Aqr 41.0 241 24.9 [36..41]
Talos = 16Pi21 1n56 3s36 Aqr 1.7 1 23.3 [0..2]
EL61 = 16Vi33 r 21n15 24n45 Leo 51.3 285 28.1 [35..52]
FP185 = 16Le37 r 21s49 5s00 Hya 41.7 3427 30.8 [34..420]
GM137 = 17Li03 r 17n46 9n43 Vir 7.0 22 15.9 [7..9]
Heracles = 17Ar14 6n15 12n32 Psc 2.5 2 9.2 [0..3]
Ascend = 17Aq22 0n00 15s38 Cap
GV9 = 17Vi25 r 22s20 15s34 Hya 38.8 275 22.0 [39..46]
Node = 17Vi27 r 0n00 4n58 Leo
CR105 = 17Ca29 r 7s55 14n26 Gem 45.7 3489 22.7 [44..416]
CO1 = 18Ta03 9s32 8n02 Cet 26.6 95 19.7 [11..31]
Pluto = 18Li09 r 17n41 9n15 Vir 30.3 250 17.1 [30..50]
PJ30 = 18Sa19 r 3s25 26s19 Oph 29.3 1380 5.6 [29..219]
Asbolus = 18Le23 r 13n09 27n46 Leo 26.0 77 17.6 [7..29]
GB10 = 18Ge39 10n47 33n42 Aur 25.2 126 13.3 [15..35]
DG8 = 18Sa46 r 26n08 3n05 Oph 18.5 35 129.6 [2..19]
WL7 = 19Cp02 10s57 32s55 Sgr 23.3 87 11.3 [15..24]
FY128 = 19Le38 r 4n18 19n00 Leo 37.3 353 11.7 [37..63]
AW197 = 19Ca46 r 2n52 24n49 Gem 49.9 328 24.3 [41..54]
Hylonome = 20Ca10 r 3s48 18n10 Gem 21.8 127 4.1 [19..32]
AB229 = 20Aq27 13n41 1s40 Aqr 36.4 352 69.3 [2..97]
Neptune = 20Sa29 r 1n26 21s41 Oph 30.3 164 1.8
GQ21 = 20Vi33 r 5s25 1s14 Leo 39.1 926 13.3 [38..152]
Uranus = 20Sc34 r 0n21 17s33 Lib 18.7 84 0.8
XA255 = 20Ta46 10s11 8n07 Tau 35.7 163 12.7 [9..50]
VQ94 = 20Ar51 32s42 22s07 Cet 43.2 2700 70.6 [7..381]
AZ84 = 21Ge26 2s35 20n35 Tau 46.6 250 13.5 [33..47]
GO9 = 21Ge37 6s57 16n14 Tau 21.4 86 12.8 [14..25]
LE31 = 22Le01 r 19n20 32n20 LMi 7.4 23 152.1 [4..12]
FY9 = 22Le12 r 26n51 39n11 LMi 49.5 310 29.0 [39..53]
SQ73 = 22Sc20 r 10s20 28s19 Lib 16.8 73 17.4 [14..21]
Mars = 22Pi27 1s01 3s56 Aqr 1.4 2 1.8
96PW = 22Vi34 r 15n45 17n22 Com 34.8 3608 29.7 [3..468]
GZ32 = 22Ca51 r 2n08 23n36 Gem 26.9 112 15.0 [18..28]
KX14 = 23Li09 r 0s25 9s23 Vir 40.4 243 0.4 [37..40]
CZ118 = 23Le45 r 10n33 23n32 Leo 55.8 1267 27.7 [38..196]
UR163 = 23Pi48 0n35 1s56 Psc 43.0 367 0.8 [37..66]
Pholus = 24Pi09 19s28 20s07 Cet 18.6 91 24.7 [9..32]
Cyllarus = 24Cp12 10s47 31s53 Sgr 18.9 133 12.6 [16..36]
Dioretsa = 25Pi42 16s33 16s51 Cet 31.8 117 160.3 [2..45]
QB243 = 25Vi47 r 3s11 1s15 Vir 21.2 206 6.8 [15..55]
XX143 = 26Ar28 6s05 4n32 Psc 12.0 76 6.8 [10..26]
CC22 = 26Ar55 5s41 5n04 Psc 8.7 20 6.5 [4..10]
UX25 = 27Pi02 9n04 7n08 Psc 45.7 278 19.5 [36..49]
NN8 = 27Ta08 13n51 32n57 Per 43.9 891 165.4 [2..183]
Damocles = 27Aq16 19n37 6n03 Peg 19.3 40 62.2 [2..22]
Elatus = 27Li25 r 5n11 5s43 Vir 17.6 45 5.6 [7..18]
Thereus = 27Ge37 18s43 4n43 Ori 12.6 35 20.4 [9..13]
Orcus = 28Ca03 r 11s01 9n45 CMi 45.0 248 20.5 [31..48]
Chariklo = 28Ar12 22n16 31n27 Psc 18.0 63 23.4 [13..18]
GB32 = 28Le31 r 6s46 5n38 Sex 48.0 3168 14.2 [35..396]
Radamantu= 28Le37 r 8n29 19n53 Leo 35.3 247 12.7 [33..46]
RP120 = 28Li42 r 18s47 28s27 Hya 39.8 411 119.1 [2..108]
Hephaisto= 28Ar53 1n13 12n13 Ari 3.0 3 11.9 [0..4]
Jupiter = 29Ca01 0n41 21n02 Cnc 5.3 12 1.3
Venus = 29Aq05 0s32 12s18 Aqr 0.7 1 3.4
OX3 = 29Sa28 0n05 23s21 Sgr 37.8 180 3.3 [17..46]
Deucalion= 29Vi29 r 0n18 0n29 Vir 45.0 295 0.4 [42..47]
BL41 = 29Li49 r 14s01 24s27 Hya 12.0 31 13.4 [7..13]
XZ255 = 29Aq50 2s20 13s43 Aqr 15.5 63 2.6 [15..16]
DA62 = 29Ta52 34n39 53n35 Per 7.4 21 52.3 [4..11]
TL66 = 29Pi54 14n52 13n35 Peg 39.2 756 24.0 [35..131]
BU48 = 29Ta58 13s05 7n21 Tau 20.5 193 14.2 [21..46]
Cuvier 19 Ca 23
Flammario 4 Sc 19
Nephele 3 Aq 20
Flammeus 15 Ta 21
Focused Minor Planets
Orcus = 28 Ca 03 r
Jupiter = 29 Ca 01
TL66 = 29 Pi 54 Trine
UX25 = 27 Pi 02
Venus = 29 Aq 05 Quincunx
OX3 = 29 Sa 28
Orcus is at the point of a yod with Venus and OX3 sextiles
Hephaistos= 28 Ar 53 Square
AW197 = 19 Ca 46 r
Hylonome = 20 Ca 10 r
Cuvier = 19 Ca 23
Neptune = 20 Sa 29 r Quincunx
Uranus = 20 Sc 34 r Trine
Pluto = 18 Li 09 r Square
VQ94 = 20 Ar 51
FY128 = 19 Le 38 r Semisextile
Apogee = 5 Vi 22 r Semisquare
TL66 = 29 Pi 54
Jupiter = 29 Ca 01 Trine
Orcus = 28 Ca 03 r
Venus = 29 Aq 05 Semisextile
Hephaistos= 28 Ar 53
OX3 = 29 Sa 28 Square
Flammeus = 15 Ta 21 Semisquare
OO67 = 0 Cp 50
RZ215 = 2 Cp 21
CF119 = 0 Ca 31
Mercury = 0 Ar 03 r Square
Chaos = 0 Ta 53 Trine
MD10 = 1 Li 13 r Square
RD215 = 2 Pi 09 Sextile
RZ214 = 1 Pi 14
OM67 = 0 Aq 58 Semisextile
MS4 = 1 Sa 18 r
FX128 = 11 Ge 21
TD10 = 9 Sa 49 r
Moon = 10 Ar 30 Sextile
QB1 = 11 Pi 03 Square
Vertex = 10 Vi 56
TO66 = 10 Pi 29
SB60 = 11 Aq 47 Trine
Astrological Setting (Sidereal - Fagan/Bradley)
Using RIYAL 2.11
RIYAL Wed March 28 1979 UT 9h00m00s Lat40n09 Lon76w43 SORT ALL
Dioretsa = 1Pi15 16s33 16s51 Cet 31.8 117 160.3 [2..45]
QB243 = 1Vi20 r 3s11 1s15 Vir 21.2 206 6.8 [15..55]
XX143 = 2Ar01 6s05 4n32 Psc 12.0 76 6.8 [10..26]
CC22 = 2Ar28 5s41 5n04 Psc 8.7 20 6.5 [4..10]
UX25 = 2Pi35 9n04 7n08 Psc 45.7 278 19.5 [36..49]
NN8 = 2Ta42 13n51 32n58 Per 43.9 891 165.4 [2..183]
Damocles = 2Aq49 19n37 6n03 Peg 19.3 40 62.2 [2..22]
Elatus = 2Li58 r 5n11 5s43 Vir 17.6 45 5.6 [7..18]
Thereus = 3Ge10 18s43 4n43 Ori 12.6 35 20.4 [9..13]
Orcus = 3Ca36 r 11s01 9n45 CMi 45.0 248 20.5 [31..48]
Chariklo = 3Ar45 22n16 31n27 Psc 18.0 63 23.4 [13..18]
GB32 = 4Le04 r 6s46 5n38 Sex 48.0 3168 14.2 [35..396]
Radamantu= 4Le10 r 8n29 19n53 Leo 35.3 247 12.7 [33..46]
RP120 = 4Li15 r 18s47 28s27 Hya 39.8 411 119.1 [2..108]
Hephaisto= 4Ar26 1n13 12n13 Ari 3.0 3 11.9 [0..4]
Jupiter = 4Ca34 0n41 21n02 Cnc 5.3 12 1.3
Venus = 4Aq39 0s32 12s18 Aqr 0.7 1 3.4
OX3 = 5Sa01 0n05 23s21 Sgr 37.8 180 3.3 [17..46]
Deucalion= 5Vi02 r 0n18 0n29 Vir 45.0 295 0.4 [42..47]
BL41 = 5Li22 r 14s01 24s27 Hya 12.0 31 13.4 [7..13]
XZ255 = 5Aq23 2s20 13s43 Aqr 15.5 63 2.6 [15..16]
DA62 = 5Ta25 34n39 53n35 Per 7.4 21 52.3 [4..11]
TL66 = 5Pi27 14n52 13n35 Peg 39.2 756 24.0 [35..131]
BU48 = 5Ta31 13s05 7n21 Tau 20.5 193 14.2 [21..46]
Mercury = 5Pi36 r 2n29 2n18 Psc 0.4 0 7.0
VU2 = 5Cp54 9n24 10s53 Aql 7.9 18 13.8 [3..11]
CF119 = 6Ge04 10n32 33n59 Aur 45.2 858 19.7 [39..142]
PN34 = 6Vi07 r 15s18 14s14 Crt 27.7 173 16.6 [13..49]
OO67 = 6Sa23 16n15 7s11 Oph 38.7 12204 20.1 [21..1039
Chaos = 6Ar26 3s45 8n16 Psc 44.1 309 12.0 [41..51]
OM67 = 6Cp31 11s03 30s42 Sgr 39.9 957 23.4 [39..155]
MD10 = 6Vi46 r 60s22 53s17 Vel 31.6 135 59.1 [2..51]
RZ214 = 6Aq47 18n10 5n59 Peg 36.7 765 20.5 [37..131]
MS4 = 6Sc51 r 7n39 12s56 Sco 47.6 269 17.7 [36..48]
XS35 = 7Li01 r 6n26 5s57 Vir 30.1 76 19.5 [1..35]
KF77 = 7Le11 r 2n59 13n40 Leo 28.7 133 4.3 [20..32]
CO104 = 7Ta12 2n49 23n15 Tau 22.3 119 3.1 [21..28]
RD215 = 7Aq42 22n08 9n59 Peg 38.5 1323 25.9 [38..203]
HE46 = 7Ar45 20s39 7s12 Cet 32.0 115 158.5 [2..45]
Hidalgo = 7Li51 r 7s17 19s06 Vir 5.9 14 42.4 [2..10]
RZ215 = 7Sa54 24s18 47s43 Tel 35.8 1009 25.5 [31..170]
Pylenor = 8Sc10 r 5n33 15s15 Sco 12.9 69 5.4 [12..22]
VR130 = 8Sa12 3n33 19s52 Sgr 24.8 112 3.5 [15..32]
Pelion = 8Li33 r 9n47 3s18 Vir 18.8 90 9.4 [17..23]
QF6 = 9Sc01 r 26n01 4n44 Her 8.7 19 24.3 [2..12]
Icarus = 9Aq19 11s35 20s54 Aqr 1.6 1 22.9 [0..2]
Huya = 9Le42 r 3s55 6n20 Sex 35.1 250 15.4 [29..51]
RN109 = 10Li08 r 48n36 32n36 CrB 43.8 32728 57.8 [3..2044]
WU24 = 10Sc34 r 31n18 9n42 Her 26.1 56 42.9 [1..28]
Sedna = 10Ar44 11s13 2n39 Cet 98.5 11921 11.9 [76..968]
Apogee = 10Le55 r 1s07 8n31 Leo
Midheav = 10Sc56 0n00 21s12 Sco
CY118 = 11Ca52 r 15s38 3n31 Hya 40.9 885 25.5 [35..150]
HL3 = 12Pi07 27n59 28n04 Peg 18.4 38 35.7 [2..21]
TX300 = 12Aq30 5n36 3s45 Aqr 38.6 282 25.9 [38..48]
Sun = 12Pi38 0n00 2n49 Psc 1.0 1 0.0
FZ53 = 12Ar47 10s47 3n43 Cet 18.5 117 34.9 [12..35]
Chiron = 12Ar54 1s08 12n54 Ari 17.4 51 6.9 [8..19]
Saturn = 14Le06 r 2n03 10n15 Leo 9.3 30 2.5
TC302 = 14Pi50 9s36 5s09 Cet 54.4 410 35.1 [39..71]
TD10 = 15Sc22 r 5n25 16s34 Oph 31.9 916 6.0 [12..176]
TO66 = 16Aq02 7s31 14s35 Aqr 43.8 283 27.5 [38..48]
QD112 = 16Ca02 r 11n06 28n16 Cnc 23.5 83 14.5 [8..30]
Moon = 16Pi03 2s04 2n15 Cet 1.0 0 5.3
RG33 = 16Ge13 34n59 57n49 Lyn 15.9 30 35.1 [2..17]
Nessus = 16Ge13 15n02 37n59 Aur 19.2 124 15.6 [12..38]
Okyrhoe = 16Ar19 11s10 4n26 Cet 8.2 24 15.6 [6..11]
Vertex = 16Le29
Varuna = 16Ta35 7s18 14n52 Tau 41.9 283 17.1 [41..45]
QB1 = 16Aq36 0s41 8s03 Aqr 41.1 289 2.2 [41..47]
FX128 = 16Ta54 21s43 0n37 Ori 22.4 1064 22.3 [18..191]
SB60 = 17Cp20 12n38 5s05 Aqr 41.0 270 24.0 [37..46]
Quaoar = 17Li36 r 4n25 11s15 Lib 44.2 286 8.0 [42..45]
VS2 = 17Pi45 13n34 17n16 Psc 37.1 247 14.8 [36..42]
DH5 = 17Pi46 13s00 7s09 Cet 21.7 103 22.5 [14..30]
Bienor = 18Sc24 r 21s13 43s21 Nor 17.6 67 20.7 [13..20]
OP32 = 18Sa36 26n50 3n55 Ser 39.1 282 27.2 [39..47]
Ixion = 18Li50 r 9n44 6s32 Lib 47.0 248 19.7 [30..49]
QJ1 = 18Ca55 r 1s41 15n12 Cnc 20.8 39 23.3 [2..21]
YH32 = 19Sc40 r 55s37 76s43 Aps 7.3 23 79.1 [4..13]
UB313 = 19Pi45 19s13 12s07 Cet 97.6 557 44.0 [38..98]
CR46 = 20Ar03 1n55 18n01 Ari 31.2 234 2.4 [18..58]
WN188 = 20Aq10 17s38 22s14 Aqr 26.3 54 27.1 [2..26]
EC98 = 20Cp22 2n51 13s40 Aqr 6.0 35 4.3 [6..16]
PA44 = 20Ge23 r 3s11 19n27 Gem 24.7 53 3.3 [3..25]
CE10 = 20Li26 r 35s40 49s43 Cen 13.4 31 145.4 [2..18]
Phaethon = 20Ar42 1n52 18n10 Ari 1.1 1 22.0 [0..2]
FZ173 = 20Ca51 r 9n19 25n08 Leo 41.8 810 12.7 [33..141]
TY364 = 21Aq09 10s47 15s35 Aqr 41.0 241 24.9 [36..41]
Talos = 21Aq54 1n56 3s36 Aqr 1.7 1 23.3 [0..2]
EL61 = 22Le06 r 21n15 24n45 Leo 51.3 285 28.1 [35..52]
FP185 = 22Ca10 r 21s49 5s00 Hya 41.7 3427 30.8 [34..420]
GM137 = 22Vi36 r 17n46 9n43 Vir 7.0 22 15.9 [7..9]
Heracles = 22Pi47 6n15 12n32 Psc 2.5 2 9.2 [0..3]
Ascend = 22Cp55 0n00 15s38 Cap
GV9 = 22Le58 r 22s20 15s34 Hya 38.8 275 22.0 [39..46]
Node = 23Le00 r 0n00 4n58 Leo
CR105 = 23Ge02 r 7s55 14n27 Gem 45.7 3489 22.7 [44..416]
CO1 = 23Ar36 9s32 8n02 Cet 26.6 95 19.7 [11..31]
Pluto = 23Vi42 r 17n41 9n15 Vir 30.3 250 17.1 [30..50]
PJ30 = 23Sc52 r 3s25 26s19 Oph 29.3 1380 5.6 [29..219]
Asbolus = 23Ca56 r 13n09 27n46 Leo 26.0 77 17.6 [7..29]
GB10 = 24Ta12 10n47 33n42 Aur 25.2 126 13.3 [15..35]
DG8 = 24Sc19 r 26n08 3n05 Oph 18.5 35 129.6 [2..19]
WL7 = 24Sa35 10s57 32s56 Sgr 23.3 87 11.3 [15..24]
FY128 = 25Ca12 r 4n18 19n00 Leo 37.3 353 11.7 [37..63]
AW197 = 25Ge19 r 2n52 24n49 Gem 49.9 328 24.3 [41..54]
Hylonome = 25Ge43 r 3s48 18n10 Gem 21.8 127 4.1 [19..32]
AB229 = 26Cp00 13n41 1s40 Aqr 36.4 352 69.3 [2..97]
Neptune = 26Sc02 r 1n26 21s41 Oph 30.3 164 1.8
GQ21 = 26Le06 r 5s25 1s14 Leo 39.1 926 13.3 [38..152]
Uranus = 26Li07 r 0n21 17s34 Lib 18.7 84 0.8
XA255 = 26Ar19 10s11 8n07 Tau 35.7 163 12.7 [9..50]
VQ94 = 26Pi24 32s42 22s07 Cet 43.2 2700 70.6 [7..381]
AZ84 = 26Ta59 2s35 20n35 Tau 46.6 250 13.5 [33..47]
GO9 = 27Ta10 6s57 16n14 Tau 21.4 86 12.8 [14..25]
LE31 = 27Ca34 r 19n20 32n20 LMi 7.4 23 152.1 [4..12]
FY9 = 27Ca45 r 26n51 39n11 LMi 49.5 310 29.0 [39..53]
SQ73 = 27Li53 r 10s20 28s19 Lib 16.8 73 17.4 [14..21]
Mars = 28Aq00 1s01 3s56 Aqr 1.4 2 1.8
96PW = 28Le07 r 15n45 17n22 Com 34.8 3608 29.7 [3..468]
GZ32 = 28Ge24 r 2n08 23n36 Gem 26.9 112 15.0 [18..28]
KX14 = 28Vi42 r 0s25 9s23 Vir 40.4 243 0.4 [37..40]
CZ118 = 29Ca18 r 10n33 23n32 Leo 55.8 1267 27.7 [38..196]
UR163 = 29Aq21 0n35 1s56 Psc 43.0 367 0.8 [37..66]
Pholus = 29Aq42 19s28 20s07 Cet 18.6 91 24.7 [9..32]
Cyllarus = 29Sa45 10s47 31s53 Sgr 18.9 133 12.6 [16..36]
Cuvier 24 Ge 56
Flammario 9 Li 52
Nephele 8 Cp 53
Flammeus 20 Ar 54
Focused Minor Planets
Orcus = 3 Ca 36 r
Jupiter = 4 Ca 34
TL66 = 5 Pi 27 Trine
UX25 = 2 Pi 35
Venus = 4 Aq 39 Quincunx
OX3 = 5 Sa 01
Orcus is at the point of a yod with Venus and OX3 sextiles
Hephaistos = 4 Ar 26 Square
AW197 = 25 Ge 19 r
Hylonome = 25 Ge 43 r
Cuvier = 24 Ge 56
Neptune = 26 Sc 02 r Quincunx
Uranus = 26 Li 07 r Trine
Pluto = 23 Vi 42 r Square
VQ94 = 26 Pi 24
FY128 = 25 Ca 09 r Semisextile
Apogee = 10 Le 55 r Semisquare
TL66 = 5 Pi 27
Jupiter = 4 Ca 34 Trine
Orcus = 3 Ca 36 r
Venus = 4 Aq 39Semisextile
Hephaistos = 4 Ar 26
OX3 = 5 Sa 01 Square
Flammeus = 20 Ar 54 Semisquare
OO67 = 6 Sa 23
RZ215 = 7 Sa 54
CF119 = 6 Ge 04
Mercury = 5 Pi 36 r Square
Chaos = 6 Ar 26 Trine
RD215 = 7 Aq 42 Sextile
RZ214 = 6 Aq 47
OM67 = 6 Cp 31 Semisextile
EC98 = 20 Cp 21 Semisquare
Chaos = 6 Ar 26
Mercury = 5 Pi 36 r Semisextile
OO67 = 6 Sa 23 Trine
RZ215 = 7 Sa 54
CF119 = 6 Ge 04 Sextile
RZ214 = 6 Aq 47
RD215 = 7 Aq 42
OM67 = 6 Cp 31 Square
FX128 = 16 Ta 54
Varuna = 16 Ta 35
TD10 = 15 Sc 22 r
Moon = 16 Pi 03 Sextile
SB60 = 17 Cp 20 Trine
QB1 = 16 Aq 36 Square
TO66 = 16 Aq 02
Vertex = 16 Le 29
Methodology about Orcus (2004 DW):
In the metaphor building process, a starting point may be to search a paradigm that seems to be in tune with the assumed orbital paradigm for a Plutino such as Orcus (2004 DW).
Chernobyl catastrophe may be a proper paradigm to start a research about Orcus (2004 DW). References are made to message # 25825:
The methodological approach is repeated here, waiting for some further refinements. Three Mile Island Accident was a "tentative, aborted Chernobyl".
"Chernobyl' has become a metaphor not only for the horror of uncontrolled nuclear power but alsofor the collapsing Soviet system and its reflexive secrecy and deception, disregard for the safety and welfare of workers and their families, and inability to deliver basic services such as health care and transportation, especially in crisis situations. The Chernobyl' catastrophe derailed what had been an ambitious nuclear power program and formed a fledgling environmental movement into a potent political force in Russia as well as a rallying point for achieving Ukrainian and Belorussian independence in 1991. Although still in operation, the Chernobyl' plant is scheduled for total shutdown before the year 2000. The power station will be replaced by a thermal energy giant".
Chernobyl is a "Cindynic Paradigm" (cindynic is a Greek word for "danger"):
"In light of the scientific discourse, be it from the exact sciences or
from the social sciences, it is understood that the man of the future
is doomed to an early death, if not from brutal destruction by some
part of humanity, then at least from total alienation in a
programmed society."
L.-V. Thomas, Anthropologie des obsessions, 1988.
"For eleven years, researchers who come from different backgrounds and disciplines from most of the industrial countries - if not producers of nuclear energy - have tried to comprehend and evaluate, within their own field of study, the consequences of the explosion of the Ukrainian reactor. Now, we would like to show in particular that these attempts and this project of global apprehension with respect to this event, labelled in terms of accident, damage, disaster or catastrophe, can also be considered as one of its consequences 1 , and not the least important one. One of the essential repercussions of the Chernobyl accident could effectively be its contribution to the emergence and the consolidation of a cindynical ethic which has been conditioned to make the catastrophe banal. If not in the appraisal of its consequences, the Chernobyl disaster, along with other major technological disasters, has been made commonplace because of the efforts - demanded by this ethic - undertaken to draw out the lessons of what, occurring there, could be repeated. Moreover, if the question of information constitutes an essential preoccupation in the risk management framework, it is necessary to approach it while taking into consideration a number of factors regarding the upheavals occurring in the scientific field and the uncertainties which characterise the knowledge that can be mobilised.
Independently of the question of "behaviour" and the future of the sarcophagus, numerous research has been done principally around three main points: health, environmental and psychosociological".
"This notion of "renewed experience", dear to the nuclear safety specialists and heretofore used in the other high-risk industrial sectors, has a double interest :
it allows, on one hand, to step away from the impossibility of implementation in the nuclear domain, the usual scientific procedure of trial and error
it presents the incontestable advantage of operating an axiological inversion, which creates ambivalence toward a major technological catastrophe.
In fact, this no longer appears only as "what never should have happened", a terrifying and unexpected demonstration of the malice of the Promethean project - all the more since we have become aware after the fact that it could have been avoided-, but has acquired a type of pedagogical virtue since it has become, through its painful social and territorial incarnation, a source of knowledge and teaching - inevitably new - for an indeterminate period of time. From the first counter-measures taken by the national authorities in the urgency of the accident to the health, social and economic consequences ... in the long term of the accident, the plural dimensions of this singular reality were the object of many investigations aiming to extract the lessons of the completed disaster, which cannot merely be deplored. This way, the tragic experience, due to the lack of technological mastery by the men who had created it, is transformed into a collective experimentation and paradoxically gives them the occasion to show their abilities to take up the challenge of an ever more rational management of the risks and the activities which produce them, to seize again what had, for a moment, escaped them. From an event which was born out of absurdity and chance, marking the failure of rationality, mankind still manages to extract the legitimacy of their pretentiousness and their determination to envisage and build their future in a rational manner. Thus, in a scholarly and euphemised way, the proverb can be found : "There is good in misfortune", but henceforth, the pedagogy of misfortune written in popular common sense is presented under the form of an obligation, the obligation to act in order to ward out the dangers. The range of contemporary catastrophes has forced modern societies to encourage action which comes from this suggestion turned postulate: mankind does not have the right to commit suicide. So, the slow-moving yet constantly evolving catastrophe, which is Chernobyl, should allow societies to better protect themselves from coming catastrophes.
Therefore, we could say that, far from questioning the management procedures by showing the limits of the will of prevention and the mastery of the risks involved, the catastrophe's irruption in reality contributes, on the contrary, to establishing its legitimacy, to imposing its necessity, all the more so when it is of a technological origin and when the question of human responsibility - independent from the notions of fault or human error - is not submitted to discussion. Recognising a certain responsibility for certain dangers, risks and catastrophic phenomena, man no longer has any choice but to try to master them, the new imperative imposing itself as the essential figure of what is to be seen as an ethic which is true to the demands of techno-scientific societies. It is not, however, the question of the ethical responsibility as defined by the philosopher, H. Jonas, but rather of an ethic that would be defined as cindynical, referring to these new "danger sciences" , which appeared shortly after the Chernobyl accident.
Thus, all of the research which has been carried out in the Ukraine, Russia and Belarus since 1986, insofar as they attempt to improve the mechanisms which intend to warn of and manage the risks and that they come within the scope of the project of constructing a future based on shared experience, are ethically irreproachable. The conspiracy of threats which put the survival of humanity and the conservation of societies in danger effectively compel the implementation of ways to extract the all of the possible teachings from the catastrophes. "Who could contest the necessity of developing the knowledge and the means to avoid or to limit an accident or a disaster?" This question, asked by the sociologists H.-P. Jeudy , is not really a question, or it is one which already has an answer ; but this wording allows it to reveal one of the essential characteristics of the contemporary time, whose "monstrosity" is not found, according to him, within the catastrophe itself as it is in the relationship with the world that it establishes and perpetuates. Having become the central modern paradigm, the scapegoat of the ecologists as well as of the risk managers, it drives all of them to agree upon the imperious necessity of promoting learning from the catastrophes and rationally understanding the relationship between man and his environment in the perspective of universal risk management.
Faced with the multiplication and the proliferation of the threats and dangers which has lead many writers of the time, following E. Morin, to think in terms of the Damoclesian era, where the key to safeguarding humanity is found in its capacity to integrate catastrophe in its history and to prepare and build the future based on the lessons from the past. Thus, the amazing feat of techno-scientific societies consists in making each new deleterious manifestation of the technological developments a windfall which allows the security mechanisms to be improved. Each new disaster, nuclear or otherwise, far from putting the foundations of the legitimacy of modern societies in danger, contributes, on the contrary, toward reinforcing the mechanisms of security and the collective warnings by showing the ability of men to master the risks created by technology even better. To use an example from law, some researchers have ventured to show the forms of backlash in the courts. Some have evoked the "panic" in nuclear law, which has followed Chernobyl 8 , while others emphasise the new legal logic of the management of incertitude, which jurisprudence has introduced, following certain recent affairs (contaminated blood, asbestos and mad cow disease). If the range of the Chernobyl consequences demands an upheaval and justifies the fact that lawyers are panic-stricken, the elaboration of a jurisprudence of incertitude adapted to the diversity and complexity of contemporary phenomena, about which we can agree with I. Rieusset-Lemarié concerning the fact that they are characterised for the most part by the contagious logic of their propagation, would likely take several decades and would doubtless see some of the epidemic phenomena contribute to the construction of this future law. However, the limit of the teachings which has sprung from accidents, catastrophes and other crises would not be ignored in the first place within the nuclear domain, where experts recognise that the only thing they can be sure of is that the next catastrophe - experts speak more voluntarily about accidents - will be different, the Chernobyl accident not being, in their eyes, the accident of reference. But the contaminated territories of the three republics have allowed us to experiment the exercise of international solidarity and, since they bear the stigmatism of the catastrophe, to justify all of the procedures that try to make these places of witness into places of memory so that what happened there does not happen again. And if the improbable should happen, the collective terrain of experimentation which these territories have become, will have allowed if not the development of, at least the research for a new model of human survival. Nonetheless, the daily, practical and non-stop confrontation of contamination risk for the inhabitants of the contaminated zones also finds its _expression on the symbolic level since they must simultaneously live, or survive, while trying to resolve the unlovable equation formulated by H.-P. Jeudy in the form of another question : "How can one exist with the most absolute rationality of risk management?" While it is an interrogation which is as universal as management pretends to be, the question is asked with an intensity and pertinence that is particularly formidable for those people".
The entire range of disaster that are dangerous for many environments are the object of "cindynical researches" (computerized also):
Many disasters may be classified as "natural" (quakes, volcanic eruptions, etc.), but Nature is able to restore himself either quickly or gradually, always. The "human factor" aggravates the effects, transforming them as "chronic" and "without an end".
Perhaps, useful (even if some links are no longer working):
The Orcus/Sun/Pluto square, Orcus/Neptune quincunx seems to have a significant prominence in Chernobyl' catastrophe. Also, Orcus/Varuna semisquare may be not extraneous about Man's arrogance. Man continues to manipulate nuclear energy and is unconscious about the true "environmental annihilation" that Life is suffering in our Earth.
For Three Mile Island, Orcus/Jupiter conj and Orcus/TL66 trine may be a significant model for the "nature" of this "potential" catastrophe.
Paradoxically, in these days, Man is fascinated by Mars, a Planet that, maybe, "HAD water for Life". Man is fascinated by images that are an anticipation of identical images about the "future Earth". Mankind is born as a warrior for his survival. Now, an unsatisfied Mankind is making continue wars, not for his survival, but for the contrary. Mankind is just a "DW" in that 2004: a "Deadly Warrior" versus Nature.
Up to now, this is a rough starting point for metaphoras that may be related with 2004 DW, that is Orcus.
For tentative metaphoric extensions, related to structural/architectural changes in global environmental processes (a work in progress), reference are made to messages # 24690, # 24893 and # 25452:
OX3 is inserted in analyses about earthquakes, volcanoes, icy formations (polar ice caps, glaciers), damaged ecosystems, in order to obtain a coordination with previous researches about Hozone Hole-Global Warming, that have been carried out by other Centaurs List's members. I am hoping these researches will restart as soon as possible.
A brief note:
AW197 (Tekton?) has a strong position, with Pluto square, Uranus trine, Neptune quincunx. Perhaps, a significant correlation with the Nuclear Plant, that is: a failure in a "Complex Assemblage", with lost "Structural Equilibria" in an "Earth's Resource", such as Uranium. As a consequence, we have a damaged "Dynamic Structure" that it is substituted by many dangers as expressed, perhaps, by Orcus (2004 DW).